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  1. Can Confirm. Have a 2003 V11, replaced battery today and the odyssey 545 was exact fit. No mods needed, not catching on seat. +1 on the Hawker Odyssey 545
  2. Thank you for all the information. I guess I have been looking in the wrong place, I will look into the neutral switch today and hopefully post results later tonight.
  3. Ok, noticed my neutral light was starting to not work 100% of the time last fall. Put the bike away and when I came back to it last month, the neutral light did not work at all. The bike would not start with the side stand down, and if you are in neutral and put the side stand down the bike would die. I have done some reading on here and so looked at the fuses, took the tank off and unplugged the switch wire, plugged it back in, ect. Nothing. Got fed up with not being able to warm up the bike on its stand, so I removed the switch from it's holder and zip-tied it to the frame (dangerous I know). Now the neutral light comes on (not 100% of the time but better than it was), and if you press the switch button, the bike does not die. WTF, should I just get a new switch or do you think it is something else? Any good idea on a parts supplier for that switch? Thanks
  4. Thanks for the input, I will check that link out...
  5. I know this bike doesn't have a carb (just got done reading that post...) but the metal thing that looks like where the air and fuel would mix, and has some bolts/springs on the bottom of it, is currently leaking onto my pipe. Granted this is not a huge leak, but a drip here and there is going to lead to some major pipe discoloration, I would think. The bottom of that housing is looking pretty discolored as well. Any thoughts on what this is, or how to fix it. And not knowing WTF that piece is now that I know it's not a carb, I am a little reluctant to strip it down W/O proper knowledge. Any thoughts would be great Thanks
  6. I had this same problem today, manifested itself as my fork lock not working. Thankfully both were still there, just loose. Easy fix...? Back out the bolts and cut a notch in them with a hacksaw so you can fit a flat blade screwdriver in there, then locktight them down. And if you really wanted to, I bet you could tighten it so hard as to strip the bolt, so no removal would be possible. No trip to the store necessary. My 2 cents...
  7. Thanks for the thoughts... I opened her up last night and indeed those gaskets were pretty brittle and cracked in places. Makes you wonder about a gasket after 4k miles, but oh well, at least they are easy to get to, I didn't even have to remove my tank. My local shop has them in stock, I will try dealer approved first, but if they weep or whatever, I will be upgrading into something a little more thick or with some sort of sealant on it. But first I go stock and see. I will let you all know. Thanks again for all the help, hopefully I wont be on here to much!
  8. Tight is tight, too tight is broke...HA Cant tell you how many times I learned that working on older bikes. I guess I will pick up some gaskets and tear into the thing tonight. Wish me luck, hopefully it goes to plan. Thanks for the info and confidence!
  9. Hello, New to this forum, bought a 2003 V11 sport about a year ago and now have a question. Upon returning home last friday from work, I noticed I had oil on my shoe. Thinking "that's not right" I checked the bike and noticed a few small oil patches under the bike. I started it up and I am getting oil dripping from the left head, right above the sparkplug (or that's what it looks like). Might of been normal for my old-a*s harley, but not the guzzi! The bike has about 4900 miles on it, and I dont ride it too hard, I find it hard to believe it's a busted gasket, but I have not opened it up yet to see. Is this known to happen often? and do I just have to undo the allen screws for access? Any thoughts would be great. Thanks
  10. 2003v11

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