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sp100 bastardo (tipo le mans)
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Hi meinolf, Thanks for the super quick help!! It's been really appreciated. I hope he will find with the new bin file his way out of mapping disaster! Thanks again and Ein herzliches fettes danke Schoen aus italien Christian
Hello guys, For a fellow V11 colleague of mine from italy I would like to place here a question: Do any of you maybe still have an original non touched bin file for a 2001 non lamba bike with the15m?? From what I understood he unfortunately mistakenly modified the original bin file without making a safety copy. I'm still not to touch the mapping on my bike for at least another 1-2 months (thanks to work travel) so I wanted to ask if maybe one of you could help out? Thanks in advance and wishing a nice weekend Christian
Hi everybody, hiPaul, its been a while since i posted on this forum. As i got myself now finally also a V11 that will eventually get the stucchi crossover i asumme i will sooner later need to update or at least control the Mapping. As i furthermore have a Innovate LM2 that i wanted to use allready for months i will start as soon as i can to check the 02 level whereabouts on my bike. Anyways to keep it short and simple: Big compliments for your work and achievement and if i can i will gladly pass the hopefully to be gained info, which at this point is focused on my non lambda 2000 V11 with mistral mufflers. You guys did a great achievement for the guzzi community : Thanks a lot !!! Kind regards from genova Christian PS: And hi again to everybody from the V11 newbie
Turning a Centauro into a Café Racer...
Hoodrewoodre replied to 1100sport's topic in Technical Topics
Guess peter got some appetite after he saw the grabtheflag races kind regards PS: but hes not residing in schuettelstrasze anymore but i bet he s eager to give ya his new adress -
and, to quote some more of your output: "First class, high speed wanking, nothing else real life sex will never hold what masturbation did promise you I knew that they also....That's all. Just a rhetoric question!" Language, words, humor, .....common polite sense aint exactly your favorite tool either to begin with?? Something else needed? kind regards christian
1. Rudge TT500 28 hp@6500 in the 30ies Bsa Goldstar clubman ca 1962 ca 42 hp in the 60ies Just purely rethoric, hypothetical answer, thats all 2. thanks Kind regards christian ciao a tutti e buona notte
hey hubert of course i do have a spare set of SP1000 heads to play with, since heads that are a bad design to start with are a lot of times more rewarding if reworked. (its a popular missconception ( and obviously a good marketing gag) that such a lot of heads and material (besides machines) are needed; wisely spread by some big distributors in order to ask more for their so called flowbench reworked heads) Why shouldnt one work on the guzzi heads? DR. John (ok a while ago but nevertheless) as a classic enthusiastic, friendly example did so, why not also bothering with it. Besides that when one knowes where potential culprits hide, than things also get a lot easier with some experience. And i can tell you for sure that if you see some modern designs, you start wondering bout what some so called real life people do in their so called real lifes. If you didnt ask bout the horsepower figures than why did you ask?? or was it some sort of hard to understand dry humour hypothetical question, since you obviously didnt ask then in order to get a serious "normal" answer? I worked so far on several heads of different (classic and modern)bikes and can assure you that there are quite several designs that are of worse design than the "seat of the pants" como stuff. That is by the way for the enthusiastic approacher quite rewarding as said kind regards ciao a tutti Christian PS: I see perhaps your point but if one uses a flowbench not just for posting big numbers and uses it wisely quite a lot can be achieved under the provision that the sight on the whole concept doesnt get lost. And for me that was never to use my guzzi for traveling to the Nordkapp or the Elefantentreffen ;-)
@skeeve: Nana with that displacement (bout 1200+) it would sound somewhat more reasonable, but were talking bout 1063ccms and 10.5:1 compression, 40mm dellortos and most likely "their" camshafts (and not Megacylcegrinds), so to shed a lil more lite into the issue; good 2 valve speedway bikes have bout 55-57 horses (in rare cases a lil more up to 60) on the crank so how 119 horses come up seems a fairytale out of brothers grimm's fairybooks. kind regards christian
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaszzzze pruetttttttty prrrrruettteeeeee PLEASE also redo the camshaft and the ports, or else i might not fall on my knees in complete crazy manner screaming and ripping my hair out because of the super nice work you ve done!!! I saw a couple times the original ports of the 4 valver and they didnt impress me too much also i guess there is still some increase in valve size and compression possible if one makes some sort of oil spray nozzles in order to keep them from crackin (so i got told). To my knowledge (its quite some years since i talked with them bout more detailed specs) raceco has a really nice camshaft for that bike. Together with the headwork and all the other thing i would see whooping increases of power. kind regards and congratulations to your super nice work (no im not gonna fall on my knees "yet") PS: Watch with the material for the swingarm, since with welding on that sorta thin bad bad things can happen outta the unexpected. kind regards christian
hmmm RL ??? no me understand? anyways,.. an old G50 (dont have numbers of Manx's since they are practically not there in the classic race circus compared to the matchless) is in the range of about around 50 horses where the newer repro ones with more modern head architecture (thanks to flowbench work that gets published by the SAE) and more modern state of the art Camshafts (more lift less overlap) are in the range to about 60 horses and are often even more rideable because of the lesser overlap in comparison. I reworked a while ago some Goldstar heads and made them in some sections even smaller with modern camshafts, seemed to have worked out quite fine :-) ciao a tutti Christian PS: bout the old GP guzzis i have no figures besides some cam timing figures but i guess the gambalunghino should be also to modern comparison quite hot with the stroke+bore dimensions besides that most old bikes have somewhat low compression and to lil valve lift compared to moderns designs. But i know for sure that the quoted figures for the dynotec guzzi in the last edition of MO cant be for real especially after considering that nobody would know where to get 119 horses from, maybe some german wondersalt and a bit of magic???
