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About kadavere
- Birthday 06/20/1970
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Cali EV97
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Guzzisti (2/5)
Hello to everybody!!! Do you have a nice Christmas with your bike?Me yes but today snow in Rimini,too rare.....no bike journey. I ask again your help before say the word end to my personal experience with MyEcu. The version i have,MyEcuP8,is only a nice selfmade box for run a two cylinder motor,nothing more..... The OEM ecu an WM441 P8 is unapproachable in performance and electronics compared to MyEcuP8 ( the WMP8 is the same ECU mounted on Lancia Delta Integrale,Sierra Cossworth ),and with the software for eprom tuning i discover this have 18 parameters/maps to set for best performance!!! Imagine a little: Injection timing,injection advance,partial spark advance,air temperature injection timing/spark advance correction,oil temperature Injection timing/spark advance correction,pressure injection/spark advance correction,TPS at idle position spark advance correction,RPM depandant spark advance correction...and many more parameters to set. After 4 months of daily test, over 8000Km in mountain,city,highway,sea(100 mt from the water )and many different maps the best i made is the map i send on the my previous post. In this vacation days i game with the two ECU's,just to compare it.......but before i put MyEcuP8 to oblivion i'm curious if your MyEcu15 have my same problem,if for you is not a problem to make my same test: -Bike on the stand,oil temperature 57°,air temperature 32°,RPM 1000/1050,no idle lever pulled.....FAST(a fraction of second) Idle to WOT movement to throttle lever: # MyEcuP8:hole and slow RPM answer(if i change the 1st,2nd,3rd column of InjDur to more lean or rich i worsen the things,if i put 600 on the InjAdv table i have only a hole and no any RPM answer) # WMP8:fast answer,hi RPM,roar like a lion.....better than carburettor!!! -Bike on the road,3rd gear,speed 40KMh,the last of a colum of car,now i want to cross them........fast throttle (not WOT): # MyEcuP8:hole and fast RPM answer(the same like before,if i change something i worsen the situation) # WMP8:immediately answer,fast RPM,the handlebar pull my arms!! -Bike on the road,driver(90 kgs ) and passenger(88 kgs),stopped at the street by traffic lights,1st gear on.......green: # MyEcuP8:gradually hi RPM,gradually speed increase,change to 2nd gear for take more feeling,nothing of special,like carburettor.... # WMP8:fast hi RPM,90KMh 1st gear,change to 2nd gear,imagine you have a NOX valve to your bike at 2700RPM this open...a tremendous power, another motor on your hands,the handlebar litterally "torn" my arms,and this only from a "simple" California,i imagine this with V11 !!!!!WoWW!!! -Bike on stand,a night out,-4°all frozen,no optimiser: # MyEcuP8:impossible to crank,bike does not run......i have everytime the OEM ECU on the lateral suitcase,i don't trust full in MyEcu,open the saddle,change the ECU..... # WMP8:turn the key,wait the pump to off,pull the idle lever,push the crank button......4 turns and start!!! All the test with closed loop OFF!! The MyEcuP8 is different in hardware than My15,uses two processor the main and the second,this last for handle the RPM inductive pickup,the Atiny13 is maybe used to generate an internal aux clock or interrupt for the main CPU.The My15 does not need this,read RPM and crank position from only one pickup on the phonic wheel.Probably the firmware is not the same and in this is missed the algorithm to handle the fast changing in throttle and load condition or maybe the ECU have some hardware/firmware problem to synchronize the pickups signal. If in your MyEcu15 you don't find my same trouble probably is the conjunction of firmware/hardware bug of the MyEcuP8 to create my problem and i stop to lose time and use this only for safety spare in my journey outside Italy or until an hardware/firmware upgrade is maybe released. For me the bike first have to be safety and reliable,with MyEcuP8 this is impossible. I forget this: the bike and WM441 P8 is perfectly tuned and syncrhonized,tested with Axone terminal,tuned for right CO in august 2008,spark new and/or platinum type,fuel and air filter new,injector and pump cleaned,right fuel pressure circuit,all fuel pipes new,all electrical connection waterproofed with 3M high voltage electrical grease. Tanks for the help! Ivan
