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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. Buddy , you are doing these things for YOU . No one else . Do it and then if you don't like it , you can go back to stock. I do my stuff for me.
  2. You better be glad your bike didn't hear/see this or that V11 will shift worse than a 100cc Penton.
  3. Have you gotten any closer to getting the bike running ?
  4. I have lost one TOO . we will have to both be on the lookout !
  5. I just want you to enjoy your enigma machine as much as possible.
  6. Can you post a pic of the top of your forks so we can give you the proper advice ?
  7. I don't think the filter or anything else in line could be causing a problem . Do install a new filter when you install a new pump. While you are at it replace all high pressure rubber fuel lines in this circuit. When you tighten the hose clamps on these lines , just get them snug and make suer the clamps are indexed so you can retighten them if necessary . Fuel leaking from the pump means the pump is bad .
  8. We all should be using consumables and parts from aircraft vendors . These companies cannot afford to sell anything less than the best !
  9. Nope , your problem is at the terminal itself . IDK if you are working on the factory wiring or an add-on wiring harness.
  10. I measured a fork tube similar to yours and the lower portion (chrome lower) of the fork tube measures 43ish mm The forks on my red frame and black frame measure 40ish mm. You will soon realize there are no absolutes when it comes to these bikes, I found this out a long time ago when I was resealing and rebushing the forks on my 2003ish V11. Got all my stuff from Joe Eish and got everything apart to find out nothing worked. He graciously took all the wrong parts back and sent me the correct stuff. S.N.s date of production and models mean nothing here. With that being said , someone may have crafted a new (different)front end on this bike , who knows?
  11. We are not allowed the courtesy of an expiration date . We must treat everyone of our friends as though we are never going to see them again .
  12. Mine are different . They are the early style. My red frame and black frame have the early style. IDK which are the larger tubes. I am away from the shop so I can't measure them
  13. The easy way to tell the difference between them is the top of the fork cap . The silver only cap is the larger fork assy. Uhhh , better yet , can you post a pic of the top of the forks ? You want to be sure,
  14. Have you got pics of the finished product ?
  15. That hose is for coolant and it MIGHT not be compatible with petroleum . This may not last as long as you would want.
  16. You may as well buy two of these hoses , one to install and one to keep around for a spare . When you install this be sure to index the hose clamps so when you do it AGAIN and AGAIN you will have less trouble with R & R . BTW , if you go with the homemade design , keep in mind this will have to be compatible with petroleum . You may spend more time with your innovation than buying an OEM part. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger , we all have a breather tube that did/does look like this .
  17. Nefarious ? Ha !
  18. Don't worry , something else will let go and make you forget all about this problem
  19. There is no "cloth" woven into the rubber hose and it is typical non-Japanese quality rubber . It will deteriorate sitting on the shelf !
  20. No . it's factory perplex ! All you do is move the rod from one end to the other and no change, I got my stuff from Midwest Products and corrected it .
  21. The first time you go from 1st to 2nd you will not regret what you have done. Mine is homemade and my linkage just clears the frame . It is difficult to find N but all the other gears are just a click away. I installed a new linkage rod w/one rod end that has l.h. threads . I can set the shift lever to any place I want w/just a couple of turns and I am happy.
  22. I can't remember how easy the injector connector is to reach but I will try this today (provided I have my noid lights here and not at work) to verify this. Leave it to MG to do something like this ?
  23. Hmmmm. I will have to hook up a noid light to the injector harness and see what happens
  24. Energizing the fuel pump will not cycle the injectors .
  25. They are different . Look at them for 30 seconds and you will see the difference
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