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Lars Le Mans

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About Lars Le Mans

  • Birthday 06/17/1964

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  • My bike(s)
    V11 Le Mans

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  1. Lars Le Mans

    Lars Le Mans

  2. Ok I adjusted the TPM as ordered It was way of . 246mV fully closed with everything backed off. Luigi most have had hang overs that day. It is now at 156mV fully closed and 468mV at 1000 rpm. It´s a totally diffrent engine, It runs so smooth
  3. It´s 0,10mm on the intake and 0,15mm on the exhaust. According to my maintenance book that´s about right
  4. HHmmm.... you are right.I am going to fast.OK... I need to check and adjust the throttle opening angle, I just dont know how to messure the angle inside the throttle housing... I checked the valve clearens yesterday and it seems ok. And I tightened everything on the intake side,nothing loose there. And thank you for bringing me down to the ground again I´m not a totaly rookie with engines but I get carried away when my "Bella Moto" dosen´t feel good
  5. And by the way only when it is warm. I will start by making a new "holder" for the temperatur gauge in the cylinder head. Brass or aluminum.
  6. Valve adjustment? I did that 1000 km ago. Are they to tight? It just comes to my mind, its after the adjustment that it started backfirering at higher rpm.
  7. My 04 LM has the front cross over and I belived it was there because of the cat. under the gearbox. I like the ideer and the look (and the sound ) of the "Quad-box" ,but I am just a poor working man who can do something with metal. So I am playing with the ideer of doing it my self (in aluminium) and make a cross over in the can. My wifes knee angle will be improvet to. But there is more to it than this. I bourght the bike 1 year old,with Mistral´s,no cat.,KN filter in the original housing and PC III.Last fall it began to backfire out of the throttle´s when I give it a quick twist. This problem has grown cause now it backfires at cruiser speed belowe 3000 rpm. And if have to pay a bike mecanic (if I can find someone who knows anything about V11 ) I would like to have changed the exhaust first. I have read the throttel body sync. in this forum,but my english aint good enough to do it my self. And what is this Tuneboy stuff? Can it replace the PC III or ???
  8. Thanks for your reply.I still dont know if a second crossover in the Can will do more harm than good.And by the way my fuel milage is also terrible
  9. Hey everybody I am a happy owner of a V11 Le Mans 04 with Mistral Carbon cans (no cat.),open airbox with a KN filter and Power Commander III. On the 04 model the cross over is placed on the down pipes. I have decided to make a new exhaust can, aluminium,placed under the gearbox. So my question is this: which effect will it have if i make a second cross over ind the Can ? By the way .This forum is great. My wife dont think so cause Im spending to much time here Greetings from Denmark Lars
  10. Hey there First of all.This forum is the best.I'm the proud and happy owner of a black V11 Le Mans 04. bought it in 2007 with only 3600 km. And now with 15000 km i discovert a crack on Sachs rear shock lower joint. I made a not so pretty but safe repair of the shock,giving me time to source for the right replacement. I also found the Hagon wich is half the price of the original Sachs. And if it is as good as you say it's the one.
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