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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. Good decision! The naked look shows the beauty of the fuel tank. I don't know about wind buffeting w/out (trade-off) any fairing? When it's all said and done, keep all the stock (just in case) stuff and go with the nudie. I thought I was buying a LeMans and got a Sport. I dont' regret it! It has a carbon fiber MG bikiini fairing and I like the looks of it. Look on MGNOC website for a parting out V11 ad for help.
  2. Contact Ponti's agent and see if he can write you a policy in La. I got my policy through Progressive from an agent in Fla. and saved $$$$$. I have three bikes . K100 rs w/liability, 2 MGs with full coverage and pay about $450 /yr. We should look into a buyers group for insurance. Anyone want to spearhead this movement?
  3. Happy?
  4. gstallons

    how many

    My parts catalogue or my 03 V11 does not show the bolt or hole for the bolt. Maybe someone will have it and can remove it and give you the bolt dimension. MGs have three (basically) different frames. #1 the loop frame. V7, Ambassador, El Dorado, Convert,etc. ,anything with a generator. #2 the Tonti frame. LM I,II,III,IV, I guess the 850T, T3, etc. anything with an alternator. #3 the spine frame. If you look at it it looks like a human spine.Framework hanging down loks like a ribcage. Your bike is a "spine frame".
  5. If no one chimes in, contact Palo Alto Speedo Service in Ca. call them and tell them what is wrong to see if they can help.
  6. I can't find anything (even though I remember seeing pics) on this or where to get theis stuff?
  7. Gotcha!
  8. What do you mean "bin" the steering damper? Please define the word"bin".
  9. Can you push fluid backward through the clutch master cylinder? With such few miles I would think there is trash in the piston bore or in the check valve portion of the piston.Anything can hold this back from working and give you fits. If you are afraid to disassemble this I will be glad to help. Also please keep ypur posts together and not on two or three different places.
  10. I assume it's leaking fluid?
  11. gstallons


    What is your favorite GPS unit? I want one for me to use on two wheels and for my daughter when she is travelling on four wheels. After looking around I find there are TOO many to choose from!
  12. #1 Why do you think you need the clutch bled? These things just don"t get air bubbles. #2 If you want to bleed this, remove the rear wheel. attach a clear hose to the bleeder screw then to submerge the other end in a half full vial of brake fluid to watch for air bubbles to come out.You can gravity bleed this or pressure bleed. Remember to use DOT fluid on all containers.
  13. Take the module out of circuit and see if it still acts up. If it clears up , the module needs to be remapped.
  14. You wil never fix (or f**k it up) anything with that attitude! Does it have a PowerCommander (or any) module on the bike?
  15. What are you waiting for? Go get one !
  16. BTW, FYI !!! Make sure the shift lever is NOT the culprit. I just started tearing my bike down. Whem I loosened the shift lever shaft bolt my problem went away. If anyone has a shifter stick in the down position, look there first!
  17. A "wifebeater" and mullet ?
  18. I do NOT want to take business from MotoInternational. There is a place Lindertech in Indianapolis, Ind. They test,flow-rate,clean and rebuild fuel injectors. You can send the injectors to them and they will test the injectors for you. They will recommend what step to take after that!
  19. Good news isalways good to hear. You should send him a thank you card. Business owners are always glad to hear (or see) a compliment. It will not be forgotten!
  20. I assume that your pump is on the frame rail. The best sealant is a teflon thread sealant is available is at an automotive parts store. I guess that you are using it on pipe threads?
  21. You can purchase a liquid pipe thread sealant fron an automotive parts store IF you are talking about sealing those threads?
  22. The price tag is UP there !!!
  23. gstallons


    If this bike has a PowerComander or any other device installed between the factory wiring harness and the computer, disconnect it and hook it up witthout the "PowerCommander". If it performs perfectly,you need to have the PowerCommander "remapped" ! It is best to have a PowerCommander facility to do this or someone who REALLY knows what they're doing !
  24. Mine just flubbed up this afternoon!!! What about the Canon Racecraft spring ? Where do you get this? Also,what about the shift pawl o.d. measurement?
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