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Everything posted by pieman

  1. pieman


  2. Wow...seems like the Metzler is favoured, but I am an old school/center groove kind of guy.....regardless, I agree with you that the tires we have to choose from these days are phenomenal and at certain moments we all "feel like Rossi" when the conditions are perfect!!...
  3. thanks, and I have tried them out as well on another bike, so may go back...found them to be long wearing and grippy in the heat, and best that a tire can be in the wet/cold...
  4. ..thanks for the info, and I think I will just keep it simple for a while and get the PC3 and a shop stand, and fix the speedo....sounds like yours is working ok with a PC, as well as most of the others, so that is plan A ..what tires have you found that the bike likes best?...mine came with Metzlers, and it's time to change....thinking about the Michelin Pilot Road 2's, or Avon Storm's ...yeah, we are looking forward to our Tahoe trip, been 20 yrs or so, and I can still smell the pine trees!!.....the Kootenay area of B.C. is comparable to ride in...cheers for now..
  5. .....no problem flipping the ECU, and the speedo may be a bigger problem..when I took the cable out, the needle (that was sitting at 50mph), only moved slowly down to 20mph...I haven't had a chance to take it out for a ride yet , but will let re-post later.......another question...what is a roper plate and will it make the bike go faster, and I have read another thread regarding the moving of the gas pump/filter ...is that really necessary as well?.... ..ah yes, the Okanagan in summertime...don't think I will take the Guzzi up there this year, as the major holiday is a Lake Tahoe/Sierra mountain ride in Sept on my other marque.. but definitley will be ringing it's little neck here on the island consistently......when did you tour up here last?...
  6. wow, yes, that does help, and I have used PA Speedo before with my '84 Lemans III, and a friend has also had his BMW R100RS speedo done there..good to know that good shops are still around......guess I have a couple of small projects to keep me busy and thanks again for the info....judging by your pic, you must be quite the aviator, or did you really go 100 mph on your Triton!??
  7. ....thanks for the referral to Todd, and I will definitely be ordering one when I get that "you only live once" attitude again!!...and in the meantime, I'll see about the ECU mount. ..I do have a K&N as well, but that will be sorted by the PC I assume....... have you had to replace your speedo cable?..I have 26,000 mi. and it is wildly optimistic, sometimes double, ....I gather the new part # for it is 01760481...
  8. ..thanks for your info and advice guys,...I may try the dealer route to re-map the ECU first....where is the best/cheapest place to buy a PCIII online for this bike?..
  9. I have a silver 2000 V11 Sport with Magni fairing kit, Staintunes, Stucchi, and fresh tune up..it idles great, accelerates great, but seems to surge when just cruising on neutral/slightly negative throttle. It was originally a California bike and wondering if the mix is a bit lean...anyone else have a similiar problem/fix?...in the meantime I will busy switching idle/seat springs!!
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