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Everything posted by RoyB

  1. http://www.yankeebeemers.org/ Join us for 2 nights at the Pemi River Campground in New Hampshire's beautiful White Mountains. June 7-9 This is a low key event in Thornton, NH. No bands, no circus tent and no swag. We offer Friday evening hamburgers and hot dogs, an excellent Saturday steak feast, blazing campfires, and of course some of the finest BMW riders in the land. The Pemi River Campground has reserved a beautiful grassy area for field camping. Some have electrical and water hook-ups, some do not, so expect to share with your new and old friends! Participation in the Saturday night feast is by pre-registration only. To pre-register either use the pay-pal link below of download the registration form. Gold Card Holders must rsvp or plan on not enjoying steak Saturday night. Questions/comments: Roy Bertalotto Event Chair Kurt Schumcki, Event Co-Chair
  2. COLORS IN THE CATSKILLS 4 30 SEP - 2 OCT, 2011 The rivers have subsided, the major roads have been reopened for the most part, Hunter Mountain has been up and running successfully with a couple of other festivals since Hurricane Irene, we are ready to go with CIC 4. The only thing I am not sure about is will YOU be joining us again this year? We have plenty of space and would love to see you there. With the cancellation of the Killington Classic as a result of the storm damages, we are expecting a larger crowd that usual to come out for a big "fall finale weekend" of riding, entertainment and camping. There will also be a number of vendors attending the event for you to pick up those items you have been meaning to buy all season. MAX BMW will also be back with their off road schools and the BMW Demo Truck on Saturday and Sunday. We are inviting all brands of motorcycles. Please bring your friends. Feel free to cross post this announcement to any other motorcycle groups you think might enjoy this event. Best of all, IT IS STILL A FREE EVENT !! If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to drop me an e mail or give my cell phone a call. I hope to see you there! Michael Friedle Colors in the Catskills 4 914-489-4174 cell mfriedle@verizon.net www.HunterMtn.com
  3. Join the Yankee Beemers for the Wackey Hat Campout Sept 23rd -25th in Eastford CT The Whackey Hat Campout The Whackey Hat (formerly the Wacky Hat) is the last campout of the season. It used to be held in Vermont and it used to rain every weekend. In a fit of PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) the attendees started "crafting" hats out of whatever they could find. Soon judges were recruited to decide the "best" hat. This year the Whackeyness shifts a bit with a new location at the Charlie Brown Campground located in the peaceful, prerevolutionary, “quiet corner” town of Eastford, Connecticut. The campground is nestled among rolling hills, sleepy rivers and 12,000 plus acres of state park and forests. $30 at the door. Contact Co-Chairs Bill Cusack and Brian Anderson if you have any questions. bdanderson72@hotmail.com bcusack@comast.net Beautiful flat grassy sites with a pavilion
  4. Savage........You are my kind of guy. No thin shell veneer. But please accept my apology if you were offended in ANY way. I don't know you from Adam and my fantastic sense of humor was obviously lost in the translation....... From now on, over here on the extremely serious MG site we'll keep it all above board so feeling are not accidentally hurt. Peace!
  5. ................
  6. First of all, I can't remember anyone asking you........But I will interpret your reply for you..... "Since I don't need GPS".........because I rarely go farther than 20 miles from home and NEVER cross a river! "will not be electronically chained by the neck to a cell phone"........because you have no friends and no one but democrat polsters will be calling you "haven't updated to an MP3".....why get an MP3 player when that perfectly good wax cylinder machine is fine. Thomas Edison sold it to you personally! "and have never needed a radar detector".........When you can't ride over 35mph, whats to worry about! "carbon fiber slip ons"........I believe you are talking bedroom slippers here?..With white socks.... "screamin triple digit speed"...........Really.... Of course, this is all in fun because I added a smiley face......
