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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. There are 3 wires for you to be concerned with . The power wire , 12v , the ground wire and the tach signal wire . Check for a good 12v and ground with a test light . very important . You are checking the 12v to ground integrity. If these are good , The "way over" 12v has destroyed the tach .
  2. There are two different brands and two different sizes . Can you be specific ?
  3. Just about any Fluke meter has a Hz function . I'm sure any meter has it now . I'm partial to Fluke . If you're looking for AC on a wire , turn your meter to AC and check . If it is generating a square wave , you won't get a (I think) good reading.
  4. I see a Royal Enfield thread in our future . My buddy worked for a company that (their branch) tested any & everything doing w/two wheels . He said the Enfield was a great bike . Build quality , looks , engine , everything. IDK who is in charge w/the bikes , but they are doing it right !
  5. Say that again , real slow..... Your regulator is leaking fuel ?
  6. Mmmmm . The fork seals are two per fork . One dust seal and one oil seal for one fork leg .
  7. Sittting at the counter Saturday , I realized "all men are equal (only) at a BBQ stand . You will see farm hands sitting next to Judges and they have one thing in common . a good sandwich !
  8. How do you "feel" you have half of something ?
  9. I've been there . I think ! Beautiful place .
  10. # 1 you got that right ! # 2 5-10s & an 8 on Saturday of nights has made me a dull boy ! # 3 SSR ?
  11. When you get ready to assemble the fender , use a good amount of anti-sieze on the screws going into the rubber mounted nuts. Those things used to be on all GM vehicles pre-1973 ( that year had the internal regulator ) had the external voltage regulator . This was used to rubber mount it to cut down on shock , vibration , etc. These were a monster to remove . You destroyed them and hard mounted the regulator to whatever it was originally mounted to . You can't do this on the fender . It would look terrible .
  12. On the brake maintenance : someone has a wooden block to move each piston . You want to do it right , extract each piston and clean the bore for each piston . I use brake assembly fluid on reassembly . After a lot of research , you want to use NEW (as in , removing the foil from the top of the bottle) DOT 4 fluid . Buy a small bottle so you can toss it after you are completely through . Flush , flush , flush all the DOT 3 from the system . after my little ride w/Docc & (I'm sorry I can't remember his name) one more , I found out about brake fluid boiling and using the front brakes first . Who was that anyway ?
  13. May need a new regulator ?
  14. If you can find a specialist , call them and talk to them . If they can give you a good sales pitch , have them do it .
  15. I have waited as long as possible . This man was a part of a "one hit wonder" group , The Youngbloods . Do you remember the song ? One of the most important song of the 60s
  16. If there is a lowest mileage award , just make it The Gene Stallons 0 Mile Award .
  17. i think these are the same sirens ..............yep ! I've seen them before .
  18. gstallons

    Engine Stand

    Anyone who has seen one go over , knows EXACTLY how you feel . Or to come in the next day after the jack has leaked down !
  19. gstallons

    Engine Stand

    hmmmm. A termite among us !
  20. A lot of effort went into making a bike look this pathetic .
  21. And your fuel pump is coming "on" ?
  22. You did use a noid light to check for fuel injector pulse at both injectors and got good pulses on both ?
  23. That is the direction M/G riders are going... and it is a good thing
  24. HUH ? Can you post a pic ?
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