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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. Italian firms ues the suffix at the end of their names " S.r.l. or S.p.a." . Is this something similar to Inc. or Ltd.? Just curious!
  2. I don't want to sound loke a "smart-alec" but have you checked the TPS with a DVOM (digital meter) to see if it is bad?
  3. Are you using a dyno to arrive at these "hp" figures?
  4. Joe sold the Greenie last month to a guy who was going to put it "in his living room" to admire. That was what Joe reported.....
  5. I am pretty sure Eish Enterprises in Salineville,Ohio is (or was) a dealer for G/B motorcycles. 330-738-3944 is the #. Let it ring, Joe is around 78 yrs young and is not in a big hurry! He is a pleasure to talk to so take your time!!!!!!!
  6. If you have BALLS you can remove the solenoid end cap. Any work needed in the solenoid will be cleaning the contacts and contact disc. The end of the solenoid (should be) is crimped or rolled. You can take a die grinder and notch in four equal spots to where you can pry this roll back to remove the plastic end cap. Then inspect the contacts and disc. Buff these items with a "Roloc" disc and reinstall using a smear of silicone sealant. Tap the crimped area back in place (I don't remember if this end cap is indexed or not) and make sure it is not loose. The only thing to maintain inside the starting motor are the brushes,commutator, bushings and lever. Euromoto (I think) advertises in the MGNOC newsletter can help with parts. HTH!
  7. Unless you KNOW what you are doing, pulling the starter and "looking at it" will do you no good. Tske the starter to a reputable rebuilder,explain the symptoms and ask for help.
  8. Sounds like a god deal.If you can get a member to look at it with you they will know to look at or for. What do you currently ride? Be forewarned these are addictive and love attention...Don't let $500 keep you.... I missed the dream of dreams because I stumbled over $500
  9. BUY the factory stand. One lift with one and you will be hooked. If you have ever watched a bike fall over it happens REALLLLLLLLLLLL slow. The farther away you are standing and the slower it falls. Just say "timberrrrr" when it falls.
  10. A PowerCommander (or something like it) is what any fuel injected GUZZI needs. These are set-up lean and will not run as good as they are capable without this modification. I found a seller/service center who dialed my bike IN ! The best money you could ever spend.
  11. Rear tire - some like the smaller rim/tire for better handling. Look through ALL threads before staying with or getting a larger rim/tire combination. Clutch hydraulic fluid- this is best serviced with the rear wheel removed. You can also grease all three driveshaft fittings. I don't remember who had the best device. It is a 18" long pipe with a 55 degree (torch assisted ) bend at the end of the pipe. You wll see by the illustrations. Use a synthetic DOT 4 fluid. It is not hygroscopic (absorbs moisture) and is compatable with DOT 3 fluid. Also grease the splines where the wheel goes on the rear hub.
  12. Mad Max........ now that's good !
  13. The jugs on my bikes do not look this good !!!!!!!!!
  14. Has anyone counted the number of views for this post ?
  15. Just kidding!
  16. I understand completely. I took a 2 yr. spin at teaching auto technology at the Vocational School here in my county. I felt like Robert Oppenheimer in a mental institution. I graduated 120 out of 127 in 1974. It was the most eye opening event EVER. The students were plain unware and the leadership should have been executed. Any state behind Kentucky is in poor shape. p.s. I think corporal punishment should be directed toward the administration.
  17. Time for a "group hug" !
  18. Speaker's Cycle in Steubenville,Ohio has them (in the MGNOC newsletter) as available.
  19. That's good!!!!!!!!!
  20. Are they both MagnetiMarelli ? You don't need to drill holes in anything. You can introduce things you don't want in the TPS. Anything you spray into the sensor should or could cause problems. A conductor like "anti-sieze", if it is placed in the TPS WILL cause problems. BTW, how much is the TPS from Guzzi? I would consider patronizing them first! They have to stay in business too.
  21. #1 Do you own and can you use a (digital volt/ohm meter) DVOM? If so, hook it up and watch a "sweep" of the entire range of the TPS voltage. Do this slowly and watch for glitches. It wil probably be ok, since the majority of wear will be at normal (highway speed) throttle opening. #2 Does this bike have ANY modifications? If it has a Powercommander or any device in the circuit between the wiring harness and ECM, unhook it and run it without it to see if the problem is still there. If it changes, the Powercommander needs to be "remapped". This should be done by a professional. They know what to look for in changing parameters on the remapping. HTH!!!!!!!!
  22. WTF ? Are you a physicist (sp)? I had to get a dictionary to read your post. BTW, it was FUNNY!
  23. Rossi finally winning there and kissing the asphalt, Stoner and his Ducati overshooting a turn, getting off, getting up w/out stalling and still coming in 2nd way out in front..... WOW!!!!!!!!!
  24. You sound like Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson rolled into one !!!!!!!!!! Did you put this on youtube?
  25. Old is a moving standard.I can remember when 51 was old. Now 71 is the "new" old!
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