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Everything posted by arek

  1. I am looking for a V11 engine to drop into a Cali Stone ... no trans needed but engine should be complete. cheers arek
  2. Yes, I did - 15 in and 20 out. I am going to try again tonight and see if I can get this right. I have balanced TBs few times before, and I did not come across this problem - that is why I posted this. I thought that maybe there is an air leak somewhere, but when I checked everything I could not find one. For balancing I use a self made manometer, which is better than the TwinMax I also have ...
  3. I am having difficulty balancing the TBs, where I cannot get them synchronized at both idle (1100) and 2-3k RPM. I can balance them with closed air bypass screws at 2.5k, but as soon as I ease off the throttle one side sucks a lot more air, and opening bypass screws does not help. On the other hand, I can balance the TBs at idle with open bypass screws, but then the balance goes way off opening the throttle ... what gives? Any ideas? I set the valves to world spec, rubber intake boots are good, I do have pods and they are the same. A.
  4. sorry to hear about your troubles, and hopefully you get this sorted in no time. In any case, I think it must have been the Redline Heavy Duty Shockproof that caused all this ... there were issues reported in the past using Redline. I am replacing mine tonight!
  5. i ma looking for a front fender in black, red or carbon for 04 V11 Ballabio - Marzocchi forks. thank. arek
  6. Thank you Gentlemen for replies!!! I think I just got myself a Rich Maund modified saddle
  7. Does anyone know if the stock seats are interchangeable between these 2? Thanks! A.
  8. thanks, I have seen this one, but it is different than mine ... but I just bought a pair of new covers on German ebay ... I think now the only thing left if the shift lever ...
  9. Thanks for the suggestions! I did need a spark wire and head guard, but these things I already have. EBay has absolutely nothing right now. The 2 things I am missing to ride again are a valve cover and gear shift lever...
  10. well, it happened this weekend - gravel and inexperience ... I am fine, but bike has some cosmetic damage on the left side, so I am in search of a few parts, if anyone has something sitting around or spares please let me know ... 04 V11 - gear shift lever - valve cover - turning signal - chrome ring on the headlight thanks. A.
  11. Can't post without words ...
  12. these guys have exactly what you are talking about - Super Bright LEDs - # 74 is a direct replacement LED bulb for the 2721 wedge bulbs on the V11s. (bottom of the page) I purchased the T1.5 lamp with holder - T1.5 lamp - and with some tweaking to the holder it fit right in. (bottom of page) I bought red high power ones and they look great on the instruments. very cool, with build in resistors and diode make them fool proof. dirt cheap too! cheers. a.
  13. Thanks for the photos ... I do not have this plate, but rather it is one solid design. (I would have to take it off the bike to take a pic) Also, I think we have different iteration of this exhaust, because I have the QD ink print, where as your QD is pressed. I will not chop it up myself as I have never welded in my life ... but if I can find a trusted welder who would be willing to work with me on this I would. But this leads to another question - is it possible and would it help to increase power to insert another outlet on the other side of the exhaust? I guess no one has done this, and there is no data or know how to support this. hmmm... Anyone can recommend a welder in San Diego county
  14. maybe someone has one? FBF is all out, Rosso takes weeks to deliver, and I don't have the proper tools to make one ... anyway - abetlej@gmail.com
  15. Thanks, I appreciate your help. So, did you just remove the cat or did you also add 2nd outlet on the other side?
  16. I read here that most of you with this exhaust remove the catalytic converter ... but on mine there are no rivets, as the whole thing is all welded up. I guess I am stuck with it, unless I cut the welds and remove it. Which piece on this box was riveted in the past, and allowed to remove the catalytic? If I was to go through the trouble of cutting the welds, perhaps it would make sense to try to see if one can insert another exhaust outlet on the other side, and perhaps make other changes, to gain back some power? Anyone ever attempted this? Does anyone know how the chambers are designed? I emailed qD and asked for this info, but was not answered.
  17. Thank you. I will give this a try. A.
  18. I installed the quat-d box on my V11, and I was wondering if someone can share a PC3 map made for this exhaust. I eventually will dyno it, but I thought I would try this first. I also have pods for air intake, lash at .15/.20. Thanks. A.
  19. ... here is some look and sound -
  20. Hi. I just bought one 2 weeks ago from Motowheels - http://www.motowheels.com/. Paid $1100 including shipping, and they had one in stock. I think they don't have any more, but they will order you one. Hope this helps. Arek
  21. Stu, so you got it! great ... I was wondering. I hope you enjoy it. BTW I installed the quat-d ... its very cool
  22. Still available: MG rear rack in new condition, black, also with everything it should come with ... brackets and hardware - $199. Ballabio windscreen in Red in very good condition - $149. PM or email abetlej@gmail.com
  23. I caught it very early, so there was no damage to cylinders walls. I agree paper is the safe way to go, but I just love how the engine sounds with the pods ... that gargle tune is priceless As you can imagine I monitor the filtration very carefully now, and I do not see any evidence of what happened before with a well oiled pod. I am a believer in them, as long as they are properly maintained. People have done 100k miles with them, without problems. I just did not know better when I bought them, and, unfortunately for me, there were no instructions in the bag with the filter. All in all, it was not too bad. I did all work myself and got to know my V11 a lot better. I also like to think that I got rid of pinning along the way. We’ll see …
  24. Well, I installed pods without oiling them, and riding around here in coastal area (live in Oceanside) sand got into the intake quick. I took the heads off right away to clean them out and prevent damage. I learned that you must oil foam filters the hard way The bike was pinning well before installing the pods however. I did maybe 2k miles after I got the bike, and before installing the pods. It is in that time that I got concerned about the pinning issues. I certainly did not ride with "oil in the combustion chambers leaking in through a butchered valve guide job with wobbly valve seats."
  25. Yeah. The oil was getting into the combustion chamber through the guides - I posted pic in the original thread - but that is after the SoCal shop damaged them. I did not run the engine with this for any period of time, but rather shipped it back to them, and later to Mike. Before all this happened, there was no oil in the engine, and plugs were golden-brown.
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