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Everything posted by V11crazed

  1. Heres what I found....blown fuse "5"...the little icon is the lightbulb....so looks like this is the problem.... Stupid question, but what causes a fuse to blow? Can I just buy one at an auto store??? I'm learning the life of a guzzi owner!
  2. thanks for the response guys....I just woke up...new day, sun is out.... going to pop off the seat and take a look around.....
  3. ugghhhh.....and arrrgghhhh..... I just got my bike back from the mechanic.....new tires, tune-up....all the good stuff that needed to be done. Been riding all week and was hoping to leave on an overnighter tomorrow. But, riding home last night, I noticed my tach/speedo light was out....also the tail light and the plate light. The brake light did work. I haven't noticed these issues since this is the first time I have ridden the bike at night. I'm no mechanic, but I did poke around this site and I'm getting the sense that a relay has gone out. Does this sound right? Once one goes, do they all go? Is it safe to do the ride anyway and just make sure not to ride past dark? Do I just suck it up and take the Honda??? I've been loving the bike all week, it's so much damn fun to ride.....any suggestions folks? Thanks tons in advance. nancy ps. the bike just turned 15,000 miles....magic # and yes, the speedo cable also was replaced last week....
  4. I really like reason 2....can't go wrong when red wine and music get in the way.... I fight it too...I'm an avid mt. biker and when the warm, Tucson weekend rolls around, it's often very difficult to choose which 2 wheels will be blessed for the day...ride on my friend!
  5. Gotta be careful here -- you know we're under Probation. Can't be suggesting anything like -- shudder -- patriotism here, Weej. Why, that's nearly as evil as (gasp) Nationalism! No, no -- can't have that. It just ain't PC, you know. There are those hereabouts who're no doubt offended by such expressions. Seems that somehow it's jingoism, imperialism, and above all -- the very words, "America The Beautiful" could be perceived as inflammatory, and well, it's just not fair to ugly countries! How this blather has anything to do with my original forum topic is just beyond me. As I see it, yet another fine thread is diminished and dragged into the muck. How weary, tiring and boring...
  6. thanks folks....I pretty much predicted the answers....I was mostly just curious about my observations with the Guzzi and the tendency towards lower mileage, wondering if it was more about mechanical issues of just lack of time!... Ride on.....
  7. hi folks, Seeing that I just recently purchased my '01 with barely 14,400 miles on it and reading many other posts of purchases/ownership with like mileage, has led me to think...WHY??? Why such low mileage on these "older" Guzzi bikes? In my so-called career of riding bikes....I figure I've put over 100,000 miles on the bikes I've owned in my 13+ years of riding. This includes cruisers, dual-sport, and so-called sport bikes (SV650S and VFR 800). My VFR, which I have had just over a year has 10,000 miles on her. I bought her brand new. The guy I bought the Guzzi from put roughly just over 1,000 miles on the bike in 2 years!...... I know this is a somewhat common occurrence seen on most Harley bikes ( just check the classifieds), but why the Guzzi? Enlighten me folks....please tell me that about your high-mileage adventures and the long-lasting nature of these beauties.....
  8. Hi all, I can report that I have owned mine for exactly 2 weeks and 5 days. I'm 41. The Guzzi is my 8th motorcycle. I'm keeping #7 ('06VFR). HOWEVER, if I absolutely had to get ride of one, it would be the VFR. I fell in love with green Guzzi about 5-6 years ago. The first time I saw it at a coffee shop, my eyes about fell out of their sockets. I met the owner and a week later I got to ride that very bike. It wasn't until recently that I was able to realize my dream of having that bike in MY garage. It's a soul thing, a visceral thing...Like others before me, I am thrilled just gazing at her. The first 500 miles was ear to ear grins and as soon as I get those tires on (this weekend), I anticipate many more years...or rather....miles of smiles....
  9. The irony of life....I just heard that song on Radio Paradise today....it's hilarious...but cool....
  10. and a couple more....
  11. ok folks, here she is....this was my last ride till I get the new tire....a perfect Monday, nary a car on the road, 70 degrees. Enjoy..I sure did.... and oh, about the paint-shaking reference....you're all right, it's not that bad...I leaned to the side of exaggeration a bit. I think it's still from my bad habit of comparing the V11 to the VFR. The VFR tends to purr, the V11 tend to roar...
  12. that's hilarious....that bike was one of the 2 that I was seriously looking at. Obviously, I bought the other...and here she is....
  13. I hate to say, that's pretty much what my rear tire looked like after Monday's ride...Uggh! The left pipe rattled out the bolt attached to the passenger foot peg, then the right one blew as well. Vibration worse than a paint shaker, but highly addictive...gonna get it all sorted out, but the waiting sucks... Promised photos later today!
  14. yahoo....the goggle-eyed man o my dreams..... Winter will be over soon my friend.... Rubber is on its way, then the bike shuffles off to the shop...speedo repair, anchor down those pipes...check a few small niggles out and then I'm back on the road...makes me happy to be a 2-bike owner...no downtime... ciao, ciao....
  15. Hey Brentwood, Anymore feedback you can give me on the roads? I just found out the PO is sendng me a new 170pilot road rear. The front is a Battleax, practically new, and I'm leaning on keeping it. If I unload it, how is the pair (roads) in regards to wear, grip...etc. thanks in advance for any input...
  16. Hey Dan, Good points.... I normally always keep the tires the same. I'm just trying to save a buck as I need to replace the rear now and the front is practically new....I know the PO rode the bike, however, the bike has been in "winter storage". I will find out how recently he mounted that front tire. More than likely I will just spring a new set....
