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Scura R

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Everything posted by Scura R

  1. I also ride a 1000cc Kawasaki and can roll the throttle on in top gear from 2,000rpm without any "indifference", so I wanted an insight into the experiences of others to validate what I'd been told. Fraser I can do thay with my Scura R too. Had some popping +-3000 when i bought it last year, but after a good balancing/tuning during the winterstorage it pulls from 2000 without problems. It feels strong on low revs, but I usually stay 3000 and up. If it feels strong on low revs, why is it still bad? Mine is all standard. Would like more noise, but otherwise very satisfied.
  2. Hi Looking for one of the v11 fender eliminators that JoeV11/Joe Savino made. How can I get one of these? Shipped to Norway.
  3. Hi Looking for one of the v11 fender eliminators that JoeV11/Joe Savino made. Shipped to Norway.
  4. One cannot buy export plates ( maby also including insurance),like I did in Germany last year?
  5. My Scura R is a 2005 model, made in 2004. Sold new in Germany 2005, I am 3. owner( first owner was http://www.motoguzzi-center-lamparth.de/ ) and I bought it from 2. owner( vielen dank, Fritz!) in Filderstadt(Stuttgart) and rode it to Norway may 2010. Now 27000km. Can this Register( Registry?) be pinned too please!
  6. Thanks!
  7. Charley, what was the partnumber, was it genuine Moto Guzzi and did you get it from your local dealer or an internet shop? I`m thinking maby not all dealers have the larger diameter spring. My 2005 v11 is stored for the winter and the garage will also to do some tuning, checking and greasing. I do filters and oils myself. Maby a good idea to have them change the spring too. Have no idea if it was ever changed by previous owner. Km is now 27.000.
  8. Anybody know if these are any good? I asked if they come with raincover, and seller claim that they are waterproof. http://www.motogiovane.it/skart.php3?art_cod=BB093
  9. Bike is parked in a warm garage for the winter, and skiing is the thing to do around here now. Hope to get a JoeV11 fender eliminator before spring is here again! Hope, hope, hope....
  10. I have these on my v11, and I can see the traffic behind me. http://www.lsl-motorradtechnik.de/php/artikeldetail.php?ID=928&l=de
  11. Want Edge Guard parts and good looking plate holder for original taillight for v11 sport
  12. Got the carbon rear fender from stucchiluigi yesterday, for euro 250-expensive little thing but looks good, also a new red seat(the old one was faded and really orange coloured) for euro 130-a good price I think. Very fast and not so expensive shpping Italy-Sweden( I use my friends address in Sweden a lot when I buy from EC, easier with customs within EC and sometimes much cheaper shipping than to Norway, and I get to ride for pick-up also!). Great company to deal with. No pictures yet, sorry.
  13. The shims did fix it! The lock is now working fine. Just need to paint them black now, to go with the golden bars. Not 100% sure if I`m satisfied with the vibes or not. But the lock is nice when I want to move my right hand, to get the blood circulating.
  14. Is this still available?
  15. Not too much interest for this product I guess I still want one! Let`s hope he already has a long (enough) list...
  16. To all owners that still need to do something with the fender: He`s taking new orders for the next batch and it`s on his list for things to do soon! We need to show JoeV11 that we are many that want his eliminator! I hope it is not only me? Help me convince him to make some more. I like one please!
  17. Looks like there is something wrong with my nr 2 relay base then, it will not take the 5 pin GEI, blown 15a fuse two times.
  18. An update on my Salamander bolt-on set of the throttle lock: Longest rides so far only about an hour. I am not very impressed, they have maby moved the vibes to higher revs. So from about 4000 rpm my hand still try to fall asleep. And I also like looks of the original slimmer weights better! More serious, the lock will not lock properly. I`m waiting for Manic Salamander to reply on my email. Hope it is a faulty part that will be raplaced. Edit: A fix(shims!) is now in the mail I`m told. One or two shims installed under the internal spring inside the lock will make the lock push harder on the grip. One or two weeks and I will know.
  19. Let`s hope the problem is solved. On my California Jackal all the relays were the same, and I changed the Siemens with GEI`s. When I got my v11, it had Tyco relays in nr 1(031131A(V23074) A1001-A403) and 2( 031222A(V23074) A1001-A402), and 3,4 and 5 had Siemens(the one that sometimes is supposed to be bad, productnr ending on 73 I believe). I bought a set of 5 GEI relays just to have some as back-up for the v11. When I tried them, I found out that the Tyco in nr. 2(counting from front) only has 4 pins, and has a different productnumber from the Tyco in nr 1: . I tried to use GEI`s on all 5(nr.2 has 5 pinholes but the relay only 4 pins), but then I blew a 15a fuse. So now I use GEI in all but nr.2, where i use the Tyco. Probably my mistake, but I believe I read somewhere here that many v11 owners bought the GEI`s(or other brands) to get rid of the Siemens, and I never read anything about nr. 2 relay being different. Maby the first series is different from newer bikes? Nice bike by the way! So, we can start the Scura R registry maby? If your red seat, like on my Scura R, is faded from the sun and is now starting to get orange, but only where it`s not covered by the cowl, I found out it is possible to order a new complete genuine red seat from Moto Guzzi on special order for Euro 129,- + euro 23,- for shipping ( ref. 01460581, stucchiluigi.it).
  20. I was thinking used ones, but they`re probably new. Thanks for the info.
  21. I also sent a PM, no answer.
  22. Great video! Is the sound the original black cans, or any mods?
  23. PM sent.
  24. Hi I bought my v11 in south Germany this may and rode it back to Norway. I did not notice any of the sneeze when start riding from Stuttgart( maby because of "new to me" bike riding 800km in very very heavy rain all day for two days, just wanting to get to the ferry in Kiel to warm up. Not a fun ride at all! ), but I did notice when in Norway. Could change in climate and/or perhaps different additives in fuel have anything to say? Anyway. I adjusted the valves too, from 0.10/0.15 to 0.20/0.25 and it raised idling a bit(think I want it a bit higher still) and almost removed sneezes comletely. Sneeze is not a problem now. My sparks now get a dark/black colour, not the light brown. Is that ok? I will use a Moto Guzzi garage to do the rest. What should I ask them to do next? Or, could I just raise the idling myself first, without any balancing first? If yes, how to do? Thanks.
  25. grossohc wrote: "Its in the shade on the back so i doubt anyone would notice it. " Maby not even that it`s carbon! But I will of course tell them. to lemppari: It hardly ever rains in Norway, so a smaller fender is not a problem But probably something to consider. If someone can post a picture of a bike with this carbon fender, please do.
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