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Everything posted by greenmonster

  1. Working hard in garage, contemplating/appreciating all efforts. Some progress today, will get back when decent results. All switches are off, that is all switches are down to the 1-2-3-4-side. I`ve had the first (O2-switch) on before today, is that correct (I want open loop)? Battery is getting tired fr all these efforts, I`ll be back w results incl a fresh battery. Thx all f chiming in!
  2. Of course I started adjusting in small steps around my settings where I had half OK start. Much later, to see if anything happends, I tried more radical stuff. Starting behaves the same, small or big alterations, TDCWhileCranking=1 or TDCWhileCranking=0 w 14 degrees f e (also tried 4,5 8. 10 degrees). Makes me wonder if the TDCWhileCranking= even works on mine. Had MyECU 6 months on the bike, more or less kickbacks the whole time. Have developed a map w good results on the Dyno but w no offset alterations, it is time to start w those.
  3. Latest in my starting troubles: Tried alot of mappings to get an easy start. TDC=0 or 1, Priming 14 down to 4, Crank after start down to 25, TDC fr map w 4-14 degrees. In short, a very wide spectre of maps, hours spent. No easy start, lotsa kickbacks, a little throttle helped to start occasionally. Could a problem be me having some 11-11,5 compression and a 1,5 kg lighter flywheel? Took the plugcaps off, engine rotated quite freely w tired battery, w/o any problems. First start this season was w original P7, tried it again, several starts in a row w/o problems. I think somethings basic is wrong, it is not in mapping. A guess: Other ignitions have the parameter Revolutions w/o ignition f starting. That is a rev or two to get the starting mechanism rolling, then ignite. Feels like I don`t have that, I immidiately get a kickback w MyECU. From a map: MyECU Cfg TDC=0x1c00, CylOffs=270, PulsesPer=32, MissingPulses=0 Missing pulse, is that anything like Revolution w/o ignition? Is there something I can adjust in MyECU to get a rev or to w/o ignition when starting? Frustrating last sessions w MyECU so any help appreciated!
  4. A bit puzzled as I have a 907 w a P7 originally. But I will focus on fuel priming. Some strange posts lately, anything wrong w this thread?!? To me it seems we all struggle in the same direction, slowly but forward in a good spirit.
  5. See Cliff`s answer, there are links to 143. I reach Cliff`s forum w/o any problems. I have posted my 907 map to vij. I fully agree w punch`s last post, spot on f me. I think developing a FAQ is the best f most users, combined w in depth & detail threads here & in Cliff`s forum.
  6. 143 works, thx f help.
  7. Tried Offset map again this evening. Changed a few values to % values, no worky. Map dl to myecu & then dl back, no Offset map values present. Software issue?
  8. Just so noone interested misses this: Cliff, inventor of the MyECU replacement injection system, has started a new forum dedicated to his creation! He is moderator & answers questions etc. There are some good info & threads here already but here is another possibility to develop & understand this good little gadget. Join here: www.cajinnovations.com/yabb0
  9. ECUcontrol142, got it spring -08. In my second try to transfer offset figures to & from MyECU I used 2 figures at 2 spots in the map: 1 was 1000 as for mS, 1 was 2 as f percent. Non stuck as I dl altered map fr ECU, Offset map all zero´s again.
  10. Tried to alter Cylinder offset map today, changed numbers in Wordpad. Those did not follow the map into my P8, why is that? Downloaded map to-from the P8, those (I did it twice) did not have any alterations in Cyl Off map. Should the numbers in Off map be in mS or %? No answer when checking Cliff´s manual. Great news and seem to be working well!
  11. Tried that today, no start. Road test today first 5 TPS rows/all RPM`s w 300 inj timing. Not so smooth, abit better when warm but worse than 517 overall. Bit harder to start, even if I had first 3 TPS row values at 517. Maybe ign timing not so important, as Cliff stated. Will not try any other setting regarding this unless someone else chimes in w good result (raz ). Hmmm, have perfect start when cold w idle lever at max, 5 degrees in first row & TDC=0. Warm start I always have to add a little throttle. What to adjust? Would be sooo slick just to press the starter button at any conditions & get a perfect start.....
