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Everything posted by tripletom

  1. Just to add a little postscript to this- I removed and greased the connector and have had no further problems in ca.600miles of hard riding since. I will sort out a pressure gauge when I get a chance as I like to keep an eye on things.
  2. thanks paso, any idea of part no for the bmw item?
  3. Firstly I have done a search and found a nice amount of info that adds to my own conclusions on what happened this morning. This is a summary that may be of use to someone in the same position as me (guzzi virgin). Saturday, went out for a good ride with a friend on his Gixxer 1000, we did about 200 miles in mainly wet conditions. It was a good day and we didn't hang about and I did what I always do after a ride; give the bike a good wash and then douse liberally with FS365 and grease/WD40 anything that needs doing. I put it away and yesterday used the DR600 for work. Decided to use the Scura today as I wanted to do the valve clearances on the DR tonight. Start Scura this morning and the oil light flickers a little then glows a bit brighter, then goes out, then comes back on bright. So I switch off and let sit for a while then check oil level. Looks fine, maybe a little low, so I add a pint more oil (going by recommendations to overfill slightly). Get geared back up, re-start and there's the light, burning bright. I had a little think, maybe it's just not up to pressure yet? No, it doesn't go out, yet I know there's plenty of oil in there. Now I like to test things thoroughly so I nip up and down the road as I'm convinced there's not an oil issue. It's fine, no noises (yes I have had a bike seize in the past, I know the noises and the feeling), anyway my guts tell me not to ride to work on it so I park it up and put the bodywork back on the DR to take that instead. So once the DR is all back together I think, 'sod it I'll start the guzzi once more', so I did and no oil light once started. Hmm. After a bit of reading I have drawn two conclusions- My pressure sensor is either on the way out or was damp from the wash/ride on the weekend despite being doused with WD. I want to fit a pressure gauge so I can see what's going on. Any further insights would be welcome.
  4. I can't see prices anywhere though...or is it a case of; if you have to ask, you can't afford?
  5. The Ohlins steering damper on mine wasn't binding in the damper itself. When I picked the bike up it was wound 2 clicks off full-on and was horrible. I wound it all the way off but was still getting a weave at 95 up and the bike wasn't holding it's line through corners. I removed the damper last night and the bike feels oh so much better. 120mph (on private roads) and not a hint of a weave. However; the damper I don't believe is wholly to blame, the rose (heim) joints were very dry. The frame mounting one in fact refused to budge so is now soaking in plus-gas. There was also a large washer under the yoke mounting joint which was restricting rotation there. If the bike gives me a few slappers then I may re-fit the damper, but for now it's staying off.
  6. I know I pm'd you KB, but thought I'd post this too. I'm 100kg all kitted up. Last night I checked sag and was within the guidelines recommended by Ohlins. I had 26mm static sag and 46mm with me on. Preload is 3 turns out. Yup running road 2CT's. Front pressure (cold) 31psi, rear 35psi (based on user manual BAR pressures and converted to psi). Steering damper wound all out. I ride with the balls of my feet on the pegs and have found it needs foot pressure to keep on track round a bend, similar to my Triumph. For want of a better way of putting it, I'm also at the front of the seat also. I try and keep a light pressure on the bars, but it does need countersteer about halfway through a bend. The forks are through the yoke to the third band. I had them down further, but it made little difference. The bike is mint, no sign of crash damage at all. I want to remove the steering damper as I think it is keeping the bike too stiff.
  7. On my Scura my handling mods went as follows- Back steering damper off fully. Replace aged and horrid BT020's with Pilot Road 2CT's (180 rear) Set front and rear sag to be the same. Drop front by 15mm It now drops nicely into corners/roundabouts and is more pleasant to steer out of junctions. There is still a slight weave in a straight line so I will be removing the steering damper. I have already checked head bearings. The difference compared to the VTR1000 I sold is that I need to apply a bit of countersteer. That suits me fine. I still have my 94 Speed Triple and enjoy hustling that in the same fashion *whistles innocently...
  8. Aw I can feel the warmth of manly acceptance from here guys New tyres go on tomorrow, got some Pilot Road 2CT's to fit, got a PCIII on it's way and an x-over, got my dielectric grease ready to do all the connections too Considering taking the steering damper off as it annoys me in a straight line, will see how it feels with new rubber first. Then it's set-up time. Oh and hunt or some rorty cans... Now should I take the Scura or the speed triple on the track at anglesey...
  9. Thanks, if it's not too much trouble could you measure the width of the rack for me please? and also the width overall with the hard bags fitted? Brian, I'd be interested in seeing your pics too please. Thanks guys
  10. Joe, what Two Brothers end cans did you use?
  11. Cheers for all the responses so far, basically my budget is not that huge so my original plan was to buy the H-B rack and use these boxes on it- When they were on my Speed triple the whole bike was 1m from edge to edge, and got a weave on above 110 (on private roads of course) If I were to get the H-B rack it doesn't leave me with much £££ to get bags. I like the SW pannier/tailpack combo I linked above as it comes in within my budget. I have a ten day jolly down through france/pyrenees in may so will need it for that. I don't know what pillion foot clearance is like with H-B rack and hard cases fitted? Anyone care comment?
  12. Cheers for the responses so far guys this is the sort of tailpack I am looking at- http://www.motorcycle-road-and-race.co.uk/...ducts_id=404429 has anyone tried them?
  13. Cheers Mac
  14. I'm looking to do some mileage on the V11, I have seen so far the Hepco Becker racks, and also soft panniers (throwovers and pannier/tailpack combos). Lookig really for some advice on what people have used before and costs/recommendations. Thanks for your time!!
  15. Wetness is South Wales, though it is gloriously sunny today! Enjoyed a 200mile ride back yesterday with new purchase- Really liking it. No.502 it is. The PO hadn't done many miles, Time to amend that...
  16. Nicely done, some things you want to keep with you
  17. paso- I intend to go through it all, I like to tinker and do plenty of miles. Got a trip down through france and along the pyrenees booked for may/june, here's hoping the v11 is up to the task! v11crazed- its a 2002 V11 Scura I'm aiming for...
  18. Hey Bob! Well at the risk of jinxing it and it all falling apart in front of my eyes... I'm hoping to purchase a V11 Scura this weekend... There, I've said it
  19. Hi all, I've been browsing/lurking for a few months now gleaning advice etc on the V11's. This weekend should see the purchase of my very own V11. Should everything go according to plan I shall report back with pics! I'm looking forward to it...
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