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Everything posted by dabore84

  1. Could I get something like this:
  2. Hi Pete, I've send you a pm, about your crappy design . Could you answer me back. Thx
  3. Nice tank. I likeeee !
  4. I don't get it. I see oil cooler, filter and ??? Paul, could you explain a little more. thx
  5. Never heard of NW200 before, but when I went to the site, OMG what cojones do they have and the skills, ofcourse. I've set the date in my calendar and surley gonna watch. Wish all the participants best of luck.
  6. When I saw his avatar, I rememberd who he was. Life is always too short. Rest in Peace drknow.
  7. All help is welcome I am still a young driver (23) and in the learning phase. Yeah, I know, you learn whole your life. For the improvements I'll need to wait for payday 23 may, so I wont be doing anything on the bike until then. Now I am just , soon and then . ( ) I am not fat (ofcourse little bit, more big boned ), but I weight with clothes and all other stuff on me, about 260 lbs. So new (stiffer) springs should be a tremendous improvement. But what about that click in the front forks, what could that be? I didn't figure out yet if it is in the left or right shim, or both. No I am off to a BBQ.
  8. Well, I just took measurements on my bike, here are the results: Back unladen 20 mm laden 50 mm Front unladen 30 mm laden 40 mm I also think there could be something wrong with the front fork. When I am on the bike, I push the fork down and release it, I hear a click. What do you think?
  9. Here is something to start with: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ic=8249&hl= There are more, use the search function.
  10. Damn Right !!!
  11. I just voted, still 19%. Muhahahah, little ahead from HD
  12. Carb seems pretty obvious Thx Jason
  13. those abbreviations are killing me, what dou you mean with TB.
  14. So, spring is coming and you came back from hibernation. Welcom back
  15. Do you have more information about the failure? And why did the bike burned up?
  16. www.tlm.nl. Just search for alternator cover, I think the have a normal one and definitely a carbon fibre one.The also have an USA site, in Seattle I think.
  17. dabore84

    Guzzi mod

    Learning new stuff every day on this forum.
  18. OMG I pinned myself, Zoetermeer Zuid-Holland
  19. Thx Al, y'r the man. If I had one more hand, I would like to give you :thumbsup: .
  20. dabore84

    Guzzi mod

    Hello people, Surfing on the net I found this two pictures. They show a race custom guzzi. The most shocking mod is, that the air intake and the injectors are on the oil cooler spot and the exhaust tubes are now behind the cylinders. Never seen something like that before and is very cool, specially with those termi exhaust pipes What do you think? The pictures came from tlm.nl site http://www.tlm.nl/koffiehoek/gallerie/
  21. Which v11 owner doesnt like this site? I am also a member on two other cycle forums. On one I get very stupid answers. On the other I really dont feel like I belong there, becasue they are little v11 owners and a lot post 1980 guzzi owners. And not to forget, the endless discussions of dlaing and rachethack . You could write a novel about them , mybe 3 novels . Final shout-out to admin Jaap doing a great job with the site and all other moderators helping him.
  22. Yes, gimme some race reports.
  23. dabore84

    No choke !?

    recently I've imported my v11 sport from germany. It's from june 2003. Going trough the manual and workshop manual. They have pictures of the choke and all. Now I am confused, because I've always thought that choke go with carbs and I have electrical injection. I've no problems starting the bike, just turn the throttle a little bit and away it goes. This is my first bike, so dont kill me
  24. I think you cant compare a hayabusa with a guzzi. First the 4 vs 2 cylinders. Then 4 vs 2 valves per cylinder. Japan vs Italy. Second, I want to ride my v11 on a daily basis, home-work. I want it to have good fuel economy and all weather reliability. So I put my money on those things. When I bought my bike, it came with bos slip-on exhausts. What are your opinions on that?
  25. I also have problems with those clamps. There is also some fuel in the tank and i am working in the livingroom. I am afraid I might brake them and also my mom killing me. When looking at the fuel system, I've noticed that the fuel line is very close to the cylinder head, almost touching it. Is that a problem? Almost forgot to ask, when the fuel hose is disconnected, is the fuel supply closed. (before I spill gasoline all over the place
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