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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. They used Florida voting software....
  2. Don't forget "superhot" women....
  3. I bought some from ebay some time ago. I was going to mount them on something else and didn't. Iwill try to find how much I paid and let you know. I will send for your address when i find them. p.s. they fit an 04 Ballabio
  4. The dealer for Powercommander had the best and easiest test to se if your "chip" is out of tune or at fault. Take the device out of circuit and ride the bike.If it is no different you know the device is not at fault and you should look elsewhere.
  5. I have been given about 300(circa 1964-88) record albums from a friend. I then spent about $200 getting the tunntable connected to my hi-tech 5.1 digital moneypit. I then turned on Ted Nugent .The record was warped just enough the first song was over in about three skips.second was my favorite..."Motor City Madhouse"... Hmmm, I don't remember this much noise? Second,third,fourth and fifth lp. Same results. A.M. radio in a lightning storm sound quality. After ten or more of these ( I like to be sure) same results I resigned myself to listening to the c.d.s and looking at the cool album covers. These things did appeared more alive when I was younger and smoking Kentucky's other cash crop. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. At least I was able to give The Pink Floyd,AC/DC,Black Sabbath lps to my girlfriend's sons for conversation pieces. And to Belfastguzzi, there is a "Mountain" double lp if you want it. p.s. I found out cats and turntables do NOT mix!
  6. are you running a Powercommander or any like product? My 03 was running like crap (as yours) after a TPS and throttle body adjustment it was worse. I was ready to burn the bike to the ground til I went to a shop that sold and serviced PC products. One remapping download and my stumble was gone FOREVER!
  7. I woner what kind of fool justifies that kind of behavior? It's unfortunate he is a U.S citizen?
  8. My 87 SE used to until i learned the cure. Keep the tach between 5000 and 7800 rpm and you will have NO problems. I promise.... p.s. i thought the 1100 sport was carb.?
  9. What is a "radial master cylinder" ?
  10. Vincent : Black Shadow , the most seductive, erotic metal object on two wheels. What other motorcycle has a picture of a speedo-clad idiot (for wearing only underwear) going 150mph on salt?
  11. Can you post a pic ? Is the joint loose ?
  12. Send them to my address and I will tell you how they fit.
  13. I can't look at the bike long enough to tell the make?!
  14. Please inspect the wiring harness and connectors first.
  15. Fortunately there are some that long. They are a treat!!!!!!!!!1
  16. The only fluids you want in (or on for that matter)a brake or clutch hudraulic system is brake fluid. In an emergency you can use water. but this JUST to get you where you can service the hydraulic system. NEVER use any petroleum product in,on or around these rubber parts. If you would like to see what happens put brake rubber parts in gasoline overnight. If you are servicing these parts wash them with Brake-Kleen or products for use on brake parts. Since the clutch hydraulic system is basically one half of a brake caliper, treat it as a brake system. As far as I know DOT 4 and 5 fluid has a blue dye to distinguish it from DOT 3 . It has been said on this forum not to mix DOT and silicone fluid. It is not compatible? The easiest way to bleed the clutch (if you do not have enough tools and octupus arms) is to remove the rear wheel to gain access to the bleeder screw. You are only going to do this once anyway. you can find a long section of vacuum hose to go over the bleeder screw (after removing the dust cap) and then put the other end in an almost full clear bottle of brake fluid. you can either gravity bleed like me or slowly work the clutch lever until the fluid needs to be added to the reservoir. Do this tli you are satisfied the old fluid is gone.Tighten the bleeder screw ,then replace lost fluid, install the cover and work the clutch to see that it works properly. After you are satisfied it is OK then you can install the rear wheel. If you need more help call me... 270-335-5374
  17. Chapparall is about as good as any!
  18. "Whoop-diddy-doooo"!!!!!!!!! * I hope you got custody, if not, she has your heart by the balls 'til their old enough to leave. * The Wedding Singer
  19. Can you show us pics of the Mavic wheels?
  20. Don't those "vikings" know how to use a depthfinder?
  21. Don't use the clutch ( I assume you know how) when you shift gears to see if you get the same noise. I have ridden my bike w/out ear plugs or helmet and the drivetrain makes more noise than the family H Farmall tractor. UGH! I thought about pushing it home. I guess I'll run it till this winter and dismantle it when I paint the engine block krinkle-black instead of the cooked roofing tar finish .
  22. A 6pack on the right ? Udderly incredible!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Put a CF bikini fairing on it and let er' go.... the fuel tank's beauty is exposed and it looks (lighter) better!
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