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grumpybiker last won the day on February 22 2013

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About grumpybiker

  • Birthday 04/18/1973

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  • My bike(s)
    2002 Lemans

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  1. grumpybiker


  2. Hi all. Looking to sell my LeMans. $4500. Details and pics can be found on Ashville NC Craigslist.
  3. Hi all. Trying to make a big life change, so I need to sell a bike. It is advertised in the Asheville NC Craigslist for $5300, but will take $5000 for forum members with everything included. May end up breaking up accessories and selling the bike in stock form , but I hate to do that as it is a great package.
  4. Just looked at the jar of glue. It's actualy medium ABS cement from the plumbing section at Lowe's.
  5. Have done the cases on both of my bikes. Aircraft Remover from the auto paint section in walmart and harley texture black from the dealer work really well. The aircraft remover is in a spray can, so mask the timing chest, cylinders, trans, and oil pan really well. Use a wire brush about tooth brush size and water hose to get the old paint off. Let it dry over night and re-mask if needed before paint. Also cover all body panels with old towels or sheets as the paint spray can travel with the breeze.
  6. #1. Start buy looking at 2003 and 2004 models. Lot less quirks to fix or deal with.
  7. Dropped my red bike in the back yard a year or two ago. Cracked at the mirror mount. Used fiber glass cloth and medium epoxy resin from Lowe's on the inside and covered the outside with a little clear coat to keep the paint from peeling and a pin stripe. Has held for 5000 or so miles.
  8. I noticed that the reaction rod on my gold bike was pretty bad off yesterday when I compared it to the one on the red bike. The bushing is pretty gnarled up and there was noticeable play in the rod and rear drive. After looking to get a repacement, I decided to just swap the two for now as I ride the gold one more and am in the middle of re-freshing the engine block on the red one. To my surprise when I tightened the mounting bolts at the frame before swaping to parts, the play disappeared. I guess my question becomes, do I really need to replace the rod now that the play is gone or should I ride it until the play comes back. I will ride it the next day I get a chance to see if the play comes back.
  9. I have decided to sell 1 of my LeMans's to help finance a Griso. Details and pictures can be found at Tri Cities TN Craigslist.
  10. Anyone here going to make this years Guzzi's in the Blueridge?
  11. Oops. Just noticed the year on this post. Nevermind.
  12. I was thinking of coming over for the fun as I have the last weekend in July off, but I just looked on the MGNOC site and they have the rally listed for Aug 5-7th. Anyone know which weekend it is?
  13. Question? Which book calls for 90 in the rear diff and 140 in the trans? The owners manual for v11 sports that I downloaded calls for 80w90 in both and I can't find the weights in the service manual I downloaded.
  14. Yea, I figured that out today, Mis read my manual. opps.
  15. Thanks for checking.
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