  12. So why did our bikes start easier w TDC=0 then? Some parameters must`ve changed. TDC seems bad f me before it actually fires, backfires etc. Edit: Thx f PC advice, raz, will try that1
  13. PC problemo: Changed Inj timing in Word Pad by hand, like 30 values ( sorry, Punch, don`t master your Excel yet ). When I saved it, it now was a text .txt file! Why so? And how to avoid it? Got by it w some cut & paste but irritating. Nice this thread is back to life after a long winter!
  14. Well, TDC Cranking=0 is really smooth f me as f Punch, maybe a Duc thing (+pasotibbs... ) Default being 1 is a mistake as I see it, easy to overlook and you work w the table f no use when it is not enabled. Yes, I could have read the manual better but still think 0 default is more customer friendly. Some garage inj timing tests tonight: Set at 300, good/fast response at lower RPM/TPS. But, 300 at row 600 starting RPM, kickbacks, 517 smooth start again. Btw, pasotibbs, are you a Paso owner?
  15. Slow start this spring, first run today. Maybe relevant only f Ducs, but: Changing above figure t 0 & first 3 TPS to 5 degrees, much better! No kickbacks, smooth starting, cold or hot engine. Edit: "MyECU Cfg TDCWhileCranking=1" seems to be default in Cliff´s Cali & V11 maps.
  16. Wanna explain why? I will keep you posted.
  17. Slightly off topic: I`m involved in a ethanol engine 2 injectors per TB & MyECU P8. The injection duration will be about 8,2 ms at WOT & like 2,1 at just off idle. Will this cause problems? Should we change ignition timing? Any other important issue w ethanol to think of?
  18. Nice to have you w us! From our mails I know you are a serious person and will contribute. And also nice to have a fellow Ducatista on board. Welcome!
  19. OK. Was a little hard to understand the injection timing graphics used before: Are the 575-600 ignition advance we talked about same as the degrees in this table? Edit: Yup, ment injection timing....
  20. So we should stick to MyECU Cfg CoilCharge0=6000,CoilCharge1=2500?
  21. Tip I got: Is this true for most of us, both MyP8 & My 15/16M owners?
  22. Just a comparison, from my OEM 907 ign map, 1st vertical row TPS, 1200 ideal idle: 600 799 1000 1199 0 3 12 10 10 1 3 12 10 10 3 3 12 11 11 4 3 12 11 12 8 3 14 14 14 11 3 14 14 16 It do start easily w that. So there row 600 f is starting & 799 f stabilizing idle? Lower than 800RPM it just wont run. 0 row, 42 max advance WOT etc makes this an unusual map indeed. Maybe 3-5 degrees in row 500 is good f starting? Quite different fr the 900ie OEM: 1000 1200 2,6 10 8 3,2 10 8 4,0 10 8 5,0 10 11 6,0 10 12 7,2 10 12 9,5 12 12 11,9 12 12 Cranking advance: 10 degrees.
  23. Duc 900ie has 1000RPM/10 degrees in first row so there are some variations. Anyway, thx f info, just wanted to clear this bit up f me & maybe other newbies. We are among other things trying to create a How To/FAQ/more explicit manual here.
  24. This must mean that not only the Prime injection table rules how much gas at starting? Then, w f e 4 ms at 0,0 & 12 ms Prime when starting at 20 C, we get 16 ms at starting?!? Again, from From Getting started w MyECU:
  25. Just to clear things up for me and maybe someone else about what`s involved in starting: From My ECU user manual: From Getting started w MyECU: As I get it (together w previous info in this thread): When starting, fuel is determined by the Prime table only. Period. Guess you were right, raz. If TDCWhileCranking= is set to 1, ECU is not using either Injection dur nor Spark adv values row 1 (500 RPM). Right? No use of even filling in Injector duration row 1 or? Or maybe you must bacause row 2 has to relate to row 1? Those w starting kickback problems should try TDCWhileCranking=0 and try to find better ign timing f starting, default seems to be 1. Crank Boost is for the extra juice seconds after started. Please do correct me if I`m wrong!
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