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Everything posted by RHIP

  1. Ben, I've been to Italy, and their slant on life is very healthy. Things get done, believe me, but they enjoy life. Instead of working like a dog for 10-12 hours, hitting a bar and drinking their brains out, they work 6 to 8 hours, and take two hours to enjoy a leisurely dinner with friends or family, talking, eating and drinking wine. Most of the Scandinavian countries give their workers 6 weeks off, and their standard of living is higher than ours. After some time in Italy, my conclusion was that they had a much better perspective on what is important in life than we do. Hell, they make Guzzis, Ducatis and Ferraris, don't they?
  2. RHIP


    I have a chance to put a set of Staintunes on my Rosso - will this require a remap of the ECU? Anyone with any experience with this system? Thanks!
  3. When I bought the Rosso Mandello, my dealer, Judson Cycle Sales (the best!) included these with the purchase. The mounts look like they had been installed on a bike, but the bags are new - I think he had them in stock all this time. All of the photos I've seen of the racks on V 11's show one plastic bit on the top rail only - I have a total of four, and am wondering if two are to be used per side, and how they are mounted. If anyone out there actually has the original written instructions for these racks, I would really appreciate it if they could be scanned and sent to me. Lake Como will part for you, and after you ride up the shore to Mandello, will close behind you, engulfing all of those pursuing Ducatis.
  4. Right - it's the moveable plastic bits that baffle me. Do you attach the bags, center them where you think they should rest, and then attach these? I have two per bag -do I put one on each rail, or one on the top and one on the bottom?
  5. I think I've figured out how to mount the brackets on my Rosso for the Guzzi Tekno luggage (no instructions came with the set) - but I can't figure out where to mount, or even the purpose of the two small triangular bits that are screwed on to the frame rails for the bags. Can anyone help me out with this? I also found the key for the bags - are you really supposed to reach inside the bag after it's packed with junk to find the keyhole to lock or unlock the bags? Thanks!
  6. I got a set of the factory saddlebags for my Rosso, but no instructions for installation of the mounts. Can somebody give me some help on this? I can see where the front brackets need to go, but the smaller ones in the back have me baffled. Thanks!
  7. Sorry to hear of this. Few of us on this forum ever meet face to face, but we share a common bond, and our thoughts and prayers go out to you and Tom. He is here, he is alive, and you have your son; let's hope foe a speedy and complete recovery. By sharing your experience, all of us will give an extra hug to our children and other loved ones, and realize how precious these people are.
  8. ...and be smart enough not to go on a Sunday. I knew the entire place was closed, but took a cab to get there anyway, just to see what it looked like. If you touch the front door, your relays will last forever!
  9. With a $2K difference in price, and the fact that the Rosso seems less than pristine, I'd give the Ballabio a long hard look, and a good test ride. I wouldn't let the extra miles scare you, and for the money you save you could do a lot to fix or make the Ballabio the bike you want. Give it a long test ride to see if you like the bars, and make sure the ECU was dealt with if it has aftermarket pipes. I still like the Rosso better if all else was equal, but if it was an import, you really don't know what you are getting. Let us know what you decide!
  10. I've had my Rosso Mandello for just two weeks, but I love it. The clipons aren't a problem for me, and I'm 56 years old; they may work better than the high bar for some people. As for the model changes, you need to look at the particular RM. Mine has the 5.5" rear wheel. The steering head was raked out on the RM a whopping 1/2 degree from the earlier version, and to me the front end seems more planted than on the earlier V 11 Sport I tested (or the current 1100 Breva, for that matter). Haven't ridden a Ballabio, so I can't compare the handling, but I think these bikes were made for low bars. You don't saying anything about the relative prices of the two bikes, mileage or condition; any or all of those factors would push me one way or another.....but how can you turn down something as pretty as that Rosso?
  11. Sold my S2R, finally bought the Rosso Mandello I've been lusting after for years. 2343 miles, looks like new. My last Guzzi was a V7 Sport (should have never let it go - in 1985) - I love this bike! It's an Unlimited Edition, which I have christened # 301. This Forum has been a fantastic source of info, but a few questions: -Toolkit. None on my bike - I am assuming I'm not missing much, but aside from a cellphone and a VISA card, what do most people carry for tools? -Rear tire size. My understanding was that this had a pre-Lemans small rim, so I would be looking at a 160 series - but my trusty tape shows 5 1/2 inches across the rim. Was the larger wheel stock on the RM, and is going from a 170 to a 180 wise? -Relays. Mine have been swapped out for the new ones - should I still pack some spares? -Clutch fluid change. I'm still trying to find the slave cylinder and a bleed bolt. The fluid is dark (original from 2001, I'm sure) - is this a pain to bleed, and are there instructions online? Thanks for any help - I'm looking forward to a long relationship with this beauty.
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