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Bill Hagan

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Bill Hagan last won the day on August 24

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  • Location
    Just above Pott's Camp along Braddock's route, Va., USA
  • My bike(s)
    '98 V11 EV, '04 V11 Ballabio [gone], '07 Norge [gone], '10 Griso [gone], '16 Stornello, '17 V7 III [gone], & '22 V85TT Guardia d'Onore

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  1. Later. I am being supervised on a housecleaning mission.
  2. As for cost, do you want the real amount ... or what I told Kathi?
  3. I’ll spare you the “Buon giorno” and similar affectations of many who have just returned from Italy or wherever. 🙄 I got back a few days ago from a motorcycle tour — on Moto Guzzis, of course 😄🇮🇹🏍️ — of France’s Corsica and Italy’s Sardinia. It likely surprises no one who knows me and is reading this to know that I have some pic and vid evidence of that trip. 😄 Actually, all of the “riding” pix and vids were supplied by others, and primarily Retno & Tresno (Indonesian Guzzisti) and Paula, a Brazilian pillion. Thanks to them as, quite frankly, I saw very little scenery as I was just trying to stay alive! 😱 First, a quick word for the TLDR types and anyone else who has interest in but too little time … or simply has the attention span of a gerbil. 😄 Bear in mind that I started with about 1800(!) pix, and culled those to a number you’ll have to open the slideshow to see, but more than 85% fewer! That said, if you have neither time nor inclination to see all the pix, just watch the three brief vids that start very early in the slideshow. They capture so much of the riding experience that was often a tunnel of terror for me at the time. The pix link opens in “collage landscape,” thereby (in theory, at least) permitting you to see all pix at once, and to see all (untruncated) captions by hovering your cursor over individual pix. Open the slideshow to see the larger pix and captions … (tho, maddeningly) Smugmug allows captions to fade after several unless you work at seeing them. Grrrrr. https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Corsica---Sardinia-by-Moto-Guzzi/n-2kjBXg And, here is a link to some vids that I did not include in the slideshow, but you might find interesting. https://bill-and-kathi.smugmug.com/Extra-Videos-Corsica-Sardinia-Guzzi-Tour-2024/n-BMsp3R Best, Bill
  4. Just back from that Corsica & Sardinia Guzzi tour. Saw one spine frame, a red beauty. Sadly, no pic. Shame on me. Bill
  5. Yes, finally. My pix of SSR XX. Lots of reasons for my tardiness in gathering, culling, and adding captions, including general sloth and lethargy. These are, if not quite ready for prime time, they are probably "good enough." Even if barely that, consider that I started with 452, and deleted 300+. In other words, could have been worse. As usual with my pix, opens in “collage landscape,” and you can hover your cursor over the individual to see the captions, but those are easier to read in slideshow format. Bill's Pix of SSR XX September 2024 Bill
  6. All good. But I am always mindful that God doesn’t watch Weather Channel. Bill
  7. Finally finished the 12K service on my V85, my mount for the SSR XX. No, it's not that difficult, but I sometimes think that I put the "pro" in procrastination. I did muse about riding the venerable hotdog & mustard EV after a nice local jaunt yesterday with Bob Wegman, Master Guzzi Wrench Bob Wegman who rode down form Rochester to rescue me from myself -- R&R'd the V85's over-long OEM side stand with a shorter one (also OEM, but chopped and re-welded). But the V85 won the toss. Kathi's still out in the PNW, but gets back just in time to drive the support vehicle. AJ brought back a Convert from Tennessee a few days ago ... ... but will, as planned, be on his Guardia, a twin to mine. Bill
  8. Lordy, that was painful to read. The SSR will not be the same without you. You might note that Moto Grappa is way closer than Alaska. Seriously, come visit. Best wishes for a better 2025. Bill
  9. Can't speak for the whole country, but "nookie" was a common word where I grew up in rural western Kentucky in the 1960's. Bill
  10. I sometimes find the knowledge here near annoying. That is especially true with automotive electrics, a subject that I know less about than quantum physics. Well played, @gstallions, tho deep in my adolescent heart, I almost hope you are wrong, if only so I'll feel less stupid. To put this in context, I am happy simply to have found TDC on my V85 yesterday and having it start and run without hemorrhaging oil after installing the fidgety oil filter. Naturally, I had help ... who, BTW, told me she would make me into a castrato if I posted this pic. I'll try still to be a tenor when I get to Tellico Plains for the SSR. Apologies to @vinguzzi, the OP, for hijacking his thread, but no time here ... Kathi is looking through the knife drawer! Bill
  11. Great news about Kathy! Drinking whiskey out of Dixie cups is … well … so Tennessee. Bill
  12. First, great re SSR. Second, re Italy ride, etc., simply wow! Very much look forward to your stories. Don't know Mirto; in fact, have never heard of it. Wikipee told me this: Mirto Thanks to you, I will not sound too rubish -- at least on that account when I ride this next month ... Moto Guzzi Tour of Sardinia & Corsica Bill
  13. @KINDBOY ... just saw your "like." You get up mighty early for PST. Tried PM'ing you but got error message. Coming to SSR this year? Bill
  14. Surprisingly little infield chatter here for this close to the event. Supposing the routes and activities -- -- are so well-known to the regulars that not much is needed. I'll start. AJ and I launch on our Guardias on Thursday, RON in Princeton, W.V., then close on the objective Friday afternoon. Kathi -- who will get back the day before from Seattle following 10 days with our PNW grands -- will cage it with various essentials, e.g., Kentucky bourbon. After all, no gentleman drinks Tennessee corn swill. Oh, and Bob Wegman rides one of his Guzzi harem here to the Moto Grappa from Rochester on Wednesday to join the Guardia gang to Princeton before pulling pitch and returning home. Actually, as I am TDC-challenged, I HOPE to be on the Guardia, which is still on the lift awaiting my completing its 12K service. Kathi is getting annoyed at turning the rear wheel while I give her helpful instructions, all conveyed in a loving way, of course, e.g., "Not that far, [expletives deleted]" ... "Slow down, can't you feel the resistance [expletives deleted]!" ... "Lordy, watch my hand & arm signals [expletives deleted]!" We are going back down today to try it again. Yes, the right jury would acquit her. Seriously, she is an indulgent and almost-suspiciously saintly wife. See all soon. Bill
  15. No, but the right river. https://augustaky.gov/ferry Bill
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