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Everything posted by df2

  1. Nope, no extra vibration, everything went back to right as rain. bike pulls strong, no slipping and runs like a top. But before it was like it was stuck between gears. I'm of the mind that I'll try and forget it ever happened. Unless someone here has ever experienced the same thing and has some kind of answer.
  2. Tried that, didn't work.
  3. Geez that's right, hydrolic, sorry just spent so much time re-routing the throttle cable I have it stuck in my mind. The bike has 9,300 miles. (of course no idea if the previous owner rode long on the old odometer before replacing the vegela with the MPH)
  4. HI, Last night I took the bike for a ride and after pulling out of the driveway my clutch started making a horrendous noise when letting it out. I immediately put it in neutral. When I'd try to dissengage the clutch to put it in gear again very loud grinding and the headlight started going out, flickering. I turned off the bike and restarted it and the problem didn't come back. I went for about a 15 minute ride, not wanting to stray to far from home, no problems. Strange. Only half an hour earlier I had ridden the bike home from work and didn't have any issues. There is no binding and lock to lock steering doesn't pull on the clutch cable. The really strange part is the headlight wanting to go out while this was happening. I've had no previous clutch issues of any kind. Anyone ever experience anything like this? David
  5. That sounds very cool. Just need to check with the War Department. But like mentioned, it's great to have this kind of notice. David
  6. Like my son says every time we go to the motorcycle shop, "Daddy that one's my age, I can get that one. right?"
  7. Okay, by banjo union I"m taking it that you mean the very tip of the gold unit (with ball) just above the brakeline... there is no way this sucker is moving without some serious torque.
  8. Thanks Tom, Yeah, I'm proud of it, the kid too. I went with a Rizoma Conical, it tapers from 29mm to 20.6 (whatever 7/8 is). I needed to find something that would work with the 30mm clamp (made shims for the last mm) No bar ends right now, but it has eliminated 90% of the vibration and the mirrors are crystal clear when riding. Before I couldn't tell if there was a car behind me or a swarm of nasty fireflys. My one problem, I think I snapped my spedo cable while letting the instruments hang. It was unattached when I came back from a ride with no spedo or odometer. I couldn't tell if it snapped or just fell off, but it didn't work when I put it back on. There was only about half an inch of it up inside the angled attachment and about 2 inches hanging down from the spedo. It looked like they were supposed to go inside one another (one being hollow). I just don't know what a good one is supposed to look like. Manual doesn't cover it. Anyway, thanks. It was easier than I thought it would be. Especially when I found a drill guide at the dump sitting along side the transfer station. Later David
  9. The job is almost done, sans one mirror which is on order, and some minor tweeks. Rode it for the first time since the conversion and I love it. This is now the motorcycle I wanted. Will have to post better daylight pics, just wanted to do it since I finished. Grips are Rizomas, Mirror is from Aprilia (cheap too).
  10. Not a bomb, true. Just a machine that propells me forward at excessive speeds, with no restraints or safety devices other than a crash helmet. And I'm messing with the thingamajiggies that tell it to stop or go faster.
  11. Thanks guys, I may or may not give it a try depending on how confident I'm feeling. As you can see from my Avatar my whole experience with the change over from Magni and clipons to the Handlebar along with changing grips/throttle had me pretty wide eyed with the 'what the heck did I just go and do" feeling. I felt like the only thing I didn't take off was the tail end, that and feeling like a total Nubie. Maybe I can pinch off the tube from the canisters to help slow any leak? JRT, I ended up having to make shims for the 1mm difference between the bar and clamp. The bar is only 29" wide and has a very very small pull back so this is why I'm running into control placement issues (specifically the brake and clutch line, as well as the throttle cable). The angle has them going right over the forks, touhing them at the edge. David
  12. Hi, can the angle of the brake line connection to the control be changed without removing the brake line or gushing brake fluid all over the place? And Without twisting the entire control, so can it be adjusted at the attach point? Mine are making the brake line go right over the fork tubes where my new bars have positioned them. Thanks David
  13. Hi all, well I did it. And what a bear when it came to taking the magni fairing apart. Had to take everything off the bike. I'm at work but I'll post a pic later tonight. Anyway, I have it all put together (by 1:00am last night). I ended up putting new Rizoma grips on the bike which required I change out the throttle control. The throttle cable does not at all move smoothly back into position after twisting and backing off, it needs me to help it along to the off position and is kind of herky jerky. I've adjusted it using the slotted screw thing under the cable cover but I really don't have much to play with. I only had two routing options and it was either tight or way too lose. I've gone with the tight which left me with having that adjuster unscrewed quite a bit. Any help in fixing this much appreciated, and I may need help in helping to explain what's happening so please bare with me. David PS. Went to bed and went to work, so I'm not even sure right now everything works.... but I do know the throttle cable does not move smoothly or return without some help. PPS. the Magni is for sale....
  14. Thanks all. I will take it one step at a time. I have usually liked keeping my bikes as the maker intended with only minor tweaks. A PCIII may be down the road but for now the issue is not that bad and has seemed to get better, I swear the bike is learning my riding style. BTW I have been following the soap opera, and have found it very entertaining, keeps my day interesting during down times at work. I will reserve judgement as the three main culprits have given sound advice on a myriad of topics. I look at it this way, no issue has ever been resolved without a multitude of theories, sometimes one compensates for another in the fix, so not always can causation be 100% defined or justified. As far as the latest, I don't really get up to those speeds to worry about any demons. PS. I'll be getting into suspension setup later....I'll just be sure to duck. David
  15. df2

