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Everything posted by miki

  1. I lost a friend recently, my riding buddy. I wasnt there to see it but I was there to see his wife and I have no idea how she will explain it to her 2 toddlers. I dont want to bring anyones spirit down, this can happen to any of us at any time in any way. But for me I am taking a break from riding. My bike is for sale in the condition I bought it a few months ago, I will sell it to V11 members for exactly the same price I paid & the bonus of a new long rego. You are a great community and I would like to see it go to someone who will look after it. I have posted an add in the classified section and want to thank you for your help in picking a great bike. By the way, it wasnt a motorbike accident. miki.
  2. For Sale, V11 Ballabio 42k km's Mg chip & cans Comes with Mg Luggage rack * side soft panniers* Solid state battery added. Great condition, a very regretable sale. Comes with 12month registration & RwC. $10,000 for V11 forum members Will be publicly advertised for $10,500 Forgot to put my email.. its mikifin666@hotmail.com Photo 10th post on first page of this post. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...=14563&st=0
  3. miki

    Helmet problem

    My Shoie XR-1000 does exactly the same thing. So far have greasing the rubber seal with *rubber grease* I find if i push just the right spot just hard enough for a second or two I can stop it. However I dont like having to think of such crap when I really should be thinking about whats on the road.
  4. So im getting a little theme here. Consult offical MG suppliers as a last resort? Otherwise, its the ingenuity of MG enthusiasts that put these bikes into the $$$ of mortal men. Btw the starter motor was just an example that struck me at the time. Its still going strong and with the new Oddysey pe 545 mj, its doing just fine. But thanks heaps for the replyes and glimmer of hope that I can afford to keep this beautifull beast for now at least cheers miki.
  5. Okay.. so my battery clapped out and I decided to replace it no drama. I then started thinking ahead on things I could do as preventative maintenance and thought I would get some spare relays, when I was at the local official MG spares dealer *a1* instead of asking for relays, out of curiosity I asked the cost of a starter motor *as I had originally thought it was the solenoid on this that had packed up*. Anyway.. he says $1300.00 Aud. I replyed.. no mate, not the whole motor.. just the starter motor.. Oh the best I can do is $1280.00.... *mg are rare he says* I smiled and asked him wether he could tell what I was thinking.. he said yes.. I forgot about the relays and walked briskly to the exit muttering.. why the fk didnt I buy that ducati sports classic instead. Is this price typical of the replacement cost for MG parts? Hell I bought my 1970 mini K a brand new starter motor for 280$ a month ago and spat it that they had gone up 60$ since I bought the last one 15 years ago. These cars are rare now but dont carry such astronomically stupid prices on parts. I love my V11, but if this is typical of parts cost... then im selling it while its still in good nick! *ps* I do get why say the ducati with a run of say 10,000 parts would cost $400, as opposed to MG with a run of 1,000 parts might cost say... $750. miki.
  6. miki

    Almost an owner

    So I took Isabella out yesterday and 15mins from home I got some serious rain.. followed by some omfg is that Hail! She winked at me and split through it like a *sexy* bullet. Next day however she reprimanded me for getting her wet *mm going to have to try hard to keep this mechanical and not romantic* with a non functional Neutral light! And of course a failure to start unless the side stand was up. So I figured mmm I bet she has some greater electrical impedence after yesterdays session. Did a quick search of this site and found the list of posts. Working from easiest fix to hardest I slipped my hand up her.. erm I mean I cleaned the connection on the neutral switch and TA DA! She winked at me and let me know of her approval by starting and flashing her neutral light at me. I expect at some point I will have to take a small dremel to her connections and some silica grease, but untill then. yay for making this so easy! cheers miki.
  7. miki

    V11 Magni fairing

    Anyone got one of these sitting in a box as yet unfitted/used? If you happen to have bought one some time ago and know your not going to use it.. please PM me. /cheers Miki
  8. miki

    new owner...

