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  1. I'm not knowledgeable about CNC, but is it possible that the fellow who did the rounded square heads in the photos could email you the CNC instruction file that would instruct the milling machine after it had been clamped into place with the correct cutting tools in place?
  2. And in addition, you round-head-ulate your square head thus: His web site here
  3. Try these out: http://zelastchancegaragedu78.blogspot.com/ http://lecontainer.blogspot.com/ http://caferacerculture.blogspot.com/ http://zen-of-neato.blogspot.com/ http://ottonero.blogspot.com/ http://www.bikeexif.com/ http://thevintagent.blogspot.com/ http://itowesmealiving.blogspot.com/ http://kissmeimlazy.tumblr.com/ http://www.groverscleveland.com/ http://motorcyclepictureoftheday.blogspot.com/ http://ancientindustries.blogspot.com/
  4. There are these: http://www.whaccessories.com/BrakeReservoirs.htm No info, but they look nice.
  5. Need a complete 10 spring, 2-plate clutch - flywheel assembly for V11 series. geodoctelus.net
  6. heh frankdugo, The gage is a combination tach / speedo from Moto Spezial in Germany. You can get the large scale as the tach or speedo and vice versa. They were on sale for 290 Euro. http://moto-spezial.de/homepage/index.html Browse their catalog, wonderful special parts. Thanks for the tip-'o-the-hat felix42o It's been (and continues to be) a schwack of work and I would rather not think how much $. But what the hell, right? So I could have bought a restored 1975 MV America for the same money, so what? Gotten a lot of bits and misc. pieces from Aircraft Spruce in Calif. They have all manner of fabrication stuff for home built airplanes that comes in handy for home built motorcycles too: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/ The hydraulic fittings and line comes from Russell and Earls. I order from JEGS: http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/serv..._10019_-1_10267 The black anodized fittings are a nice detail touch. took a long time to fine a "gang" relay block (for master power, starter, horn (139db Stebel), and spare: http://www.rallylights.com/hella/Relay_Block_Pictures.asp Will be using an elektronik-sachse.de ignition w/ dual plugs: http://www.elektronik-sachse.de/ZDG3/frset_zdg_en.htm Will be equipped with Valentine 1 radar detector and Blinder M25 laser jammer & helmet heads-up display. Plan was to use a 280 watt Saprisa alternator, but now figure I need to do a load tally and see if it's going to be able to keep up. May have to go to this rig: http://www.euromotoelectrics.com/EDLMG.html Then there's the JE pistons, Nikasil barrel plating, Mike Rich head work / porting, crank balancing, finding a V11 Sport clutch - flywheel, Yoyodyne floating ft. rotors, 40mm dellortos, dyno tweaking, Oberon turn signals, etc, etc, etc .................................. Like I said about the 75 MV ........................... Big-Ass fun building this thing though. Target completion is next spring. Curtis Harper ordered me up a Tenni fairing piece (in stock w/ MGNA) that was $60 & will be a way to match the color w/ Imron via local paint shop. Might be able to get a PPG code at the same time. Can post the code(s) after I get it done. CFMAW
  7. Aside from the cost if it was just a regular shipment, being paint it's considered dangerous goods so can't be shipped except by special rate $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. AS per the begining post in this thread, I had no luck with the paint codes at auto paint suppliers - Lechler is not sold in N America & the BASF # is about 4 numbers longer than the usual BASF code. This is why I'm resorting to scrounging a piece of wrecked fairing.
  9. Why yes ............... they are clecos. Used to fix airplanes, mostly sheet metal and electrical.
  10. My "Frankin-Guzzi" project is to be painted Tenni Green, but having no luck with the paint codes on the forum here. Plan 'B' is to hopefully find a piece of fairing from a wreck to acquire and get matched in PPG or (better) Imron via a local auto paint shop. Thanks in advance ................... Here's the rig:
  11. The dealer here only knows the Guzzi P/N for the paint. The Lechler code was not known at all by either of the big auto body / paint shops here in Vancouver or by BASF N America for a cross-reference. So where did the BASF code that's in this thread come from? Like I mentioned above, BASF N America tells me it's got too many numbers for one of their codes. G
  12. I've got a project that's getting to the point that I need to be thinking about paint. Pretty much decided on "Tenni" green, so went looking on this forum for a paint code. I found the BASF # below (Lechler is apparently not available in N America). I took the number to the local BASF distributor, but he could make nothing of the number. He called up BASF N America and they tell him it's not a good number. Anybody have any details on this? I plan to use DuPont IMRON in the Tenni color, but gloss. Plan B is to go the chip matching route. CFMAW
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