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Everything posted by tripletom

  1. Is your petcock fully open? Does the tacho flicker about then die before the engine does?
  2. Got one on my Scura too..
  3. Yup no harm done in removing it. Took my Ohlins off and the bike is a billion times better without it. And to quantify better I mean it doesn't weave all over the road at any speed above 90.
  4. Cheers all, tried drifting again, but no joy so I may well get me a slide hammer...
  5. As a fellow Scura owner that had a starting problem I can sympathise. I traced mine to a build up of dust and dirt in the solenoid. If you have the starter motor off then could be worth having a look and clean of the solenoid mechanism? My other guess apart from that would be corrosion somewhere on the ignition trigger side that could be creating a lot of resistance? Oh and one other thing, how much oil is in there?
  6. Thanks for the replies so far guys. It hasn't worn through the spacer being compressed, rather through the seal going and the ingress of water and dirt. I shall try to drift out the other side and then get both out...two chances.
  7. I've done numerous searches and haven't found anything that actually describes how to get the bearing out. It's the brake side bearing, and has worn through the seal going, no idea why, and then a huge influx of water and road dirt on my recent (as in got back last night) trip through France/Spain. For the record Spain has had the most rain for 50 years... So i've got the wheel out, removed the circlip and...well what now? I can't get a good blow onto the bearing from the other side with a screwdriver, I've heated the alloy around the circlip grooved steel section up and still nothing...Please any hints and tips...
  8. Yup 13.68v between 1-3000rpm. At 4000rpm it rose to 13.70V. Last night it played up again and so I shorted between the +ve and -ve terminals on the stater sol, the starter motor span up. I checked battery voltage again (ignition live) and it was 12.54V. I prodded the starter button and it started fine. I am now considering if the relay is sticking also *rollseyes* I've stripped and cleaned the starter motor and solenoid assembly last night so will reassemble and it should be better. It was very dirty and full of dust.
  9. Well...back where we started again. Thursday morning same symptoms, not a problem on the 240mile ride I did then friday morning click fzzt pop starter fuse. Nick a jump start off someone and then fine again. Really starting to get on my nerves now. The regularity has been increasing from being fine when I got the bike in Jan to now. I've done something like 3500 miles in that time and am wondering if the battery is goosed (odessy battery), or the reg. Voltages I have are- After being stood overnight- 12.76V At 1000rpm- 13.68V At 3000rpm- 13.68V I checked the voltage at the yellow wire from the reg where it meets the green/red one and it was only 12.36V, where else should I check please? I am thinking the starter fuse is blowing as there isn't enough juice to click the starter solenoid over properly, and either the battery or reg is causing that.
  10. On my 02 Scura I have clip-ons instead of the top yoke mounted bars you have, so I would suggest purchase of clip-ons to suit your fork diameter and then swap all the controls over, then remove the bar clamps from the top yoke.
  11. No, but the symptoms were very much of having a flat battery or sticking solenoid, ie, push starter button, get click from starter, but nothing else, push again, click, nothing, again, click fzzt pop of starter fuse... A quick bout of charging from a charger and it would be fine. Given I had melting 30A fuse plastic I figured that would be a good place to start...
  12. To update, since fitting an inline 30A fuse holder for the battery circuit, the voltages remained the same, however the fuse is not displaying signs of melting. I am waiting on some silver grease to turn up to do the connections, but so far, so good...
  13. yup and now in the lead...
  14. He he that was a one off, since then I greased all the under tank connections, it spends it's downtime stored indoors in a warm dry shed. The problem did pop up a few times prior to that snowy trip too. I am trying to hunt down the yellow reg wire and check those connections...
  15. Just piggybacking on your thread if you don't mind? I've been having battery issues also on my '02 Scura. The symptoms are being fine, but the 30A fuse plastic melting. Then it won't want to start on the button, as if there isn't enough juice in the battery. A quick bit of umph from a charger and it strikes up fine. The battery is an Odessey (sp) one. At static it reads 12.77V, at 1000rpm it reads 13.68V, at 3000rpm it reads 13.68rpm, rising to 13.70V at 4000rpm. My thinking is that the 30A fuse connectors are causing me the grief so I've followed the advice in another thread on here and prepared to fit an automotive in line fuse holder. Anyone got any other pointers?
  16. tripletom