Well hubert than i would recommend that you keep doing your stuff like a lot of the other old "know it all fellas" in austria (or anywher else for that matter) are doin. I myself am still gratefull to have that tool since i would not be able to imagine how else i would have gotten about 55-57 ps out of an XT/Sr-500 engine at somewhat reliable rpms. Besides its also a valuable tool for making your learning curve quite a lot steeper, if one doesnt like learning thats fine too at least for me "less" competition. besides with the aid of such a tool one can even leave 120 degr. turns and achieve almost the same flow and quality but pscchhhhhht "DONT TELL" kind regards
Yes sort of... (besides there is more to it than a flowmeter and using the flownumbers)there are in fact some sort of real state flowbenches (like avl and the kryptic ones by the czech prof.) but also they take preassumptions(nevertheless a idiot on the wheels styas a idiot on the wheels if you dont mind me saying ihihi), and as a matter of fact there have been tests undertaken by curtiss allready b4 the war in order to check on that and there are sorts of correction factors but if one is wild on mathematics one could pull out the depression numbers of P-I-diagramms and go havoc..(not that would change too much though ehehe ;-) ), as a matter of fact there is allways the unknown variable of the infinite amplitude waves which are hard to take into acccount (especially for mixture ditribution etc.) @ the swedish guys: why not gettin into contact with erland cox who is a master of the art and a world reknown tuner and besides that a mighty nice guy!!! :-) wishing you folks a mity dolce ;-) buona notte e sogni d' oro ciao a tutti christian
hi folks, as i didnt want to be inpolite i want to introduce myself and say hi :-) i have an 82 sp1000 which has been decades ago modified by its former owner. plan to work more on it and redevelop it a lil, my other bikes are a race SR500 some 2 stroke triples and other assorted classice bikes, i just relocated a lil while ago to italy and therefore im currently superbusy. ciao a tutti+kind regards :-) Christian
Hello ernst, sorry as i have not let hear of me within a very long time, if its up to me your port mold doesnt look that bad to me, even though i think it could be improved with either lots of special sense (meaning black art) or by means of a pitot/prandtl tube velocity tester adn perhaps as mentioned by means of a nice tube of devcon(even though there isnt too much material underneath the valve spring seat. Too bad that the numbers by your friend (guess the one in the huge technology company AV...) dont mention the CFm numbers cuz then one could do comparisons, whereas numbers by that company allways seem to me a lil kryptic on purpose (maybe some of the marketing attitude of AV...)?. For my guzzi i purchased a couple months ago some old LM1 heads which i plan on modifying majorly by means of valve reangleing, MC-x10 cam, 50mm valves, hi lift rockers etc. (lots and lots of work yuk brrrr) Knowing also that article (htink by g. jennings?) bout the SR500 head which has been ported by J.branch one also has to mention that quite some water has ran down the river nile since then and also some new informations have been retrieved, nevertheless (after having ported (and also welded) quite a meaningfull and sucessfull number of Sr-heads mostly for races) i would think with the right camshaft, portlayout ,and intake and exhaust length, etc. numbers in excess of 100 horses should be possible. (thus not quoting mr. hofmanns of dynotec phantastic ideas of 119 horses as stated in the last Mo article (which made me quite a lil angry, for its unrealistic optimism), especially after having seen quite some (and different types) heads in the last almost 10 years of my operation with a flowbench. If you ask me quickly over the counter i would make the SSR width sensefully as wide as possible dig a lil deeper behind the valve guide and try to gain the high airspeed in front of the valve guide by means of a pseudo velocity nozzle (laval style venturi). everything else requires tons of work and time on a flow bench and a "proven dyno" which i both dont have of yet here since they are still in vienna. Just my quick 10 cents...;-) Sorry to all for not introducing myself (but im in severe lack of time currently), ciao a tutti da italia Christian PS: hope my rantings sounded a lil sensefull ;-)