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Everything posted by ScottS

  1. Wow nice color
  2. Just a few pics from a 7 am ride this morning I didn't take this last one, but it is the courthouse in the town square , directly behind where I was standing when I took the picture of the church -and i have always liked this pic
  3. Boy, the going up an incline is a clue- I just don't know what it is pointing at - the need for more fuel, the need for more air , an electrical/ignition problem ? could it be that there is something amiss inside the tank and the flow of fuel into the petcock is blocked by something , and it is worse when the front wheel is higher ? Could the return line being restricted or blocked have the similar effect ? ( I don't think so ) Going up an incline requires maybe more power - hence more fuel than it is getting ? is there a bypass in the system to return fuel to the tank ( maybe that is in the fuel pressure regulator) if that is malfunctioning you may have reduced fuel pressure I guess it would make sense to measure fuel flow and pressure at the injectors to see if you have a fuel problem or an air problem , or a crazy electrical problem (incorrect timing would reduce power ) maybe the crank position sensor is defective or vibrating/moving What a puzzle I guess ensuring fuel flow and pressure at the injectors would kill that as an avenue, or point to a problem
  4. Boy that came out nice- thanks
  5. Pictures of this set up would be welcome. I do have to say I felt just like the original poster , but only until I actually rode the bike. Now I don't feel the need to change it. But I would try your set up , because you never know until you try .....
  6. A few taken in front of my house
  7. Here is what I have
  8. Which part # petcock do you have ? I have RBN015164 , it is an alternative to the electric ( a Moto Guzzi part ) and is supposed to supercede the electric, I don't think that it would be so restrictive, but Haven't installed it yet - so I am very interested in this topic
  9. Yup you can enjoy a 250cc 4 stroke single ridden to its limits as much as a 150hp rocket that you cant leave 2nd gear with. Even the (relatively) lower powered V11 can get you in trouble quite quickly- I passed a truck with a wfo whack in 2nd and ended up doing a verrrrrry long stoppie at the red light i didn't see down the road because the truck blocked it. Ver impressed withthe brakes/front tire though ! I can have just as much fun with 15hp and 150. and the modern sportbikes are just appliances to me- I bought the Guzzi because it jumped up and down and said "ride me !"
  10. True, but a thoroughly warmed up machine that is shut off to read the VIN and then re-started, would the 3 minute rich cycle start over ?
  11. Wow this is good info- its great when resolutions are posted. Thanks ! Would the computer on a 2000 V11 have the same 3k revs subroutine ? Or a variation ? 3 minutes is a long time! Especailly when you want to adjust stuff
  12. Wow you captured my feelings exacly - Thank you !
  13. ScottS

    Newly Smitten

    I have wanted a v11 since they came out , and just a month ago i was able to pick one up that needed some TLC, which made her affordable. Rarely has any machine appealed to me on so many levels. I colllect and race Corvairs , so I like to be a little off the beaten path, and the Guzzi certianly fills that need. My desire was purely visual , since I had never ridden one , because I love the lines of the bodywork, voloptous but sparse- and the engine layout has aways intrigued me- I love the look . What was a pleasant surprise is the personality the bike has- As soon as you light it off, you know there is a big twin thumping away - the soundtrack is incredible - qnd once underway , it is happy to achieve whatver velocity you dictate , and even though the V11 may be underpowered by some standards , it still writes checks the brakes can't cash - (and these are incredible brakes )- and the willigness to climb hills and accelerate in any gear show just how broad the power is . I would say the power is very usable , and she sounds great to boot Concerned that the riding position would be too extreme ( I am a dirt bike guy) I was researching bar risers etc- but the bike fits me like a glove and so far I may just do the buell pegs , as I have a little trouble getting my stubby legs up onto the pegs- but once settled in I'm pretty comfortable. I keep finding excuses to ride her somewhere. Smitten is a great word. I have heard said the best indication of just how desireable a motorcycle can be, is how many times you look back after you park her . I'm doing a lot of that . Not to mention that having found a a forum with articulate and experienced members is essential to navigating all the issues that crop up. So , get one and you will never regret it - my only regret is that i had to wait 9 years to get my 2000 ! Oh and I like the silver best too Good luck and happy hunting
  14. JUst purchased a 2000 V11 Sport and am interested in the following items, that you or someone you know may have or know where to get -thanks in advance 1. I am missing the cover over the passenger area of the seat - my bike is silver , but i have CF cans so CF is an option as well as charcoal 2. My bike has some road rash so I would consider Tank, Tailsection, Fender (basically the painted bits) in any color - I like the silver I have , and the green , and the champagne, and could mix and match as well. I may just take the parts I have and have them repainted but if anyone is parting a v11 that would be of interest 3. If there was/is a centerstand that fits this model I would like to have one 4. My bike has black valve covers- I think stock was silver , and I prefer it , so of anyone has silver ones for sale, or maybe wants to trade for black ? See pics for what I have, they look new 5. Cylinder head guards ( I am missing one, so I guess i need a set ). I have attached a picture of the right side , just in case someone recognizes the style and knows where i can find a left side to match Many thanks, feel free to reply here or by PM/email -all suggestions welcomed
  15. Thank you , the guy is wonderful to deal with
  16. Thanks for the great advice- yes I too was concernd about the water on a hot engine thing, so I let it cool down and then I used a fine mist , not a direct flow. Teh dealer sugested (Joe) is wonderful and a petcock is on its way to me. Wow I love this bike. What a hoot Thanks again for the help. Next on the list is valve adjustment and mixture/TPS stuff , I been reading lol /.
  17. Oh and does anyone have thepart # fort the manual petcock- my local dealer wasnt able to figure it out - maybe someone can direct me to a parts vendor that is prefrerred
  18. Thanks Steve for the analysis. Hwo do you burp the line ? Do you carry a tool to be able to take the line loose ? As a test , the other day I spritzed the engine down with water when it was in a no- start conidtion, and it fired right up. I even can tell the difference now when the pump runs in air vs in fuel.
  19. have a new to me 2000 V11, and I am having similar problems- after shutting down ,the engine heat soaks and it may or may not start , and if it does start it seems to run out of fuel after a few seconds. ( it has been 90+ degrees F lately) Letting the engine cool about 45 minutes is required before it will start and stay running. I would never have considered the electric petcock could be non-functional but still sucked open by the pump- until I read it here - and I assume the theory is that cavitation in the pump due to boiling fuel in the lines prevents the malfunctioning petcock from being opened by the pump ? So both problems need to be solved- manual petcock and relocated/insulated lines. Anyone ever take pictures of the prefered line routing ? Can the elecric petcock be modified in some way to stay open ? May thanks for this forum ( my first post with words) I finally have the bike i have lusted for after 9 years ( 2000 V11 Sport) and initial feelings are that I am going to be very very VERY happy.
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