    You want to know how I got the sound so? I taped over the camera mic with an inch of masking tape and just left the top row of holes open I don't know if the oil cooler screen is aftermarket or OE, it came with the bike.
  17. tripletom


    Behold! I attached a camera mount to my redundant steering damper frame mount on the Scura- And then went out and tried it. I'm going down through France and then across the Pyrenees into Spain end of May/June so wanted to record some of the mountain roads. Anyway enough waffling, here is the vid, it's not fast as I was two up, on a new rear tyre and didn't know the road- p.s turn the volume up
  18. I've never got more than 120miles before my light comes on...worked it out at 35mpg. (UK galls) What sort of speeds do you do OV?
  19. The UK mag Performance Bikes ran a feature on the red Guzzi some years ago. A friend of mine has a copy. I'll see if I can blag some scans..
  20. My Firestorm (VTR1000F) had 111rwhp and to have similar to that from the V11 would be nice. Enough to be usable in most situations. As I said though, I've hit the limiter in top so I can't help but feel the gearing would need to be altered, and then we're into spending even more...
  21. ALdad, in answer to your OP, it sounds like you need maybe an updated map for your PCIII. I run similar on my Scura and it pulls nicely all the way through. It'd be nice to have more power, BUT I have already hit the limiter in top so I realise the gearing is going to limit me. I'm a little unsure about all this talk of comparisons with Hayabusa's and the like, I had a few hours on a 01 ZX12R as it was a possible purchase before I bought the Guzzi. It was fast. Not just a little bit fast like a Fireblade, but really, really brain recalibratingly fast. 130mph in 3rd with the rear wheel spinning. Short-shifting from there got me to 160 as fast as my foot could move. Then a bend came up and I had to slow down. It would spin up the rear from just off idle in second exiting corners. You were constantly juggling the throttle to avoid being spat off in bends. That was why I went for the V11, more usable on the roads I ride. I'd still like a ZX12 though...just for the sheer craziness.
  22. I run Pilot Power 2CT's on my Scura at the moment. They were supposed to be Pilot Road 2's, but there was a mix up. Rear needs replacing after 2500miles, no worries from them in the wet and cold here. I'll be putting a Pilot Road 2 rear on, if it gets ordered right...and keeping the front Power 2CT as it's hardly worn. I've used Conti Road Attacs on two of my other bikes- VTR1000F and Speed Triple, and I don't like front profile, too round. I prefer the Sport.
  23. Hi Smudge, I had a LOT of issues on my Scura when I got it, there's my input on this thread, but I warn you it gets a bit long winded in places. Succinctly; I changed the old BT020's for Pilot Road 2CT's and run the recommended pressures (31F,34R), I set the sag up on the suspension and then removed the sterring damper as that was causing me a huge amount of grief. In 1800 hard ridden miles since I have had no tank slappers, no pant crapping moments, only a good handling bike. Hope that helps.
  24. I think it more comes down to owner type than machine to be honest v11crazed, whilst my 02 Scura has what I consider very low mileage, I ride year round, but use several bikes. The Firestorm (VTR1000F) that the Scura replaced was 10yrs old when I got it and had only done 16.400 in that time. The owner just didn't enjoy riding it. The Scura had only done 4300 in 6yrs, and as I was looking through the service book tonight I saw it had only done 300miles in 18months at one point!!! Contrast that to me putting 1800 more on it since end of jan... Horses for courses but I have no doubts that the Scura is a keeper, and it rewards my tinkering whereas the Honda didn't really stir anything in me.
  25. I know you've got *502* but here it is a couple of hours before my ride home sunday- I'll try to stop picture whoring now...
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