Belive or not but the Injection Advance have a GREAT meaning on motor control!! If you don't tune this parameters with great care,not less than other map like Injection or Spark Advance,your bike don't have a fast responce to your command. This is what happens with my motor on Cali EV '97,P8,two inductive pick up's and this is what i understand from a original map i send to the forum. But I'm not able to translate this on Cliff's map... The follow is only another map but the best i ever made,surely need more and more work for tuning right. Why the crank value is to zero? Simply,a barometric corrections is enough to make a right mixture on my bike,yes the crank decay in 20 second but the drowned spark tell me"please MINUS gasoline!!!!!!" I try many and many value but today the best is zero,and true,20 seconds don't have a great effect,best to use the idle lever,like in the OEM ECU use,if this parameter (20 secs) is in future changable from map maybe have more interest to be. HI folk's i have to go at work,20.000 volts wait me today!! Ivan # TDC is the pulse count for TDC power stroke of cylinder 1 ( i.e. When the spark fires # CylOffs is the number of degrees between success cylinders ( 0-720) # PulsesPer is the number of pulses for the 720 degree 4 stroke cycle MyECU Cfg TDC=0x1c00, CylOffs=270, PulsesPer=32, MissingPulses=0 # CoilCharge is the period in us for charging the coils. 0 for cranking, 1 for running # Warning, Setting coil charge too high can cook the output transistors and coils MyECU Cfg CoilCharge0=7000,CoilCharge1=2700 # Pressure - mV and mB values defines a line representing the air pressure conversion MyECU Cfg Pressure=249mV,121mB,4751mV,1060mB # There are 8 possible voltage targets available 0-7 # The first number for 0 should be 0.0 and means open loop # For simple sensors where richer is more voltage, all numbers should be positive # For later sensors where leaner is more voltage, all numbers should be negative MyECU Cfg O2=0.00V,-2.00V,0.00V,0.00V,0.00V,0.00V,0.00V,0.00V, MyECU Cfg 2ndO2Sensor=no # RPM specifies the maximum RPM. # TPS specifies the throttle value at idle (no fast idle). MyECU Cfg RPM=8064, TPS=74 # TDCWhileCranking=1 will fire the spark at TDC # TDCWhileCranking=0 will fire with advance from the map MyECU Cfg TDCWhileCranking=1 # This table relates to the injector open/close times as a function of voltage # The value here is roughly the time ( in us ) # 16V 15V 14V 13V 12V 11V 10V 9V InjVOn 1000 1000 1100 1200 1500 1700 2000 2500 # TempR gives the value in ohms of the NTC temperature sensor #Temp C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 TempR 51466 28618 16571 9712 5956 3742 2991 2408 1597 1077 746 524 375 274 203 152 102 # Prime gives the fuel injection time in ms while cranking #Temp C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 Prime 30 30 25 20 12 10 9 9 8 6 6 6 # Crank is the %% boost of the map injection times right after start # this boost decays to 0 over about 20s #Temp C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 Crank 50 30 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # OilT is the permanent choking boost #Temp C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 OilT% +64.8 +53.9 +44.5 +35.9 +29.7 +19.5 +10.2 +9.4 +5.5 +0.0 # AirT is the barometric adjustment for air temp(based on ideal gas law) #Temp C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 AirT% +24.7 +19.8 +15.2 +11.0 +7.1 +3.4 +1.7 +0.0 -3.2 -6.2 # This defines the throttle breakpoints. This on top of TPS base above THR 907 851 752 681 621 542 407 310 215 158 110 71 43 20 0 RPM 500 1000 1322 1520 1750 2011 2314 2663 3061 3521 4045 4658 5357 6157 7088 8152 SpkAdv 14 15.12 15.12 19.69 20.04 21.80 23.20 24.61 26.02 28.83 31.29 33.75 35.51 36.21 36.56 36.56 36.56 SpkAdv 13 14.06 14.06 18.98 20.04 21.80 22.85 24.61 26.02 28.13 30.94 33.40 34.80 35.51 35.86 36.56 36.91 SpkAdv 12 11.95 11.95 17.23 20.04 21.80 23.20 24.26 25.66 28.13 30.59 32.70 34.10 35.16 35.86 36.56 37.27 SpkAdv 11 11.25 11.25 16.88 19.69 21.80 23.20 24.61 26.02 27.77 30.23 32.70 34.45 35.16 36.21 36.91 37.62 SpkAdv 10 11.25 11.25 16.17 19.69 21.45 23.20 24.61 26.02 28.13 30.94 33.05 35.16 36.21 36.91 37.27 38.32 SpkAdv 09 10.90 10.90 15.47 18.98 21.09 23.20 24.61 26.72 29.18 31.64 33.75 35.86 37.27 37.62 38.32 39.02 SpkAdv 08 10.55 10.55 15.12 18.28 20.74 22.85 24.61 26.72 30.23 32.34 35.16 37.27 38.32 39.02 39.38 40.08 SpkAdv 07 10.55 10.55 14.06 17.93 20.39 22.85 24.96 27.42 30.94 33.75 36.56 38.67 40.08 40.43 41.13 41.84 SpkAdv 06 10.20 10.20 13.71 16.88 19.69 22.50 24.96 27.42 31.99 34.80 37.97 40.08 41.13 41.84 42.19 42.89 SpkAdv 05 10.20 10.20 13.36 16.17 19.34 22.50 24.61 27.77 32.34 35.86 39.02 40.78 42.19 42.89 43.59 44.30 SpkAdv 04 10.20 10.20 13.01 15.82 18.98 21.80 24.61 27.42 33.05 36.56 39.73 41.84 42.89 43.59 44.30 45.00 SpkAdv 03 8.44 9.84 12.66 15.12 