  17. May I add a tire question....not to hijack..... Would it work or be weird to pair a new rear diablo with a nearly new front battleax?
  18. Hey dude, love your avatar....we should meet and ride someday, sure we would have a blast... I went out for another ride yesterday...about 120 miles...posting those pics tomorrow...yet again, another amazing day. I'm lovin the bike. The VFR might start rusting....new tires this week, no more rides until they are on.....
  19. The bike came equipped with foam grips, which initially I thought I was a throwback to the 70's..... After my 3rd day on the bike, I think they just might stay...
  20. Thanks again for the info...yeah, I'm aware that that is max pressure..and yeah, opinions......
  21. It's funny...our personal preferences....those pressures seem a little low to me..... Thanks for the info though. I think all will be revealed with new tires and sorting the suspension out. Until then, I still a mad-happy guzzi lovin gurl....
  22. Dunlop Sportmax. I don't like them. They were stock when I bought the VFR a year ago and couldn't wait to run through them and get the Pilot Powers. Front is practically new, rear practically done with. I agree, a vast difference once I get new rubber. The pressure I tend to run is 38 rear and 36-37 front. Works for me on the VFR. So, what's your idea of a "pointy" tire....
  23. Hey Tom, Yes, the rear is pretty squared off and ready to be replaced. I have a new one coming. The front tire is pretty new, very little wear. Dunlop Sportmax. I have Pilot Powers on my VFR and love them. What brand do you run? The PO is sending a new rear to me, so as soon as that arrives I'm getting together with my mechanic and hope to get all those things sorted out for me and my size, weight etc...hope to dial the bike to my needs! Thanks for the tips....
  24. Hello all.... Being the new gurl in town and all, and after getting nice support and feedback on acquiring my '01 V11, I thought it only proper to write up a ride report and my thoughts on the new bike. Please note, this may be long and full of adjectives.... The bike arrived Friday from Haulbikes.com....they were 15 days past the arrival date so I got a $75.00 refund which was cool. Other than that, no complaints about the company and I would recommend them to anyone. I took half a day off work and watched as the bike was lowered from the bowels of the semi-truck. Was gorgeous and sunny. The battery was dead so I put it on a trickle and got to work cleaning the Guzzi up and removing the saddle bags and support brackets. I don't plan on overnight trips with it right now and really wanted it clean and lean. It took the better part of the day to do all this. By the end of the day, the cold beers, sun and drooling (over the bike), took it's toll and I eventually went to bed in anticipation of my first ride on Saturday. Saturday arrived and the promised warm weather had been taken over by an overcast, cloudy and rather cool morning. Bummer, as I really wanted a ribbon of sunshine to illuminate my path. Oh well. First cup of coffee down, gear wiggled into and bike warmed up....I was ready to roll. I snicked it into gear and off we roared to top off the tank and head for one of the curviest roads around...about 40 miles away. My very first impression was HOLY SHITE! This vibration is gonna kill me and whoa, that V-twin is ALIVE, and damn, she doesn't turn worth a damn!!! This all in the less than 1 mile to the gas station. I was grinning like a fool despite all this, topped off and hit a little 2-laner to the freeway. I spent the first half of the ride comparing the bike to the VFR, which I suppose is a somewhat normal reaction when riding a new bike. I exited the freeway in Arivaca and proceeded to carve the turns. It's a pretty little 2-lane road through desert grasslands, picturous and very curvy...all kinds of tight esses, long sweepers and nice segues. I found at times that I was really fighting the bike into the turns and going pretty slow, compared to taking the VFR through. Which was fine as I simply wanted to learn the bike and its quirks. I was on my way to meet a friend and eventually reached my destination. A small, funky country bar where the locals and bikers intersect. Kent came out to greet me and his jaw dropped to the ground. Seriously! When I emailed him photos of the bike awhile ago, I don't think he was too impressed. Well, 15 minutes later after gawking he finally spoke....something to the tune of "wow, holy shite, I had no idea, now I get it, damn girl"...grinning like a fool he was.... And yeah, she is a head turner and then some. So, after some BS'ing, we hit the road back to Tucson and this is where it really got interesting. I let go of the comparisons and simply became one with the ride and the bike. I have yet to mention, that just as I pulled into Arivaca, the sun came out, bringing azure skys and warmth. My ray of sunshine..finally! Anyway, I was getting a better feel for how to work with the bike and the curves and adjust my riding position etc. It was a brilliant ride home....hit 105 mph on the freeway and ended up going to see some live music and have a bite to eat. I finally arrived home well after dark, 10:00 p.m. to be exact. Satiated, exhausted and with a big grin on my face. Sunday finally arrives.. I wiggle back into my gear and head out on a nice, long circular route, down scenic hwy 83 to Sonoita, Patagonia, to Nogalas and home. This area is mostly grasslands, sweeping views with purple mountains. Bright blue skys....a motorcyclists dream ride. There were tons of folks out..bicyclists, motorcyclists, car clubs...the energetic vibe was high. I met some great people, had a slice at Velvet Elvis (pizza joint in Patagonia) and despite all the folks on the road, my timing was such that I mostly had it to myself....perhaps that is the magic of the Guzzi? The road unfolds for you, the sun comes out and scatters diamonds in your path..... I think that pretty much sums up the 330 miles of bliss. I have today and tomorrow off as well. The sun is out, skys are blue yet again and my riding gear is waiting to be wiggled into. ps. the only glitch so far is the speedo failed yesterday.... Also, photos will be posted soon....
  25. OK...to all the folks who are curious about my first ride....well....it was a helluva weekend. I'm going to post my discoveries as a new thread in this forum....warning...it might be long.....
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