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jolly135 last won the day on October 26 2020

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  • My bike(s)
    2000 V11 sport, 97 1100 sport, 99 Buell x1, 98 Buell S1W, 1995 Buell S2, 1995 Buell S2, 2004 Triumph Bonneville, 2007 Triumph Thruxton, 1985 Honda VF1000R, 2001 V11 Sport TT, 2018 BMW R1200RT, 2020 BMW R1250GS

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  1. footgoose, yeah, 85.00 to cut the channels sounds about right from what I've run into..... two years ago when I started this project these were $90.00 a piece to make when spread across 12 or more units. so $180.00, but that cost was two different machinists, one to cut, one to broach the end for a hex key, ( long story on how that trap was sprung on me...) then coated... and the government needed their part, so I was pushing the $200.00 a set price point and had to order 12 or more to get that price.......
  2. I decided with the size of the bike, style of the bike, and my personal preferences, and over 50 vision... that I wanted better mirrors so had to design mine to accept the Rizomas. here is a comparison of the CRGs and the Rizomas. they look close in size in the photo, but the Rizomas are actually noticeably bigger and better glass, plus with the longer arm they moved the mirrors out of the way of elbow, I no longer had to move my arm at all to see behind me.
  3. I started out with a set of OEM with a channel turned to accept the CRG lane splitters
  4. Like all things Guzzi, nothing is simple or standard...... God Bless em!!! Pre-2002 bare end mirors were one piece with a outside weight OD of approx 25.80mm I found inconsistencies in the pre-2002 measurements depending on who manufactured them, there was apparently a second mfg whos tolerances, only closely matched the original on the weight, since it didnt matter it was an "air" dimension... it just existed to be... 2002 + years were 7 pieces with a weight OD of approx 31.53 my design, incorporated the one piece design of the pre 2002, with the OD of the 2002 plus (At the fattest part they match the 2002 Plus, but step down to accept the Rizomas with an OD of 29.80) as they seemed to fit the bike better in terms of fit/finish, and with the larger OD, I could set them to slip-fit the Rizomas. here is a picture of all three, top: pre 2002 middle 2002 plus bottom: my design
  5. V11 TT (1 of 15) currently for sale..... one day I'll regret it, but for now... well, its for sale for a larger need.
  6. Not V11... but at least they are spine frames!
  7. Thanks to all who reached out regarding my son, this is a very stressful time for me and my family. I have started a new thread for the bar-end weights. https://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?/topic/22175-bar-end-mirrors-on-custom-bar-end-weights/
  8. As I chase down rabbit holes to solve issues with low production number bikes I find that the market simply doesn't meet my "needs", so I started designing some of my own parts to accomplish what I needed or wanted. some simple in thought, some more complex, and this is all in my spare time. I've designed about 12 or so different parts for my early Buells (S2, S1, X1..) to change things that I felt needed to be addressed (modified) that didnt exist within the market, sure if I was riding, collecting Ducatis, there would have been a ready supply of anything I wanted.... NOT a knock against Ducati, quite the opposite... but I'm drawn to lower production bikes, which means lower number of parts and solutions. A very common complaint on these V11 variants is the lack of after market or OEM support with bar end mirrors due to the way the bar end weights are designed to thread in, so I worked out a design with a new machinist, which added to the complexity, but was a necessary evil since I had recently retired from the USAF and moved back to the midwest. These are designed for a very specific Rizoma mirror (Class Retro) that I wanted on my bike, these are big bikes with lots of shape and in my opinion need a mirror that works with the bike and compliments the lines of the bike and that FUNCTION! I found all of this while riding a buddies Ducati Monster that had these mirrors, and knew I had found my mirror of choice but they wouldn't fit the bike... I have been down this road far too many times with mods to my tube-frame Buells. The bar-ends needed to fit and function like the OEM design, and needed to be heavy, but needed to fit the Rizoma ID mirror mount. and for added bonus, I had a channel for an o-ring cut that put a slight pressure bump against the inside of the mirror mount so that they were a slight pressure slip fit, in this manner they would stay put as you got them into perfect position, anyone that's messed with bar end mirrors knows its a bit of "fiddelsome" thing to find the right position holding with one hand, tightening with the other and then holding position while you actually get into how you sit on the bike to ride.... I did have a few extra sets made to make available here, but with new kids I just haven't gotten around to it. I had two different types made to account for early model and late model (2002 year break) as there were thread pitch differences between the early model and late model year groups... they are made from heavy steel, I do not remember what grade as they needed to function like the OEM to balance out the vibrations, then iridite coated (if memory serves me correctly...) to protect them like the OEM bar end weights. Early up to 2001 were single piece weights and bar ends, 2002 and later had like 7 pieces that made up the bar end weight and the bar end. These are one piece (well two if you count the o-ring).... and are correctly thread pitched to match early or late model design thread pitch. I do have sets left........
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