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Everything posted by cash1000

  1. I got bracket bent back to 90 degrees. All fits together fine now. I like the idea of the stud.
  2. cash1000


  3. Anyone else had this problem - The lower bolt that attaches the bracket that the side stand attaches to broke and bent the bracket beyond 90. I've got local enginerring co trying to bent it back to 90 but they weren't hopeful. See photo in my members gallery. So I'm on the hunt for a new one. Harpers have one but its a bit expensive [docc added image]
  4. cash1000

    Side stand.jpg

    From the album: Cash1000

  5. Patches just arrived here in New Zealand. They look great
  6. cash1000


    Good excuse to come to New Zealand and the riding as well
  7. Have I missed something. I couldn't find your Email address?
  8. I got the flywheel out of my RM crack tested last year. No cracks found. Bikes done at least 88k (2nd speedo)
  9. I had to put a small bend in mine to clear the throttle linkage. Will try and take a photo tonight.
  10. How about this? 01760492 - $23.16 - Speedo cable 03-04 V11 LeMans ITI black speedometer GU01760492 [01760492] : MG Cycle, Moto Guzzi Parts and Accessories available online at MGCycle.com
  11. Get the new version of speedo cable. It does away with the angle drive
  12. Get a metal dipstick - much easier to read https://www.stein-dinse.com/en/item-1-1078652.html
  13. Good Guzzi one 2nd from the left
  14. Link to mates You Tube video
  15. cash1000


    The punt trip
  16. From the album: Cash1000

    God show (Guzzies on Display)
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