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About vij

  • Birthday 09/26/1966

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  • My bike(s)
    Ducati 851 Ducati MHR Ducati S4 Kawasaki KX125

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  1. Hi paul. I just found this on the forum and it looks like very nice. Good job and thanks for sharing. I have been playing around with my Ducatis for a long time using the ultimap U59 ECU and lately using Ducati diag to flash the MM 59m ECU:s. I am on the way to get a Guzzi and the only thing holding me up was the 15m ECU and the lack of possibilities to flash it. It looks like that might be sorted now and nothing can stop me from getting a Guzzi :-) I have looking at this thread ( I am actually at work now so I can not download it or try it) and noticed that you are using tuner pro for map editing and you are supplying the XDF file for it. Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love tunerpro and the possibility to work with a bin file. In Ducati Diag they use there own file format meaning that tunerpro is a no no. Thats all for now and thanks for the hard work and thanks for sharing. Jocke.........
  2. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I did not think about that. What is Raz using? laptop?
  3. vij

    The MyECU thread

    Thanks. Will try that one. Jocke........
  4. vij

    The MyECU thread

    This sounds just fantastic. I am struggling to get my LM-2 working. No reliable RPM readings so this will rock. With this I guess that I just connect MYECU to loggworks and just record it live in loggworks. How do you log during a ride? Do you bring a laptop? If so how do you keep it running? As soon as I close the cover my laptop stops working. I guess that the biggest thing is to get it working on my computer. I am as good on computers as cats are at swimming. Might need a bit of help here. Jocke..........
  5. vij

    The MyECU thread

    If it would be possible to connect MyECU to logworks or even better direct to a LM-2 how easy wouldnt life be then. Keep us posted Jocke.........
  6. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I would guess that Ducatis tribond would be perfect. Jocke...........
  7. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I always record. Then I analyse and adjust untill I get the A/F that I want. I guess that you can adjust it on the run at low power but not at high. Dont forget that you are on a very powerful Ducati so you better focus on the road as our bikes are very fast
  8. vij

    The MyECU thread

    Green monster. Just a long shot. What is your pickup clearance? If it is a bit on the big side or if your pickups are week it might miss a few of the targets when she is running on the starter due to the low RPM and low induced voltage. Try to reduce the clerarance. I am running my monster on 0,4mm even if the manual says 0.8mm from memory to avoid some low rpm hickups Jocvke......
  9. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I dont say that it is any thing wrong with Cliffs stuff. The question is how does it work? What is the 0 pressure. I mean at what pressure does the press trim do zero trimming? Is it at 1013mb. How does it compensate? Is it actually a linear compensation? What is the max compensation? What happens when the press sensor breaks? How much does it reduce the fuel at 1000 meters or 2000 meters? As I have a Ultimap 59 on one of my bike and have played a lot with it I have a good idea how it works on that ECU and I need to understand if it is any difference and what the difference is. I dont like to do guess work. If I am going to be able to do a good map I need to understand what I am doing. Thats all for now. Jocke.......
  10. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I was sitting making a base map for my bike and I was looking for the air pressure trim. I can not find it. Does any one know where it is located? I need to see how the compensation works to adjust the maps that I have to be MyECU compatible. Jocke........
  11. vij

    The MyECU thread

    How does it work on the standard WM in the ducs? I guess that if you give TomTom a ring he might have some advices on how the start fuel works on the 5,9 powered 900ss. The starting fuel on a 900SS with a 5,9 ECU must be very simular to a 907. After all it is a very simular engine. Jocke.....
  12. vij

    The MyECU thread

    It is a Ducati 851. Engine has been replaced with an upgraded 996 engine and the Wiring and ECU has been replaced with Ducati 916 stuff so the original P7 ECU has been replaced with a P16. I will run open loop. I dont see any reason to run closed loop. It is just a question to do the mapping right as always and I dont see any difference in mapping a MyECU to any other ECU. It is just mapping after all. I can ofcourse be wrong as always as I have no experience of running closed loop. Here is a dynorun of my latest creation. It is a slightly tuned Monster S4. Here seen in a de-tuned version as I am running out of fuel over 8000RPM and had to detune a bit. It is most probably 5hk more to get on top when I put it back the cam timing to what I want and when I increase the fuel pressure Jocke........
  13. vij

    The MyECU thread

    I looked again and I found it. Sorry for that and thanks for the reminder. Jocke...........
  14. vij

    The MyECU thread

    Thanks. Jocke.........
  15. vij

    The MyECU thread

    Hi. I am new here. I just got my software and I am waiting for my ECU. It looks like I did not get any map from Cliff or maybe I dont know how to find it. Does any one have any kind of map that they can send to me so I can play with the software. If so please send it to the following adress. j_virdung@hotmail.com Best regards and thanks in advance. Jocke...........
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