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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. It seems that this bracket fits the red frame bikes only . I bought two to install on both bikes. The bracket went on the red frame and had frame mounts to bolt to the frame. The black frame would not accept a bracket . I think I sold the spare to someone here .
  2. Docc , you are probably the MVP of this forum for the US.
  3. He** no ! Make sure you have swivel sockets to accomplish this feat !
  4. Now that it has had time to soak in , It was good to hang out w/everyone and meet members , hang out with , talk to socialize with some decent people . I realize it is imperative to go to the next one , the next , the next and the next . Owning this bike would be frustrating w/o you , your input & this website.
  5. If you own a red frame bike , you need one of these brackets PERIOD . I would puke if my trans. case cracked . This is the cure . IMO , there was not a proper radius made or cut into this case to prevent cracking. this stuff is a science all by itself.
  6. I read it . Great book ! Also , Zen & the art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig . Loved it .
  7. I will look when I get home n see.
  8. www.connectorexperts.com I think is the place ?
  9. I will look . I think there is a website for all automotive connectors (not cheap) and I don't know if the seal is available separately. I will see if I can find anything or anyone can search engine to find them.
  10. Mmmm. which connectors are you talking about ?
  11. And , thanks for the o-rings for the throttle air bypass screws ! I sent you a PM about the fish oil and about the balance too .
  12. I use something on all electrical connections . The Deutch connectors on stuff at work are a bear , I use Motorcraft electrical grease or Lubriplate 105 white grease on everything .
  13. That time we spent together moved at the speed of light. It was over way too quickly . I enjoyed every second of it !
  14. OMG , I was lookin' at this half asleep earlier (last night or this morning) and thought it was a spark plug wire end !
  15. Been there , done that !
  16. Kenny was to then as to what Rossi is to now . "who is gonna come in second" and do not forget Agostini !
  17. After looking at the gaskets (in the picture again) I would use the spray the CopperCoat or Hylomar .
  18. ANY time you have a discharged battery go through freezing temps you are promised troubles. Keep the battery on a tender throughout the winter / when you are not riding . I am going to say this is what happened to these batteries. Also , get the bike running and check the charging system output V and then check the battery V after riding .
  19. Some people are there to witness history
  20. I am pretty sure the Aprillia will work . I bought one a long X ago The part # is faded and illegible , so I can't make out the part # . Contact the Co. and see if it will work.
  21. Mmmmm , I'd have to hold onto one before making a concrete statement .
  22. Make sure you get the fasteners to bolt this on. And yes , these racks don't hold much . So do not expaect to tie a couple of small block chevy cylinder heads on it to take to the machine shop.
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