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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. To the new kid in town! Nan, I am getting a bike from Ft.Lauderdale and searched a weej for the best priced hauler to deliver to Ky. The hauler I found was EZ Motorcycle Hauler. Ph# 888-764-0185. These guys will get enough bikes assembled to justify(# unknown) a route, then deliver. The price was $525.00. Good luck and congratulations on your purchase. Also join the MGNOC immediately.
  2. Tosser? WTF is a "tosser"?
  3. Because EVERYBODY has a "cookie cutter'" brand. You feel exclusive when you are riding it. When you talk to a Guzzi owner usually they can explain everything going on inside and outside of this "2 wheel paramour". They can fix anything on this bike and are continually adding to and making personal improvements. My feelings are "this bike is ME"!
  4. After hearing what you said about the 16v output you should take the alternator to a rebuilder. Have them to repair it and you'll be "good to go". The disconnecting of the wiring and battery is just a coincidence!
  5. With thr ignition "on", this charge light signifies a "difference in potential" either under/over charging. When you have proper charging taking place the light is out, when the vehicle is not properly charging the light is on. Your particular problem that is taking place could be a blown fuse, wiring problem, or alternator/regulator problem. the cheapest is to visually inspect the fuses, wiring ,etc.. If that is good, take the alternator to a rebuilder for testing and repairs. HTH! gene
  6. When I first stared seeing pics of the MGS-01.WOW!!!!!!! I thought this was the MESSIAH ! Then......any man who was lucky enough to get one and make it streetable I will envy him for all time. Will MG ever puyt a bike like this back on the showroom, who knows?
  7. Until motorcycles are 5" wide and at least 3 1/2" tall you are f****d ! plain and simple. I have had drivers pull out in front of me 3xs in 30 min. My brother-in-law gave me the best advice. RIDE AS THOUGH YOU ARE INVISIBLE ! I ride like there is a "hit" on me at all times. until things with more than 4 wheels are outlawed you are unsafe. With this fear staring me in the face I try to have fun!!
  8. I think you masturbate in front of your computer TOO much!
  9. The automotive term for this plate Mr.Roper is making is a "windage tray". Anyone who uses this does so for a number of reasons. The highly modified trays are made so they just miss the arc of the c/shaft and rod.This purpose is to catch the oil spray from the clearances of rotating parts.The theory is to cut down on the effort of the crank traveling through a rain of oil. The next reason is to act as a baffle in the crankcase to slow down the sloshing of oil through turns, stops , etc. These are theories at worst. I figure if high performance engines have them you can too. You want the best and you are going to have it. Isn't that the reason you have a V11. p.s. People pay BIG $$$ for carbon fiber slip-ons because they are visible.Installing this is "your little secret".
  10. There are places that use baking soda as a blasting media. It looks "new" and does no damage.
  11. Nantucket Sleighride is the only 8-track i had of them.
  12. Grand Funk--Live Album....absolutely..Lots of feedback along with Mach 2 rock and roll. I have 2 of these cds along with the original vinyl.I bought the "Tribute to Bosnia" cd (a live album). Some things are better left to memory.....Mark,Don and Mel can't duplicate that speed at AARP age. "I'm Your Captain/Closer to Home" is the ONLY song that was released to airplay I would claim to be GFR.
  13. I looked through this thread all this time to find this Allman Bros lp . Probably the most perfect noise of all time! Also...The Who-Live at Leeds...(extended version) if it's too loud you're too old. And J Geils Band-Full House / Lou Reed-Rock - Roll Animal....You would have to hear them 48 straight hours to fully appreciate.
  14. A "what" washer????????????
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