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vecchio lupo

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About vecchio lupo

  • Birthday 02/25/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    Stuttgart, Germany
  • My bike(s)
    2002 V11 LeMans

vecchio lupo's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. vecchio lupo

    vecchio lupo

  2. has not set their status

  3. I am in. I love my HB bags, but have not fitted a rack to the V11 for all the reasons listed above. Unless we are talking "Stupid Money" I will commit to a 1/10th investment in a run.
  4. Cool brother, Just ppost or pm, I, sure I could use something and help defray your purchase price. Hey gs, the brackets should be done this week.
  5. Well, I lost out on the stuff, whoever won, congratulations. I am interested in the rear rack and brackets, oil cooler cover, and whatever else you don't need. please pm or post prices. Good luck with the merchandise. This thread has been fun, even though I went about it rather sloppily and probably screwed up more than I thought.
  6. Brother Roper, I don't mind smartarses, I've got teenage boys. My memory of "Grammatico Italiano" is the words in question are as follows: Vecchio - Old Lupo - Wolf The direct english translation is Vecchio Lupo = Old Wolf The inferred translation is Lupo Vecchio = Wolf that is Old I first recieved this handle several years ago while serving as a liaison officer to a "Compagnia Fanteria di l'Esercito Italiano" (Italian Army, Infantry Company) where it is military custom to refer to the senior sergeant as "The old Wolf". As I had over 25 years of service at the time, the Italian Privates would call me "Vecchio Lupo" It is possible that they were giving me the direct english translation because they assumed (wrongly) that I could not speak Italian. I heard several Italian NonComs called Vecchio Lupo also, though I suppose those soldiers could have been speaking in the "Siciliani" dialect. Right or Wrong---That is what my Italian cohorts called me and what has stuck to me since my days with SETAF (Southern European Task Force) and SOCEUR (Special Operations Command Europe), I am not the least bit offended if my name sounds like Wolf Old to the aristocracy, La Forza Nouva Sempre. No worries. I lost out on a Race Oumo Guzzi leather jacket this A.M. , that just means more cash for the other stuff.
  7. I'm almost out of money so whoever wins, post what you dont need, and as far as posting V11 stuff to the V11 crowd, all real Guzzisti would be watching it anyway. It just occurred to me that maybe we were after diff items, I'm after the rack and airbox, I'm flex on everything else. The real issue is, I dont need any of it, I only want some of it. Maybe I need somebody with deeper pockets to save me from myself.
  8. I am currently trying to buy two lots of lemans/sport stuff on ebay, judging by how fast the bidding escalates, I am in competition with somebody here. I don't need the whole lot. If I lose, or if I win, whoever else is interested, lets talk. I am sure we could split the goodies and both be happy. I will bid to win, but I'm not stupid, cooperation could make everybody a winner.
  9. Fellow Guzzisti, I should have posted my intro before asking for help finding brackets for my OEM rack. I have been a Guzzisti since 1986, when I purchased an Eldo for 900 bucks, rode it everywhere. Had Ambos, Eldos, V50, CalIII, Quota,Lemans CX100, SE, and currently have LM MKIII and an 02 V11 LeMans. currently on the hunt for a Norge or Stelvio, or 1200 Griso (Guess I'm just stuipid like that). Great forum, glad to be here, and if anybody needs a hand in the New Orleans area, shoot me a line. Thanks for having me.
  10. I just got a very nice, new oem tail rack for my 02 LeMans, it came with no brackets or instructions whatsoever. I now need brackets, or at least a diagram of the brackets so I can fab some up. Can anybody help?
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