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gavo last won the day on July 29 2015

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About gavo

  • Birthday 04/06/1957

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  • My bike(s)
    rosso mandello, ducati tt 650

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  1. gavo


  2. I have a rosso mandello 2001 which I believe has the same frame geometry as the red frame models and although I wouldn't say squirrelly it felt more like a pinball bouncing from one road depression to the next not to mention the harsh ride. I raised the forks 10mm, replaced the springs with progressive springs more suited to my weight and put in a slightly lighter fork oil. I replaced the back tyre with a 160/60 and had the rear shock re-valved and a slightly heavier spring for my weight. It now held a line much better and didn't bounce from divot to divot but the ride was still a bit harsh so I started backing off the dampening both rebound and compression. Dampening is now back at lowest levels the smoothness of ride has improved and despite what you might think it doesn't bounce down the road. Thats with Marzocchi forks and Sach shock.
  3. Once the fluid boils, the water that may be in the fluid can turn to steam, plus other components of the brake fluid turn to gas. When the system cools off, most of the steam would revert to water but the other components that turned to gas stay as a gas. They do not return to being part of the brake fluid. The result is that the brake do come back but not quite back to 100% normal. Which components would they be? any parts that are liquid at say 20 deg c and then become gaseous at temperatures above its boiling point will revert back at the lower temp. Boiling the fluid is not a distilling process unless you remove the gases.
  4. Brake fluid is Hygroscopic (it absorbs water from the atmosphere) this is the reason it should be replaced regularly. When the fluid gets hot, because of the moisture absorbed the boiling point is significantly lower, you get some vapour in the fluid and this compresses ,result, no brakes the lever goes to the stops.When it cools its all fluid again and won't compress the brake pedal returns. Just basic science a vapour can be compressed a liquid cannot.
  5. I've had this problem too and I tend to use the front way more than the back, I assumed the fluid was a bit old and probably had moisture in it so I replaced the fluid but had a hard time getting a decent pedal. In the end I removed the calliper, put a small tyre lever in it to imitate the disc an raised the whole lot up above the height of the master cylinder. It worked , now I have a good rear brake but I'm yet to give it a good workout.
  6. No I couldn't find it either
  7. I've got PR3's on my rosso mandello and I'm very happy with them. 12000+ ks on a rear and 18000 on the front and still lots of life, plenty of grip.I can run the PR3 right round to the sidewall no problems, previous pirelli gave around 5000 on rear and bridgestone 6000 rear 8000 front. I only hope the PR4 are a good as or better tyre.
  8. Although I don't have a socket on my V11 yet, I do have on my Dr suzuki 650. The things I've found 1: pick up your power from a wire that turns off with the ignition key because no matter how careful you will forget to turn it off. 2: the lighter type plug reduces power into the gps so you can't just cut of the plug and wire it in. 3: Cigarette type plugs are common and easy but not that weatherproof even the marine grade ones. 4: A problem I have is the plug coming out, this maybe not so much on a road bike( less bumps) 5: Try a Merit plug, readily available and more suited to the job and commonly used on BMW's I believe.
  9. Now days don't you just employ a spotty teenager to hack their site and crash it. I hate anyone who scams off other peoples labor.
  10. What a load of bollocks, mount them with direction arrow as the MANUFACTURER says don't you think they cover all problems in product testing , never have a problem and believe me it can rain pretty hard it tropical QLD PS I get the best all round performance from Michy pilots
  11. gavo

    Brooks Leather Grips

    They look great especially the seat but what would the grips be like after riding in heavy rain
  12. Got these cheap ones from china, crystal clear and easy to get more if you break the (I have ) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/231179146204?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  13. Same here. I am on the look out for a good one. Yeah good luck with that, a friend found one $2800 barn find by the time he'd finished rebuilding it it owed him at least $12500. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful bike but with all the work he put in and chasing parts they ain't cheap
  14. gavo

    iSLE OF mAN.

    People are holding up a Daytona winner as a good example, I would have thought a Daytona bike and a TT bike would like chalk and cheese as are the tracks. Fast on one track does not always carry over to the next.
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