17.93 21.09 23.91 27.42 33.05 37.27 40.08 42.19 43.59 44.30 45.35 45.70 SpkAdv 02 8.44 9.84 12.30 14.77 17.23 20.39 23.20 27.42 33.05 37.27 40.08 42.54 43.95 44.65 45.70 45.70 SpkAdv 01 8.44 9.84 11.60 14.06 16.52 19.34 22.50 26.72 32.34 37.27 40.08 42.89 44.30 45.00 45.70 46.05 SpkAdv 00 8.44 9.84 11.25 13.36 15.82 18.28 21.80 26.02 31.64 36.56 40.08 42.89 44.30 45.00 45.70 46.05 RPM 500 1000 1322 1520 1750 2011 2314 2663 3061 3521 4045 4658 5357 6157 7088 8152 InjAdv 14 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 13 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 12 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 11 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 10 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 09 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 08 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 07 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 06 297 297 594 297 297 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 05 297 297 594 594 594 297 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 04 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 03 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 02 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 01 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 InjAdv 00 297 297 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 594 RPM 500 1000 1322 1520 1750 2011 2314 2663 3061 3521 4045 4658 5357 6157 7088 8152 InjDur 14 13504 16032 14912 10416 11120 11680 11888 12240 12320 13296 13440 13088 13440 13856 13232 12384 InjDur 13 13456 15952 14816 10112 10880 11360 11520 11792 11968 12912 12960 12640 12800 13040 12400 11664 InjDur 12 13344 15792 13904 9616 10464 10832 10912 11024 11376 12224 12128 11824 11632 11520 10896 10352 InjDur 11 13200 15568 12592 9456 10368 10832 10800 10592 10880 11680 11232 10736 10128 9648 9152 8800 InjDur 10 12800 14992 11808 9552 10480 10832 10416 10016 9824 10192 9696 9136 8432 7936 7728 7568 InjDur 09 11808 13552 10416 9168 9744 9920 9328 8736 8608 8864 8544 8128 7488 7024 6816 6560 InjDur 08 10784 12048 9600 9088 9008 8752 7952 7376 7248 7520 7200 6816 6368 6064 5808 5568 InjDur 07 10320 11360 7408 7920 7280 6944 6464 5936 5696 6016 5904 5600 5248 5312 4992 4832 InjDur 06 6096 9600 5984 5824 5568 5344 4944 4800 4576 4608 4608 4576 4256 4032 4032 3856 InjDur 05 5152 6200 5136 4992 4816 4688 4400 4208 3872 3936 3696 3536 3216 3152 3008 2896 InjDur 04 4080 3984 3904 3808 3680 3504 3280 3056 2800 2656 2448 2320 2112 2016 1936 1936 InjDur 03 3296 3136 2976 2752 2576 2464 2368 2096 2016 1984 1936 1872 1824 1824 1824 1824 InjDur 02 3152 2880 2720 2528 2416 2384 2304 2000 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 InjDur 01 3152 2768 2560 2448 2352 2336 2240 2000 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 InjDur 00 3152 3152 3152 2368 2304 2304 2176 2000 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 RPM 500 1000 1322 1520 1750 2011 2314 2663 3061 3521 4045 4658 5357 6157 7088 8152 CylOfs 14 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 13 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 12 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 11 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 10 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 09 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 08 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CylOfs 07 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 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guzzistd_INJ.pdfguzzistd_INJADV.pdf forget this sorry!!!!!!!!! guzzistd_SPKADV.pdf
I,m a beginner in engine injection an tecniques,for me is better electronics! I send the raw tables,not adapted to Cliff's ECU'S.....this comes directly from a tuning program in a friend workshop. He tell me is normal in certain conditions to inject the fuel when the inlet valve is closed,the pressure,2 Bars, of the fuel injected create a bad turbolence inside the cylinder chamber.....i don't know if this is true or not,he goes many time to mandello for training stages,maybe know somethings secret! Maybe i make a mistake in my translation of the InjAdv table,the original work with positive and negative degrees,the Cliff's table not. For translate i have to cut a row because the throttle breaks are 16 X 16 in the oginal map,in Cliff's map 15 x 16. I hope to help somebody!! P.S the tuning program show the other correction parameters for pressure and temperature to InjDur and InjAdv!! guzzistd_INJ.pdfguzzistd_INJADV.pdf
