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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. 99.99999% of all sensors are polarity sensitive . Trust me . You will get frustrated learning this but you will be a better man knowing this . We found out things like this when HEI came out on GM vehicles in 1975 . You would install a distributor pick-up coil in the distributor of a Chevrolet w/a part # from an Olds or vice versa and get similar results. WHY ? The Chevy dist. rotation was clockwise and the Olds was CCW. Also wheel speed sensors , crank sensors , all kinds of sensors are polarity sensitive . I watch DiagnoseDan videos and he encountered something like this with a sensor (cheap part) wired backward at the connector . I love the education , I HATE the @$&%%&*&%$!@)(&%$ tuition !
  2. The intro to Thunderstruck used to be played before ALL SIU basketball games . Those times were GREAT ! And I discovered Steve'n Seagulls some time ago. Corny , maybe . These "hillbillies" pull it off !
  3. The bad thing is , I know I ain't goin' nowhere for 11:52 seconds
  4. I think Docc and I run the same low fuel thermistor/whatchacallit . My bike mimics a running out of fuel symptom . I stop and lay the bike over for a little while , get it back up and go a few miles , repeat procedure. It works perfectly! Do this as often as needed to get to civilization and gas up . I also follow the less used procedure of filling up every 200 miles .
  5. I was gonna make a joke about the balaclava but I was afraid you might take it serious.
  6. Which is cheaper , an oil change or an engine rebuild ? We were w/o electricity for about 30 days one winter , I changed the oil daily on a 8500w generator. This was a small gas powered generator and I was taking NO chances . I have never seen an engine failure from frequent oil changes . On that bike , I would do oil changes every 2500 and oil/filter changes at 5k. You better get accustomed to how tight to get a filter. I have a great oil filter wrench from SnapOn and I will get the part # . OK ,it is a SnapOn OFCA 1 or OFCA 2. The only way to go !
  7. I'm cold when it's 80 degrees outside
  8. To make yourself an ignition system for one cylinder of this bike. Remove the wiring from the - side of an ignition coil . Take a push button switch and jumper a 0.25mfd capacitor across the pushbutton switch. Install about 2' of wire onto each side of this switch. Run one lead to a GOOD known ground and the other lead to the - side of the ignition coil . Remove the spark plug wire and plug it on a good known spark plug touching a good known ground . You can use a spark tester from a tool truck or mower shop. W/the ign. key on , look for 12v on the + side of the coil. If this is good, then take the pushbutton and push it and release it . This will be your substitute ignition system. You get spark and you have a good coil and (almost) a good ignition system. This means your problem is with the bikes ignition system . Try this out and report your findings. Meanwhile I will be thinking.
  9. You are more of a man (or take less coumadin ) than me !
  10. Good , enjoy your ride
  11. Could you post a diagram of you mods so the thinking impaired can understand what you did ?
  12. No , after a quick spin , I didn't see it. there are pics of it on here. Maybe Jaap will post some. It is a diamond white w/the Guzzi eagle in a large form on the body/tank . Simple and righteous. Now , Jaap sold the bike and the new owner changed it up in Italian flag color accents. I will keep my mouth shut concerning the new paint scheme.
  13. You must be pretty old !
  14. I would think you are on the right path. IDK about this setup but it should be fine. there is a MOSFET style regulator posted a few days ago sold through roadstercycle.com . I would look into this this too. The 30a fuse setup is needed but the one used in this circumstance is hokey-pokey.
  15. i am sorry to hear that , was trying to rationalize that bike here at my "old folks home" !
  16. You got a pic ?
  17. Ohhhh , I understand and know how righteous these things are. I was looking into different wheels after I had my bike for a while . Of course the prices were absurd . A member here had advertised his for sale after a crash & burn . I think he posted them and I closed the deal w/in ! hour . I do not regret this absurd purchase one second !
  18. I paid that much for mine and I would not take that to remove them from my bike. Until you see them ON your motorcycle you do not understand what they mean to you !
  19. The Alpina wheels are $3500 !
  20. No , I'm good on theory , I was just wondering. W/O2 sensor computer systems on automotive vehicles the engine coolant sensor decides when to go into closed loop and (in theory) the O2 sensor is hot enough to start determining the oxygen content of the exhaust gases. These sensors started out w/one wire , then a second wire was added to have an absolutely good ground for better reading . Then came the four wire system for the addition of a heating element to heat up the sensor for a faster closed loop engagement . All other (early style) w/o any oxygen sensors were "closed / open loop" from beginning to end . I don't care too much for this but it was less complicated to engineer/fabricate . Being in the nascent stages , everything is simpler.
  21. Good looking bike . I'd say BUY IT ! BTW , these people that put a price on it is because they know what it means to them . Don't work on them too much on the price .
  22. I hate to show my ignorance but , do these bikes have an open loop / closed loop built into the computer system w/the O2 sensor style system ? On automobiles the ECM goes into closed loop when the engine is up to operating temp and the O2 sensor is hot enough to start "working". I assume the non-O2 sensor bikes are programmed to run as is throughout the temp (cold to hot) temp range?
  23. Buddy , you need an impact wrench . Find a mechanic w/a battery powered impact that will break it loose for you . There is a puller that will remove it. When you reinstall , have you pal tighten it for you. HTH
  24. Jaap's (used to be)bike is one of the most righteous personalized V11s I've seen . There have been a few on this site that were so pathetic I wouldn't want in my driveway. You have to do what you think is best .
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