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Everything posted by guzzipete

  1. guzzipete


  2. Looking at the two Australian bikes for sale, it's interesting to note that # 6 has a higher VIN than # 10. It also seems that there is a missing VIN in the series: # 6 ...1912 # 7 ... # 8 ... # 9 ... # 10 ...1907 So I dare say in some respects you are right. It would seem Guzzi made a batch of V11s to Tenni spec, and then just went around and stuck numbers on them (whilst not paying any particular attention to the frame numbers).
  3. It seems you've only owned it for 22 months. Why the sale? (see above post from bikesales.com.au)
  4. # 10 is for sale, also in Queensland, Australia. VIN: ZGUKS00001M211907 http://www.bikesales.com.au/private/details/moto-guzzi-v11-tenni-2002-15955573?R=15955573&__Qpb=1&Cr=0&__Ns=p_IsPoa_Int32%7c0%7c%7cp_RankSort_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_HasPhotos_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_Make_String%7c0%7c%7cp_Model_String%7c0%7c%7cp_YearMade_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_PriceSort_Decimal%7c1%7c%7cp_PhotoCount_Int32%7c1&__N=1432%20604%201430%201626%201429%201626%201428%204294967223%204294957653&silo=1400&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=2&__sid=1421EA92B399
  5. # 6 is for sale in Queensland, Australia. Claims to be one of only eight in the country. VIN: ZGUKS00001M211912 http://www.bikesales.com.au/private/details/moto-guzzi-v11-tenni-2002-15747712?R=15747712&__Qpb=1&Cr=1&__Ns=p_IsPoa_Int32%7c0%7c%7cp_RankSort_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_HasPhotos_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_Make_String%7c0%7c%7cp_Model_String%7c0%7c%7cp_YearMade_Int32%7c1%7c%7cp_PriceSort_Decimal%7c1%7c%7cp_PhotoCount_Int32%7c1&__N=1432%20604%201430%201626%201429%201626%201428%204294967223%204294957653&silo=1400&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=2&__sid=1421EA92B399
  6. Of the new California 1400 he said... "I liked the new California 1400 straight away, from the first time I saw it. Then it surprised me when I rode it. It is from another planet... truly surprising! And this is coming from someone who knows Moto Guzzi, if you consider that my ten Moto Guzzis include models like the 1971 V7 Ambassador, the 1972 V7 Sport, the 1974 V7 Eldorado, the 2000 V11, the 2001 V11 Tenni, the 2009 California Vintage with a sidecar… and very soon a California 1400 Custom!” So it would seem he now owns 11 of them.
  7. There is a new Guzzi dealership at Castle Hill. They have a range of V7's, Bellagio's, Stelvio's, Griso's, and Norge's in stock! The workshop guys have gone through training with JSA. http://www.hillsmotorcycles.com.au/content/about
  8. Hit that block with some S100 engine brightner. It'll come up like new. Mine did.
  9. These things must be a dime a dozen. I posted the link to an advert for a road going version in the UK (stupidly though people might actually be curious to have a look), and admin deleted it... Sorry to be such a bore.
  10. http://www.motostrada.co.uk/bikeDetail.asp...=&records=8 Choice!
  11. Hey Paul, I used to live up at Winmalee (grew up in Hazelbrook). Sure do miss the old mountains. I'm living at West Pennant Hills these days, but we should catch up for a brew. It'd be good to check out your ride. I'm up in the Torres Strait for work at the moment, but will PM you when I'm back in Sydney (late October). Cheers mate (and welcome)!
  12. Yeah, and the poor thing doesn't look real happy, having jizzed its ink load all over her...
  13. Abusing an animal for sexual pleasure is illegal in these parts...
  14. Paediatrics. The boobies in question belong to young mothers. Most like to give bubs a feed whilst they get their immunisations. Help keeps 'em quiet.
  15. oh, but doing it the other way around is much more fun! Good point though.
  16. You have far too much time on your hands!
  17. Well we will have the usual Magpie problem here in Sydney come Spring, so maybe I'll get one for the walk to the shops!
  18. I don't know Japp, that left one looks like it's heading into orbit.
  19. Sorry 'bout that cobber, but I find the redneck trashtalk more exciting. Women flop their boobs out at me every day at work. The novelty soon wears off...
  20. Yes, and notorious for doing so. Will try to adjust my riding style to see if that improves things. Cheers.
  21. Review by webBikeWorld.com "When the rider was leaned too far forward, only the sky was visible in the mirror..." Perhaps not so great with clip ons. Still a very interesting idea though. If they do one in a flip up design I'll buy it...
  22. How about Teflon balls then? http://plasticballs.com/teflon.htm
  23. A great tactic for checking your blind spot before changing direction, but insufficient for monitoring the flow of traffic behind you.
  24. Said in jest, I am sure. I do know one chap who wouldn't find it so funny though. He died many a year ago (whilst I was working at Lithgow ED), and may still be alive today if he was paying attention to the errant cage that was coming up behind him. I can imagine that he was probably day dreaming, enjoying the afternoon sun on his back whilst motoring along the smooth tarmac that is the Great Western Highway between Lithgow and Bathurst, and as such didn't see the car behind him getting closer and closer until it took him out. The young female driver claimed to have not seen him. Most likely she was busy texting a friend on her phone, or applying make up. Who knows? Either way, he still came into ED in a body bag. In pieces. So I very much care what is going on behind me, especially on motorways. In these situations I find I devote an almost equal amount of time to what is happening in my mirrors to what is happening on the road ahead. I can recall that on more than one occassion I have sped up (or changed lanes) because of the "weird" behaviour of the traffic behind me. For those who live State side, rear end collisions are the most common type of auto collision, with about 2.5 million (out of almost 6.3 million total accidents annually) being rear enders. I'd dare say the numbers show a similar percentage here in Australia (having been the recipient of three myself). Ewan McGregor Long Way Round anyone? Young driver "I didn't even see you guys". Ewan's response "I was right in front of you, how could you not see me?!". How indeed. Anyway, enough of the soap box. I have been satisfied with the image produced on other bikes I have owned in the past, so I know it's not an impossible ask...
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