guzzistdInjDur.pdfguzzistdSpkAdv2.pdf[attach ment=8792:guzzistdInjAdv2.pdf]Hello!!!! I work around the original guzzi's files found inside the eprom from a Quota,the same like other guzzi model... Maybe somebody found inspirations or mistakes!!! I have to run fast at work,see you soon!! Ivan guzzistdInjAdv2.pdf
I come home now from a "wet" journey....yes i confirm the OEM is very sensible to a weather differences!!! My map now is little better in open loop,i wait more nice weather conditions (rimini 2degrees,rain,wind) for tuning in closed loop,before find the offset ghost!! Yes,is not simple to find a correction curves,yesterday sun and little bit warm...fast cranking,this envening...spark drowned (not by water) tomorrow is another day.......i want to see what happens..... Ivan P.S somebody have experience with Breva 750 map? I bought from Cliff an MyEcu 15M for friend of mine,Guzzi repairer....I hope to have more luck than MyP8
Yes,this is what i build in a mixed work,street in a closed loop and computer at home,is based on the map i receive from Cliff,round the spikes and close the hole,polish the notch,sure a little spike is acceptable but some look like a needle!!!obviously need more time for have a better map,but with this the bike is more drivable than the original map, this almost unusable on my bike.....I see a ducati racing injection map displayed on a tuning computer workstation...look like a desert dunes,no spikes no hole,only a curves.Ok,a california is not a bike for racing ,but i think a map to look like a mountain postcard is not healty for the motor.Surely is impossible to build an entire map with a spreadsheet,the last word is from the street.See a map in a form of reticle and see in 3D is too different,if you have an hole on a delivery power with 3D you immediately find and change,in a reticle need much effort,at least for me! Every professional software for tuning have a 3D viewer-editor,EcuControl is not provided,with"OooCalc"i have! Is only a my idea to share with all.
Ok,better of this tonight i can able to make,maybe i'm too tired,but if someboby have time to spend this is the results..i know,is not a masterpiece but look nice. Ivan mappa2.zip
Hello! tanks,in this forum i found a true inspirations,tips and tricks for improve My work..... The bargraph is a really helpful tool.... I think to spend time for a schematic with a "clock" like gauge,more friendly in a Guzzi bike,more than a led. Ivan
For handle better the maps is a nice idea to use a spreadsheet with a 3D graphical,is too easy found a spike and hole in the map... Search for "office open organization" a really free suite for office and powerful software for handling our maps. Simply add a comma and delete the space in the map value,save this on CSV file (can help you"CSVed" another free softw)and import!!!! I don't have an image of my 3D map to show,but belive me,is more,more easy handling map in this way....
Optimiser report a realistic pressure,is a problem with a VDST, the OEM sensor is too sensible,Rimini is at zero from sea and the hill around 400-700 meters,the value change too much and MyEcu+OEM pressure sensor work well,i think i found the problem idle to WOT in a InjAdv map.......at high RPM injection time is critical,i thin need to spend more time in this part of map for be a better results... The OEM is sensible to a weather changes too much!
Hello emry!!! I have you same problem,the beginner map was unusable too,i use this for apply the tips and tricks i found in this forum....help me to much,i come here after many hours and thousand of kilometers of test,now work more better but i think the way for the perfection need more time and work from me....... Tanks Ivan
Hello emry!!! I have you same problem,the beginner map was unusable too,i use this for apply the tips and tricks i found in this forum....help me to much,i come here after many hours and thousand of kilometers of test,now work more better but i think the way for the perfection need more time and work from me....... Tanks Ivan
Hello Hubert!!! Yes,now i work in open loop,i don't want to put too much problem over my shoulder...something happens,i change the fist cell of the table"InjAdv"......is more fast the answer....... I have to work again to my bike.... Tank to all for the great help give to me!! Ivan
Hi raz!! I work like a damned,after my true work i run in the night with the bike! The closed loop work fine,no problem,after the tuning optimiser does not show too much correction,tanks for the suggestion,i try to connect Logworks for see if i have a offset voltage applied. I'm a donkey,i found Hyperterminal but i don't find the function for start a record..... Maybe i find somethig....the motor anwer more fast,but i dont want to scream Eureka! Ivan