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    guzzi copa italia, sports 1100i,

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  1. If I remember correctly abouy 650 Aussie dollars.
  2. Hi Just some info for you guys who needs a power commander or an ecu change, the ecu from cliff jeffries is good stuff, I fitted it on my bike and after tuning it the sports 1100i really flies, No more hiccups, good throttle response at low rpms2 to 3k , strong midrange and fantastic top end, I seriously have not idea the sports can be that powerful. throttle response and power is linear and the whole bike is just transformed . Also idles extremely well at 1100 rpm of therabouts. Great ecu... Hey I'm not his marketing agent , just wanted you guys to know a good product when there is one.
  3. Most manufacturers set the bike up to handle the bikes maximum GVWR I THINK. If you're under 180 and ride without a partner on the back the stock setup probably will feel too harsh. I replaced the fork springs with progressives from Hyperpro and still wasnt satisfied until I swapped the 10wt fork oil for a 5 wt. After that it seems to all work like its supposed to work. I would think the same applied to the shock. Try a lighter weight oil and maybe back the pressure off 5%. Thanks to both of you for the info. Will try to find a lower poundage spring but do you know what can fit the white power or the standard ratings for the original springs? It might be a good idea to change the oil in the shock to a lighter weight first. It will be cheaper than a spring and will definitely not do any harm. as long as you dont gain 100lbs or decide to haul a huge partner on it If its still too stiff after that change the fork oil to 5wt. If its STILL too stiff after that then buy the lighter springs. I'm betting the oil changes will surprise you. Hi Richard You're saying that the original is 10wt and changing it to a 5wt helps. Any idea what is the quantity of oil needed at least originally?
  4. Most manufacturers set the bike up to handle the bikes maximum GVWR I THINK. If you're under 180 and ride without a partner on the back the stock setup probably will feel too harsh. I replaced the fork springs with progressives from Hyperpro and still wasnt satisfied until I swapped the 10wt fork oil for a 5 wt. After that it seems to all work like its supposed to work. I would think the same applied to the shock. Try a lighter weight oil and maybe back the pressure off 5%. Thanks to both of you for the info. Will try to find a lower poundage spring but do you know what can fit the white power or the standard ratings for the original springs?
  5. Hmm 9 bar feels a little harsh , I'm now trying 8 with compression and rebound at 1 position(minimum) . Ok maybe someone will know the exact specs although I think you're probably right because most suspension manufacturer recomends 9 to 10 bar.
  6. Hello anyone knows what is the nitogen gas charged pressure for our white power rear shocks on the sports 1100i? My shock builder put in 9 bar and it feels too hard.
  7. Hmmm....let me checked again..
  8. Hi Paul The reposition of the starter button is probably a clearance issue with the quick throttle so I don't think it's an issue. The original battery is position below the rear seat and it's not a 2 battery system but a single one . I'm running one with a 12 v/14amp rating battery. Since this area isquite big finding a suitable battery should not be a problem. Why is it 9v I don't understand. The bike originally comes with white power front and rear It also comes with a steering damper originally. What can I say is that I love the sports 1100i looks and riding experience.
  9. First to fotoguzzi. No i am not confused about the term base setting. I mentioned many times I disconnected everything. My now standard sports 1100i run with this base setting of 150mv and I don;t care much about the idling setting of 520mv or thereabouts because I listen to the engine and as long as the throttle is responsive and idling sounds low enough(but steady/usually about 1100rpm) without dying thats good enough for me.(it's usually close to the 520 or 530mv we want) I never use the idle stop screw to increase the milivolt. It's always done with a multimeter. when It had a full system it can't run at 150mv as well. It runs on 310mv as mentioned . Why? I have no idea. It has a will creedon chip and I can do 235km indicated with the base setting at 310 mv. No stalling or hiccups etc. Maybe the bike prefers a bigger throttle opening with the straight thru termi system. Now just out of curiosity I've taken out the ecu and replace it with a cliff Jeffries unit. Today is my second day tuning it with help from Cliff and it seems really good. Pick up from rest is really a huge improvement and power is really good even with stock pipes. Now to Gstallons Yup my bike can't run on 150mv base setting as well even with the same dyno operator tuning it. the map does seems ok but can't hold a steady throttle at cruising , pops and cough occasionally but acceleration map feels good. It also produces 79 horses at the wheel(I know it sounds low but I've read many stock BMW S1000rr producing 192hp at the wheel in europe or the US but my S1000rr stock only has 170 horses at the wheel here at our dyno) I tried tuning it on my own with the PC module but the problem seems difficult to eradicate. Out of frustration I reverted to my old settings of 463mv(all disconnected) and downloaded the old map I have for this setting. With 463mv the bike can almost idle without the idle stop screw. Presto the bike runs beautifully. No hiccups , no engine stalling even on hard braking or downchanging of gears, engine idles at 1000rpm beautifully , and throttle response is responsive overall. Oh the top end can hit redline as well. This map was also provided by my dyno tuner but I had to modify it to work on areas of part throttle crusing and smoothness at low rpm. It also produces 79 horses only even with a crossover which i just fitted. The mid range is much improved though. A friend's FJR 1300 could not even keep up on the straight up to a point. (His words not mine)And other faster bike owners' commented that the copa and sports 1100i is real fast. I never felt it is underpowered even though my track motorcyles are Mv agustas f4 1000, and bmw s1000rrs. Just love the character and feel of the guzzi and yes it's real world speed as well, I'm just reporting what I know and applicable to my bikes. The can of worms open still cannot change the fact i'm not running at base 150mv on my modified bikes. My standard guzzis are running at 150mv though.(have 2 centys)
  10. Hi Joep I am looking for a leman triple clamp and also the fairing and lights for a sports 1100. Do you have these items?



  11. An update on this thread that I started. I know now why my bike copa italia can't run on 150 millivolt base setting. It is supposed to run on 465mv as according to the race ecu instructions which i found recently. I tried setting it to 150mv and since it has a power commander send it off to my tuner who try as he might cannot obtain a satisfactory map for it on the dyno. it will either be powerful but cannot hold a constant throttle or does it by feeling too rich and with poor throttle response. Anyway it can't be tune to the way it runs at 465mv. So know I know the reason or did I open up a can of worms. Also on a side note my sports 1100i is now set to 150mv base after i reverted back to standard exhuast system. The last time with a full termi system it cannot run at this setting but required 310mv as mentioned. Strange but true in my case.
  12. Sorry Raz That forum sometimes takes ages before someone answers so I thought I'll try my luck here. Anyway 400cc is wrong . I just found out the manual says 360cc instead.
  13. HI I have a 2004 copa italia here in the far east and it is so relaible with nothing going wrong at all and i do ride it hard. I bought it new and it has 10,200 km now. It has a the guzzi race ecu and also the Ti pipes. One of my favorite bikes of all time.
  14. Hi Have any of you install the feracchi high compression of 92mm bore which he claims is a slot in pistons. Is it any good ? How much more power can you gain and most importantly is it relaible.
  15. Hi guys Can someone help with this info. I need to know the amount of oil for the sports 1100i and the viscosity to use.
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