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Bob Maynard

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  • Location
    Wadsworth Ohio
  • My bike(s)
    V11 Sport 2001, FJR 1300 2014 ES

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Guzzisti (2/5)



  1. My Moto Guzzi trailered off to Detroit area today. It was nice meeting the new owner Chris and his family, hopefully he’ll join here and introduce himself if he hasn’t already. I want to thank ALL in this forum for all the help freely given during my introduction to Moto Guzzis. You guys calmed my many fears during that intro, and the wealth of knowledge here is amazing.. I also have one more question, does anybody know of a decent 1000SP within 400 miles of north central Ohio? Nice one on MGNOC, but I’m not up for a trip to Maine. Thanks, Bob
  2. Sold, pending completion of funds and pickup. Detroit bound. 😢
  3. Just an FYI, it only took 14 minutes after posting to CL till a scammer replied that “he wanted to buy my item”. Cash, just text back to him.
  4. No I didn’t, but I heard that the NA importers may have. I read that they sold it as a TT model, just like this but with a silver rear fairing instead of my Tenni one. PPO put that Tenni on, along with the windscreen and cans. (Interesting story about the PO, btw) Thanks to all for the well wishes! I need to see a doc and find out if pt can help. It worked well before I sat on my ass thru covid. Those exercises don’t seem to be appropriate for my current condition.
  5. Thanks docc! No Miata for me, from what I’ve read they don’t lean. Trying to doctor my fjr saddles to keep riding two wheels.
  6. With much sadness, I’m posting my Sport for sale. Unable to ride it at length due to a previous mc accident (left turning Ford) resulting in multiple pelvic fractures. Plates and screws put Humpty Dumpty back together, but pain gets worse with time, forcing sale. $3000 to forum members. https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/d/sharon-center-moto-guzzi-v11-sport/7346058167.html
  7. No, they were zip tied for strain relief inside the black bottom cap of the switch and didn’t appear to need securing near the steering head. However, I did find a MG rubber cable tie on the floor while doing all the cable rerouting after handlebar removal. https://postimg.cc/18Jf7qMh Any suggestions for placement?
  8. Well, the poor running continues. And the winner is the relay contacts. After pulling out and reinserting all the relays it’s running well again. Time tomorrow to clean all the contacts and take for a longer shake down ride. Good for my lower back to be back on the stock bars. Thanks again to this forum and it’s members.
  9. Thanks Docc, the switch didn’t look bad, just a little worn at main contact. I need to finish mounting stock clipons and test ride it. Then on to the relay mounts if issue continues.
  10. Cliff notes: What’s the procedure for servicing the ignition switch? My Sport has recently been cutting out, progressively getting worse. I’ve followed the recent thread addressing this problem and since I’ve been lifting the top triple multiple times for several bar changes, I thought the ignition switch would be the right place to start. First time it cut out/stuttered was after a right turn leaving my driveway. Looking at the switch in the picture, any tips on servicing it? TIA. https://postimg.cc/JtcF4YXm
  11. Love your photo! He’s obviously people.
  12. In search of more comfort for a broken/repaired pelvis and hip socket, I gave in to drilling my top triple today. I left the brackets for the Verlicchi touring bars in place so I can return it to that configuration super easily, if the ape hangers I’m installing don’t work out. Easy to put ss snap in buttons to cover the holes. I’m using a set of VStrom short risers from eBay. I’ve got a set of hose extensions from helibar if needed. Again, easily returnable to stock, and can get custom hoses if my pelvis says yes.
  13. Just saw a nice looking 2004 Cafe Sport listed on CycleTrader. $2000. (Insert expletive here) located in San Francisco. Hope someone here can grab this one.
  14. I’ll take one. Good timing, as I’ll be fixing one of the stripped sump bolts if the sun and warmth ever returns to NE Ohio. Just sent you the PayPal. Not to hijack the thread, is there any easy way to check the other sump holes to see if they are near stripping? Besides over torquing them, of course. Thanks Bob Maynard
  15. I’d appreciate it if you could post or email me the details for your tail tidy. My sport came with the license plate bracket mounted on the inner fender in front of the tire. I’m too old to run that setup so I’ve considered going back to stock, but I like the look of yours.
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