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  • My bike(s)
    1976 850-T3, 2002 V11 LeMans Tenni

NMPinto's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. For sale 2002 V11 Lemans Tenni No. T122. Basically New Old Stock as bike only has 1975 miles. Comes with both seats, tank bag and Tekno soft bags. Contact Phil at 505-362-2335 in ABQ.
  2. Wanted to let folks know that Tenni #T122 will be for sale at the New Mexico Rally - Guzzi Riders in New Mexico this Saturday. Here is link to MGNOC Rally calendar for location information. http://www.mgnoc.com/rally_calendar.html This Tenni has 1975 miles on the odo and is about as close to NOS as one could get. Comes with both seats, tank bag and the Tekno soft luggage. The engine case black is still perfect and any vehicle in New Mexico just doesn’t rust or corrode. Too dry! If bike doesn’t sell the weekend I will post ad on the MGNOC site in the Classified Section next week.
  3. Howdy Van. You can add #T122 as found here in New Mexico. I rode here in the state with KevinH many moons ago and when he got his Tenni I wanted one just as much. Regrettably I am putting it up for sale and thought I would mention it here first so any one that Knows someone who wants one that has only 1975 miles on it and is still in brand new condition could get first shot. I will post an add for it in the V11LeMans classified section in a couple of days if I don't here of any interest through listing here on the registry forum. Phil in ABQ.
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