I know you're contributions to this site are amazing, and I'm not trying to be a jerk (I actually just bought one of your inspired shifter extender mods from Chuck). But, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this topic. I road raced for several years and have done some track days since. I agree that lighter is righter, but you can use more than 100 HP on the road if done prudently. I'm a father of two young children so I don't do anything as foolish as I did when young and single, but I live out in the country and when I have an open road with a LONG sight line and no intersecting roads/drive ways, it's pretty damn fun to let that motor rip - in short bursts.
I also used to ride way too fast on the road, but that was a long time ago and on an "only" 100hp R6. I'm old enough to know how to be responsible with a powerful bike; I guess that maturity level probably makes the difference between riding over your head and just having fun on these newer high-HP bikes.
All that said, it's more the massive torque that I use out of corners that's the most fun on this bike for me vs top-end HP.