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About Randown

  • Birthday 07/04/1963

Profile Information

  • Location
    Long Beach, CA
  • My bike(s)
    '04 Ballabio

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Rookie (1/5)



  1. Hey guys, the Ballabio is sold, I don't think the new owner would mind if I named him since he is a public figure of sorts, his name is Howard-Yana Shapiro. He's a member of the 200 mph (motorcycle) club, owns two V11's already - he say's he like the way they ride, along with dozens other MCs, ten of which are inside his home. And, he's a professor. A real underachiever at 75 years young.
  2. How does Chuck find time to build AP's, travel, wrench & ride? Is there two of you?
  3. I thought the answer to that would have be the same reason it has low miles - ergonomics. That issue may have been resolved & the insulting thing is it was a problem of my own making. Somewhere I had read what the suspension settings should or could be for the bike & I clicked in the settings not giving it a second thought. After some time I noticed a correlation between a sore back & riding the V11. By now I had it in my mind this was a ergo issue. Meanwhile it was easy to just put miles on another bike while I figured out what I wanted to do. Fast forward to today, after actually measuring & setting sag I see the suspension settings were off, way off. Doh! So what's the reasoning now? Two issues as I see it are tipping the scales towards selling. One is I'm splitting assets with the soon to be ex & the other is medical related. Am looking forward to resolving both projects soon.
  4. Thanks Scud, in my mind the V11's are special - they're nice to look at while on a kickstand but with a rider onboard both are elevated next level. The result is greater than the sum. Kinda like the Beatles. The lines + the slightly longer WB visually proportion well. Even the most harshest critics, adolescents, have remarked out of a car window. Millenial SOA types on HDs love it. I guess I don't need to tell you.
  5. Randown


  6. UPDATE $6.9k is the initial ask with the intention of adjusting after some while if it's necessary to meet the market. Posted hi res pic copies. Purchased with 263.0 miles on the odo from OC Harley Davidson in Irvine CA Never down or crashed.
  7. Posted here first, low miles, turn key ready to enjoy, pictures here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApfE3KXJ6gPfhJxiQTteMLTKjDYJhQ?e=FdvDhg Haven't figured on a price yet, will update soon. UPDATE $6.9k is the initial ask with the intention of adjusting after some while if it's necessary to meet the market. Posted hi res pic copies. Purchased with 263.0 miles on the odo from OC Harley Davidson in Irvine CA Never down or crashed. Inquire here or text V VI II VI I IX IV VIII VII IV.
  8. Amazon will ship the barbed fittings, "Brass Fitting Connector Metric M6-1 Male to Barb Fit Hose ID 6mm 2pcs" currently $7.69 for the pair. I have the modified zerk fittings but they are prone to leaking on my setup. Canola cooking oil works fine too in 3/16" hose. If you're in a hurry just spit a mouthful into yer hose & go - no bubbles either.
  9. Fixed an intake leak between the cylinder & the mating manifold piece soon after purchase at 260 miles - that fixed my bikes sneeze 100%. The leak was the result of a factory assembly error. Also, the bolts securing this piece can be longer utilizing MORE of the available threads in the cylinder head. Could be difficult to find, looked fine. Bike went into storage at around 3500 miles , then came back out, a seemingly similar but maybe slightly different symptom I'll characterize as a cough occurred, TPS was at 126MV adjusted to 157 cough gone & smooth running engine. That's my experience fwiw. Great bike, super fun but ergos don't fit me, gonna offer it up soon.
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