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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. That is a "sanitary" set-up on the starter button. Take some more pictures of things you have done. p.s. You can touch 12v with wet hands and at best will get a "tingle". You have to get up to around 40v to feel anything. I think electric fences for farming have 60v dc.
  2. You will HAVE to purchase a PowerCommander and get it "mapped" for your mods. These bikes come from the factory "out of adjustment", being calibrated (my personal opinon) for the climate and altitude for Italy. This will be the best modification you can do! BTW, what did the spark plugs look like before the modification?
  3. gstallons


    MOTO-International or Eish Enterprises can get you one. BTW they are NOT cheap!!!! I lost 2 on my 87 LM.
  4. Hmmmmmmm........ did you win? Do you know a good (heli-arc) welder? I looked at the prices.Yeow!
  5. Would you consider CF coating the tailpiece ? I would be glad to pay you to do one?
  6. Not being stupid but what happened to your lever ?
  7. There is NO cleaning abilities to a oxygen (lambda) sensor . The only thing you can do to test these is to tap into the sensor with a DVOM to test the switching voltage swing from 150 -800 mv. This should swing quickly and not staying low or high. Visual inspecting the sensor will not tell you much. I do not know the cost of these sensors for bikes, automotive oxygen sensor cost from $40-$400. If they're not too expensive it would not be a bad "normal maintenance" item.
  8. Many spark plug caps have a 5-6k ohm resistor in them that can "open" and fail.These can be tested with an ohmeter.
  9. Does his happen to the other side? There is a good chance you can do this to ALL V11 bikes.
  10. You can buy a spark tester at an auto parts store.It will look like a spark plug with an alligator clip. There is no visible ground or center electrode. This to cause a "test" of the coil to jump this distance for a good spark. If there is no spark, you probably have a bad ign. coil.
  11. If you don't own a parts and or service manual, get a cd or dvd version. I bought one from guzzitech ( I think) for a cd version and it has been one of my best investments. You can print one page or the entire manual.This is better than thinking or guessing when disassembling or upon reassembly whan all those parts look so unfamiliar. "Look before you break". If you get the pages dirty throw them away and print some more.
  12. gstallons


    If you do NOT experience or hear "pinging" or spark knock you will not have trouble. You can refill the tank as soon as possible to dilute the regular fuel.
  13. Can you tell me how I can contact these people. I would like to buy the fuel tank,plastic and bodywork. I have a SE and would like to have back-up parts "just-in-case"!
  14. I'll give it a go. Respond to me privately with his ph # & other info.
  15. Lucky !
  16. You have got to be bullshitting me!
  17. I hope you soldered and used heat shrink on the connections?
  18. YUASA brand YTX 15L-BS battery. You can go big bucks for Odyssey brand. I don't know the part #. Leave the cables hooked up. Battery tender 24 hrs. once a month if you are not riding the bike.
  19. If you speak three languages you are multilingual, if you speak two languages you are bilingual, if you speak one language you are American
  20. Go to a Auto parts store and buy a "Bosch" style noid light to see if there is fuel injector pulse on that connector. If so ( and you suspect the injector) you need to send both injectors to Lindertech in Indiana to have them tested and flow-rated for your own satisfaction. If you have time and can , swap sides to see if the injector misses on the opposite side! It will be cheapest if you did this step FIRST!!!!!
  21. Beautiful picture!!!
  22. That's greek to me ?
  23. #1 how long have you owned the bike? #2 howlong has this bike acted like this? #3 did it do this after the mods(pipes,csns)? #4did you hear the fuel pump energize when you were stalled? #5 is the fuel pump mounted in the tank or on the frame rail ? I assume you were refueling and then the bike would not start. This rules out "tank suck".
  24. Good decision! The naked look shows the beauty of the fuel tank. I don't know about wind buffeting w/out (trade-off) any fairing? When it's all said and done, keep all the stock (just in case) stuff and go with the nudie. I thought I was buying a LeMans and got a Sport. I dont' regret it! It has a carbon fiber MG bikiini fairing and I like the looks of it. Look on MGNOC website for a parting out V11 ad for help.
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