  7. The Amplirider only needs about 3V for full performance (this is what Gary told me) I only isolated the Amplirider. All other devices are running throught an aux fuse block directly to the battery. The Escort 8500 radar detector is a real noisy bugger. If I simply shut it off, I lose the last .03% of the noise.... When I get a chance I'm going to add another ECTA with a 12v rating for the Escort
  8. I use the Electric Avenue, Amplirider ( http://www.electric-avenues.com/amplirider.html ) in many installations. I've installed dozens of them for myself and friends. This device is a simple headphone amplifier designed for motorcycle use. This unit has three inputs and a headphone output with a remote mounted volume control. At $65 it is an absolute winner and Gary, the Electric Ave owner is a joy to deal with. But motorcycles, especially heavily "electroniced" new bike have lots of electrical noise whenever you try to add amplifiers and such. For years I've been using simple DC line voltage filters with 92% success. This is usually good enough because with wind noise you can't hear the 8% noise. But Gary at EA recommended I try a 418-EC1TA11N Cincon DC/DC Converter available through Mouser Electronics ( http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Cincon/EC1TA11N/?qs=2aVd7r%252bsIZMxD85%2fm03LRw%3d%3d ) I'm hear to tell you that this little device is simply amazing. On my K1200R, which has more electronics than the Space Shuttle, it removed 99.3% of all the alternator and ignition noise. The beauty of it is that it is about the size of a thumb nail and about 3/16" thick. You need to solder four wires to the device and then just wire it in series with the 12V pos and neg. going to the Amplirider.......Done. Having my GPS, MP3/Phone and Radar Detector all going into a set of ear buds is a wonderful thing. Listen to music, hear GPS commands, hear the phone ring, get messages from the phone and be alerted to speed traps is just great! And all for well under $100!
  9. I have the exact same issue with my Rosso. If I'm at a stop light and the bike is in gear. Simply relaxing my clutch hand will engage the clutch. It makes an otherwise fabulous bike nearly unrideable. Especially if you ride a number of different bikes. Once I get done riding one of the other bikes for a few days and return to the RM, I need to be well aware of the clutch or I stall the bike numerous times like a beginner! So....There is absolutly no way to adjust the clutch for take-up further out with the clutch lever?
  10. OK,OK!!!! I'm going!...........
  11. If you were there, I bet we met. I was running the Kitchen and did most of the cooking. I cooked on Friday morning and made over 500 pancakes on Saturday morning. And I rode my Honda CT90 to an almost victory in the slow race and I piloted the CT90 to another almost victory in the balloon toss (with Carl on the back)! Great fun!
  12. No, NO DAMN BAGPIPER!... :-) .........Just nice coffee and conversation at dawn for those of us that are early risers....
  13. has not set their status

  14. This past weekend my BMW motorcycle club hosted it's 16th annual "Damn Yankees" rally. I've always been a multi brand kind of guy and I've owned a California Jackal (which I sold in 2005) and currently have a V11 Rosso Mandello with 2000 miles on it. It was simply a piece of art in my office for years. I own three other motorcycles (Honda VFR, Suzuki V-Strom, BMW K1200R Sport) Anyways, a few years ago we asked the local Guzzi Guys to join us at the Rally and this year there were nearly 70 MGs in attendance. Nearly as many MGs as there were BMWs. So I got the RM on the road, registered, insured and inspected. I took it to the rally and had a freak'n blast riding around the mountain roads in Western Massachusetts. I had forgotten what a fantastic motor the V-11 has. Great fun to simply trash it in the twisties. Put it in third and ride! The torque will be your friend! Since the value on this bike is in the toilet, I'm forgetting about any type of collector value and I'm going to ride the balls off it for the rest of the summer....... Now I just need to figure out how to adjust the clutch as it comes full on withing 1/16" of the lever movement............and the lights, tack and neutral light keep cutting out even though I replaced all the relays with BOCH relays......
  15. So......Who's planning on attending?
  16. Red fender looks great IMO...........Tell us more (better pictures) about the mirrors
  17. RoyB


    First time I ever heard a tail-light refered to like that...........
  18. I was told from Moto Guzzi, 300 "numbered" Rossa Mandellos were produced , 30 to the US and the remainder around the world. And then less than 100 "un-numbered" versions. They didn't know the exact amount. Only a few to USA. Which actually makes the un-numbered RMs worth more from a collectors point of view.....UGH!
  19. The MG community is just awesome.........Two folks are sending me the parts I need for the cost of shipping......It just don't get any better....Hope I can repay the favor down the road! Thanks!
