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Wayne Orwig

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Everything posted by Wayne Orwig

  1. Wayne Orwig

    Wayne Orwig

  2. Well, I was able to get paroled from work Friday, and there was still a cabin available, so you may have to put up with me this weekend.
  3. I'm hoping to meet up Saturday along the route. I'll just set the GPS to hit all of the Mexican joints along the route. Seriously though, someone send my a text or call letting me know roughly where and when you are stopping.
  4. Well, the rear tire in the Stelvio is just too far gone to risk. The replacement is still a day away. So I'll be on the EV. I know everyone want to do more mud and gravel. So I may need to stick with the gravel and pavement instead.
  5. WooHoo, hot wings, cold beer, and gasoline. Everything one might need. I was just told by management that 'things are picking up'. Secret code for 'you may need to work a few weekends'. So I may be a no show.
  6. Great, I'll be on the Stelvio then....
  7. Newport Tenn? Are you guys going to Dollywood?
  8. My EV had the highest temp. I am running Mobil 1 with a bit of moly added. Not saying it is or isn't the lube, but in my case, I have the EV rear end 'sealed' a bit by all of the luggage, much more then anything else there. And the CARC units should have more area exposed to cool air. Maybe. The true test would be do do a certain ride, measure it, change the oil, then repeat the same conditions. I must admit that I was surprised to see Docc in the parking lot using that rectal thermometer on everyone's rear and not even cleaning it from rearend to rearend. Sounds unhygienic to me.
  9. I placed a few photos and a couple of videos on Photobucket. It was good to meet everyone and explore some great roads (including the gravel ) Photobucket
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