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Everything posted by BigHalse

  1. Hi Murray, just got home again and checked the thread, no i didnt try the shorting trick at the starter, i was a bit worried about causing some grief in the ignition circiuts elsewhere and possibly damaging the electronics, tho it probably would be safe enough, but i have got voltages everywhere, both sides of the ignition switch and at the starter, so i am a bit flumuxed by this one, I reckon i will just give it to our trusty dealer here, and let him sort it out for me, rest assured tho, i will be after a full explaination when he does so we can learn something from this one. cheers mate.
  2. Well i replaced all the relays with upgraded ones from the Guzzi dealer here, no change in things here, connected earth leads all over the place, no change, fuses all have voltage, all ignition wires do too, yes tested all the starter wiring, nothing wrong that i can find,,, its time to load her on the truck and take it to the dealer,,, tail between my legs! Oh well its needs fresh tyres and such anyhow. Thanks for your help gents.
  3. Thanks alot to you guys, Raz, Cliff Pete and Karl, its nice to know iam not the only one, yeah come to think of it, i did see lots of paint around the fairing mounts, but it didnt register at the time. I ran multi meter around all that area but when you do that you always prove the earth properly, so its not a realistic representation of whats really happening. The schematic all points to the number 3 terminal and the relay that runs the lights, but i have what i should there... i will take another look at the wiring in this area and look for signs of resistance / heat etc. Yea this is a carby model, its running those Flat slides, works ok too. cheers stu
  4. Yea 5 pins, on all 3 relays, mmm well thats kind of whats going on with this bike, so i will possibly have it sorted when these new relays arrive, thanks for the feedabck there motoguzznix I will post with an outcome and what the fix was, when / if i get that far.
  5. Er, hope i am responding in the right place here... thanks for the feedback there fotoguzzi, yea I believe the original wiring diagram shows a dual battery set up, which was replaced 7 or more years ago with a single maint free unit. ( before i prchased the bike second hand with 29 K kms on it, i have done a further 8 K kms since then only. Got a good life out of that battery though huh! Reckon I will buy another one of those! I hooked up the car battery to it when i started the fault finding , made no difference to the situation however. The wiring diagram shows a headlamp relay, which feeds the warning lights with power, i think. The original diagram required a micro scope to read it! Got another one from the net. If there are more relays, I cant find em. Yea the seimens ones i will stay away from after this learning, cheers. Stu
  6. Hi everyone, iam brand new here, so go easy on me! I joined this site to get more info on this old 95'sport, its been reliable so far but....today... I lost the tach whilst riding, then i noticed no neutral light didnt aluminate when i pulled up, thought i probably shouldnt shut it off cos i was suspicious about a re start... but i shut it off anyway...and thats were my ride suddenly took a turn for the worse ( the battery was flat for the first time the day before, so it was charged before use, had good voltage, bike wound over as normal several starts this morning, thought i would be ok) After it refused to wind over, I checked voltage at 12.9 V across battery, but yes its an old battery, attached a good battery, no change, indicators are working perfectly, looks like brake light is stuck on.... too bright for the park light, tacho and speedo lighting is on, a tiny click sound from the relays when the starter button is depressed, but thats it, nothing else... zilch. No headlight, battery or oil lights, horn, operating the brakes makes no change to the brake light being stuck on. On the side of the road, checked the battery leads, checked the fuses, ( 15 A ) ok, checked the 3 relays, they are all the same, so I swapped these around in every combination, no change, visual check on everything possible, all appears good, roll start and ride it home 80 kms, running normally. Remove tank, fairings, etc, disconnect every wiring connection found, check for corrosion, ( all clean ) spray with WD and re connect, multi meter fuse box and ignition switch, voltage available everywhere, check starter connections, looks perfect. After looking around in these pages I discover a greatly enhanced wiring diagram, traced wiring backwards from troublesome dash warning lights, everything points to the headlight relay... or Regulator... Has anyone ever come across this scenaro or similar before? I have ordered some of the upgraded dioded relays I saw mentioned somewhere, waiting for those to arrive. Any feedback is welcome, thanks in advance. Stu
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