    Grats mate on your new purchase. Im also new to the V11 after having ridden a massive assortment of bikes *and 1 almost a bike* and I have to say its been the biggest surprise I have ever encountered on 2 wheels. Take your time and get use to it, dont try and force her to ride how you want to ride. Instead learn what she has to offer and then be amazed! Its not a lazy mans ride *took me by surprise when I first got on top* but the input on your part reminds you that theres a relationship between man and machine worth preserving. mmm maybe this reply belongs in a penthouse forum instead PS* do all Vtwins give this sorta fun? All my V11 has had done is the MG titanium pipes & chip, but it feels like a powerhouse.
  9. miki

    Almost an owner

    Bang Bang baby! My penance on the vespa is over and the bike has arrived. Let me ramble a wee bit about this whole thing a little *its nice to humor the elderly*. 1) I bought this bike sight unseen! 2) I have never ridden a guzzi before! 3) Its all your fault! 1) I bought this bike from a mg service centre/dealer in Qld, Don Newall's. I can only give him two thumbs up for his frankness, honesty and willingness to chat and not fob me off as a *virtual tyre kicker* including touchs like mailing *bubble wrapped* a pannier frame that the transporter had left behind and it arrived the same day the bike did. 2) First impressions were mixed for me (im going to be brutally honest) the overall style & lines gets a fat 10/10 but the paint combo looks like it needs a serious tweak. The handling feels a little heavy but none the less balanced, I wonder if I came to this conclusion because I planned on finding some ohliin suspension and lighter wheels from the start and this oppinion would justify my descision? On the other hand Ive just spent the last 2 years on a friggen vespa.. I bench press 115kg`s *about the weight of a vespa so maybe thats it. 3) I was down to two bikes *triumph thruxton or ducati sportclassic 1000s* and researching them heavily. Having turned my old 69 triumph tiger into a cafe racer years ago I came across youtube vids of MG cafe racers... add hours of researching models pro's / con's and I came across the V11 and this web site. The sense of community on this web site gave me that extra tweak of confidence that I could learn a modern motor bikes ins and outs well enough to allow me to customise it and care for it. So id just like to say Thank you. *now if anyone in aus knows where i can lay my hands on some Ohliins feel free to pm me. *keeping in mind it will take a while to generate the purchasing power needed to buy them *
  10. miki

    Almost an owner

    Can we get the title changed from *Almost an Owner* to *A new V11 Owner* !!!!! Final price of $10,500 aus although I am having it shipped down for another 450. I would rather get to know her on my own terms and in my own time.. On the annoying side all the shipping companys I rang insisted they couldnt get it down before easter.. So arrival isnt until the 16th/17th or so. But meh, too happy to care atm. miki
  11. miki

    Almost an owner

    I was thinking of using this http://pakbikes.net/PS1000LE/FLEDA002.html However I would need the company to send me a pattern of the curve used and see if it matched well enough to look kosha. On the other hand it seems rather expensive for a simple led light bolt on system.
  12. miki

    Almost an owner

    Is that rear end/light configuration standard for any particular model? I'm going to admit im an avid modder and was thinking of useing something like the fleda system but I love the intergration in those rear end lights. I suspect I will be trucking the bike down at a quoted cost of $450 door to door. My wife veto'ed the ride back, and hell she's too good to me for me to bother making an argument out of it This deal is getting very close.
  13. miki

    Almost an owner

    The Queensland possibility is starting to show some positive signs! Ive spoken to the owner and we've agreed on a price much closer to what I can manage. I am waiting for some photo's to come through, but if anyone is bored/curious and wants to have a look on my behalf I would be stoked! However if you look, like, buy. I will track you down, smear peanut butter on your privates and let my 2 great danes have at you!!!!! Living in Frankston/Melbourne I think I would have to ship it down *been quoted at $450* I would love to ride it down but to be honest embarking on a 2.5km trip on a bike im not use to would be very daunting. Also Don Newell said that at 36k the motor is very fresh. Is this possible? at 32k my vespa is near clapped out and smokin a stogie Anyway hold ya breath steady as she goes. Miki.
  14. miki

    Almost an owner

    I rang! The very day after it sold Theres a ballabio in Qld for 12.5 with 36k, but with my current budget theres a world of difference between 12.5 and 10.5 But hey thanks heaps for pointing it out, cheers mate.
  15. miki

    Almost an owner

    Just saying Hi, as I lurk hear often enough to learn about my future passion I thought it rude if I didnt at least introduce myself. Im looking to buy a Moto Guzzi V11 in Australia, probably a Ballabio or Scur or heck anything with low K's but kept in good shape by an enthusiast. Im currenty stuck on a Vespa *please dont say anything, its punishment enough * I use to own a classic triumph Tiger/bonny and pulled it apart more times than I could remember. Funny thing is i started looking at modern Thruxtons, then Ducati sport classics, and Moto Guzzi's. And the bike that kept drawing me back with the most charachter and possibility for tinkering was the MG V11! So now I wait and save my pennys *hopeing to pick one up around the 10k aus mark* and contiue to lurk these forums and gather tech site/parts favorites Anyway cheers and hope you travel well, Miki.
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