  20. Nice try! I found that the Clutch lever is Brembo part # 62610031C, same as used on the Ducati 94-99 900c, 748 and 916 and 2000-2002 ST2 and ST4 $45.18 at 1Tail....... The directional light is #02750601 available at MC Cycle....$35
  21. Low Key Moto Show and Shine ...Boston / Prov Area...April 18th Greetings, Next month The Yankee Beemers motorcycle club is going to take full advantage of our new home and host our first annual Spring Breakfast and European Motorcycle Show. Date is Sunday April 18. We're going to invite our Moto Guzzi friends as well as Ducati and any other European marque to join us for a very casual judged show, delicious breakfast and good times on a Sunday morning. The best part is we'll be all done by 10 am leaving plenty of time to ride. Our venue is the Willowbrook Restaurant in Mendon, MA. The Willowbrook has a huge lot which easily accommodated 72 bikes at our March meeting, we would love to double that. They also easily served almost 100 of us breakfast too! For our April meeting the Willowbrook is planning on two seatings, one at 08:00 and the second at 08:30. We'll have the meeting and prizes around 9:00. The breakfast is $13.00. The bike show is free, no registration, no paperwork and no BS, just fun. Bring your showpiece or your sbox, we'll have prizes for the best example of each. Willowbrook Restaurant 16 Hastings, Mendon, MA 01756 (508) 473-4420 Questions.....See thread on events page at www.yankeebeemers.org in the forum........ Hope to see you there!
  22. Well.........Here's how it happened. A friend of mine brought over his BMW K1200LT (Light Truck) for me to do some work on. We put it up on my hydraulic lift, on the center stand. When we were finished we lowered the bike but it weighs so much the lift came down faster than normal and when it stoped the bike rocked forward off the center stand and fell over and "clipped" my Moto Guzzi Rosso Mandello..........UGH!!!!!! It could have been MUCH worse. It only broke the clutch lever and the left front directional light..........Thank you God! Does anyone have a cl;utch lever and a front directional light from a V 11 Sport with Brembo brakes.......Photo attached Where would be my best bet to purchase these parts new? Please contact me via email if you might have what I'm looking for. Are there any substitutions available from other brands? rvb100@comcast.net
  23. The tradition continues with the Sixteenth Annual Larz Anderson Classic European Motorcycle Day on Sunday, September 13 2009. 8:00am to 4:00pm The Yankee Beemers have been key players in this awesome event from day one and have greatly contributed to its success. Be a part of something Big! Participate or just show up for an excellent day among some of the very best motorcycles ever produced in the world. Meet celebrated members of the motorcycle community, present Your prized motorcycle for trophy consideration, even test ride the latest Ducati has to offer. Show the public what its like to be a true "Motorcyclist" Don't miss this one! More info here: http://www.larzanderson.org/Topics/T...ndarEventId=48
  24. This Rally is a joint BMW/ Moto Guzzi Rally................. Looks like we have some fantastic rides during the "Damn Yankee Rally" out in Heath Massachusetts, Aug 7-9, for all skills and wants....... (see www.yankeebeemers.org ) Bob Ain't, our official Yankee Beemer Ride Captain has a fantastic ride set up. All blacktop, no dirt roads. A bunch of neat things to stop and see along the way......... Dana, Damn Yankee Rally Chair, has a nice sedate local ride planned with some very interesting stops along the way Rob Nye, DYR Co-Chair, and Doug Morrison, have a real neat adventure ride planned. Rob said he's installing knobbies on his GS! You all know what that means..... I'm leading a ride on part of the newly formed "Trans Mass Trail". This is a combination of dirt roads and blacktop. Nothing really technical, but I suggest "On-Off" dual sport tires (Tourances, Saharas, etc) as it is a little bit slippery in one or two spots. A great ride to try out that Stelvio or Quota that has never been off the road.(ouch!) The pace will be slow on the dirt and speed limits on the blacktop. We will be stopping along the way to smell the roses, check out old cemeteries, and take in the sites. All of these rides will return to the Rally site by 1-2pm, with plenty of time to practice slow riding, hot dog chomping and other skills for the afternoon field events. All rides leave at 9am, you should have a full tank of gas and be ready to go. There will be places along the way to stop for lunch........ Hope to see you there....... And yes, this is a Joint Venture rally..............Floppy Jugs and Erect Jugs invited............in fact, anyone riding anything are invited........No really loud pipes if you know what I mean.... Grin
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