    close to selling

    Yup, that's the one, darn ugly thing that vetter, but at least that one's color matched, the vetter on mine was white.... Oh yeah, I said 76, I meant 75 the prettier and faster blue/green gl1000. ;-)
  16. Wankered and Bolloxed. Off me wanker.
  17. df2

    close to selling

    When my wife told me early this summer that I could go buy a new motorcycle to replace the 88 Concours, one that I didn't have to warm up for 20 minutes every morning before I could ride to work, didn't leak oil, didn't have Junction box issues, who's petcock didn't leak and need constant rebuilding, that didn't put my hand to sleep,,,, I said alright! I said if anything goes wrong I'll just take it to the dealer, no more amateur wrenching for me... Just ride and enjoy.... So I started looking at BMW's (too expensive and boring), Honda's (too common and boring), Another Kawi (to boring) etc. etc. Well I got a v11 sporti. I couldn't help it. I fell in Love . I was warned, told I needed to constantly fiddle, that the motor was rock solid, but every thing else....that this was not a bike for an amateur wrencher... I'm no mechanic and my wife calls me Tim the Tool-man, so do I regret it. Not one bit. I love it. I'm glutton for punishment I guess.. but so far only issue was a breather hose (it is 9 years old), which I am proud to say I replaced. The motor just sings, the sound from the mistrals is so sweet. And nobody knows what it is..."it's a Moto gootsie", "a what?".... I love that. In the past my Honda Interceptor always needed something, my 76 Goldwing got an electric start to replace points, single carb kit to fix all the surging, new calipers etc (I used to have to hit them with a rubber mallet). my Concours has a new j-box, new petcock, new this, fixed that... they all had issues, it's part of having toys. Fall in love all over again and enjoy the ride. PS. you mentioned a 70's goldwing.... the 76 wing is stripped down to naked with a clear shield, is in my father-in-laws stable and runs like a champ. Very fun ride, I highly suggest one. But get rid of that way to heavy vetter fairing, it's just too ugly makes the handling a bear. Someday it may become a cafe.
  18. Yup as you can see lots of folks have done this. In fact I just received my Rizoma bars monday and am working up the courage this weekend to pull the triple clamp and drill it out for the EV clamp I got off ebay (be aware the 02 EV on has 30MM clamp) The Rizoma bars are just under 29mm so I'll be modifying the clamp a smidge. Honestly the more challenging part for me will be removing and remounting the controls.
  19. Thanks for the reply, it actually answered, without my asking, some of the questions I had. I prefer to cruise and an occasional spirited back road romp, but am not into chasing dyno chart HP nirvana. At 41 and with two small kids I prefer the peace and isolation a fun ride provides more than what I wanted when I was 19. I do have a hiccup or burp at 3000 rpm when in the middle gears that I'd like to get rid of. It's not that bad of a nuisance and I just ride around it, but it would be nice if it wasn't there.... I've ordered new relays (mostly for piece of mind) and will probably put the airbox cover back on and see if the combination of the two fixes that. If it doesn't I may go with something to manage the fuel to simply provide a smooth ride more than higher performance. I still would prefer to manage as much as possible through the stock setup and see if those flat spots can be smoothed out.
  20. Edited... Okay, so while changing my breather tube I discovered that the air box cover for the air filter is not on the bike. I hadn't paid much attention to the spare parts box that came with the bike and yup when I looked, there it was. I know this is a somewhat common mod performed by some... so my question is, what should I be aware of in order to maintain my bike as is? Beyond knowing that the airbox is no longer installed and the air filter is a K&N I really don't know much about this. The bike has it's original computer, at least I think as it's old and has no discernible writing or labeling (ie PCIII). and the Cans are Mistrals but I'm pretty sure it's the original crossover as the pipes read Guzzi. Thanks David
  21. Breather is on. Old one had a hole through it towards the back end. Glad I didn't try to fit the ford part as even the oem was not the easiest hose to push on either end. Lessons learned... 1. Despite taking care to put the hose clamps in the right direction, they'll spin... (I created a hooked tool from a close hanger so I could position the clamp and hold it while tightening it)... what I found easest... a. position of clamp for front frame attachment... 2 o'clock b. position of clamp for rear engine attachment... 9 o'clock 2. It was easier when first attaching the hose to the frame and then to the engine. 3. You really have to muscle the hose in there with no hesitation.
  22. Breather is on. Gla
  23. df2

    Manual languages

    That's too funny, I nearly pissed my pants. I'm going to have to try this out. Now where's that link...
  24. I have seen the simple wisdom in JRT's suggestion that I go OEM for now. $26 is cheap training. I think it wiser to have exactly what fits for doing this the first time. After I'm a seasoned pro I'll try the upgrade and take advantage of the wisdom and research Ratchet has done. And taking into consideration Gstallon's point on coolant hose... Made the order from MG. Nice guy Gordon. I figured WI would get it here faster than TX or Seattle and he is putting it in the mail tonight. I hope it makes it by Saturday so I can do the work, otherwise it's next weekend. I'm sure I'll have many more excuses to use MPH and Moto Int'l in the future. Wish I had one of them near me. $58 bucks for an oem part that others can sell for $26...for shame!
  25. JRT, now that's more reasonable. I am really starting to hate Seacoast Sport Cycles, the local Aprilia, Ducati and oh yeah.....we also do Moto Guzzi....but barely.... shop.
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