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Everything posted by gstallons

  1. The Centauro .....it's lines do nothing for me. The tank , body panels , seat , etc. It's just not there . Any Moto Guzzi requires a lot of thought before major surgery . Personalizing , yes . that's understood .
  2. I hear ya brother . I have spent a lot on tuition and didn't get a diploma , just a hardass education. With this education you can't tell anyone what did or did not work . They have to find out on their own .
  3. Like Jim Carrey said in Dumb and Dumber "so there's a chance" !
  4. a new part doesn't mean a good part .
  5. Reinstall your old relay and see if the fuse blows when you turn on the ignition switch .
  6. There is no law these gearboxes crack , they might crack .
  7. Was this doing this prior to changing the relay ? What year and model ? Which position (from the front) fuse is this that blows ?
  8. I think this is a crack in the area around the transmission housing . There was no radius at an edge of the housing and a crack developed. A "fix" is a brace that goes from the trans. housing to the bike frame. This will only fit the red frame bikes . Someone on this forum was making and selling them . A "must" for a red frame bike. P.S. this radius BS is hypercritical and I mean HYPERCRITICAL .
  9. Yeah and everything comes w/a subscription . My SnapOn scanner comes w/a subscription and it works as long as a piece of plastic feeds it monthly as well as service information and shop software. For those working on highway tractors (semi trucks) you have to have a laptop w/software for the truck brand and whatever powerplant there is under the hood. I'm sure Mr. Green would turn this loose for the right amount of monthly subscription plus a $ervice call to fix whatever Farmer Turnipseed did to the equipment .
  10. Welcome to the club . It has gotten this complicated w/the newer vehicles.
  11. In the case of farm tractors , IDK what "repairs" and what level of "repairs" cannot be done by non-JD technicians . On average there are many farmers that can R & R a lot of components on their self-propelled equipment . And by the same notion there are things that do not need to be touched . Their philosophy "turn it up until it black-stacks" will not go too well . I can see a seller not allowing a owner to "fiddle around" with things they don't understand and having a negative result on the performance of the machinery. I would want to know more before taking sides w/this debate . In the automotive world it seems like if you change wiper blades you need to reprogram the PCM .
  12. gstallons

    bleed tool

    Well , GMC , what do you have to report ?
  13. Stradivarius !
  14. Around this area people are not capable of driving in snowy conditions . I was on I-24 a couple of years ago near Calvert City and it was snow/slush covered road conditions and tractor/trailers and passenger vehicles were going 65 mph. I got off and travelled secondary roads for 45 miles to get home . Keep in mind not everyone on that road lived here but they drove like they wanted to be embalmed here .
  15. Mmmm . Sorta .
  16. Where I have been on construction equipment , you have to look on the bolt head for markings , 10.8 , 12.9 ,etc. or lines for grade 6 or 8 . There is NO method in the madness.
  17. I have never had a problem checking for Vref using a test light and I've never suffered any problems. Now I use a DVOM when doing delicate things . You do need 12v battery voltage to do any work you need to connect a battery charger or another full size 12v battery.
  18. Hmmmm . Somethin' ain't right ! Do me a favor and put a test light in one of the connectors and see if the (incandescent) regular test light lights up and gives you 5v ref. voltage w/your DVOM . Can you post your bike's wiring diagram on here and let everyone have a look ? That cam sensor should read 5v on one terminal of the connector.
  19. There was a multitude of choices to listen to and everyone was 180 proof . Undiluted. Now , I wish I had something good to say .
  20. Does this "scanner" give you a live data stream ? For you to have this many codes , I would suspect a wiring problem . How difficult are these sensor connections to reach ? You should disconnect each sensor and get 5v ref. one one side of ea. terminal of each connector. I don't have a wiring diagram on a 2013 Stelvio so IDK how this is wired or color codes for the wires. Also , Phil's ? about spark and fuel injector pulse . Y or N
  21. gstallons

    bleed tool

    I will have to think about it . I went back to stock clip-ons w/my red frame and had to go back w/a stock length of brake line going down to the tee where the line splits . I had ZERO trouble bleeding the system . do you have the bike on the sidestand and the bars turned all the way to the right ? Are you still using the set-up Phil recommended with the air pressurized cap ? Have you thought of gravity bleeding the system ? Leave the cap off , top the reservoir w/fluid and loosen the l.h. bleeder screw (1/2 turn is plenty) and wait for 10 mins and keep the reservoir full . Watch for bubbles then a steady flow of fluid. tighten the bleed screw and go to the r.h. side and repeat .
  22. gstallons

    bleed tool

    Just to be certain , you are using DOT 4 fluid ? This is not going to affect anything , I just want to be sure. Back in the early 80s when Ford first started using hydraulic clutches on the F series truck you could spend the day bleeding the system . AND there was no method to rely on to get the job done. .
  23. Naming professions : James Mariner . He is the last of my counsel . He is 90 yrs old and I am not sure he finished High School . This man can explain why one carb is jetted differently than the other on a M/G bike , he can explain steering geometry , anything having to do w/motorcycles . He has owned all brands . His brand of choice : Moto Guzzi . He said one time , every die hard Guzzi owner is some type of craftsman . The owners are an authority on some kind of subject and can/do apply it to their bike. They are not riding a German bike where the owner has his grips installed at his local dealership , has someone else change the oil , etc. There are better motorcycles but Moto Guzzi is bike of choice for a professional .
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