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Everything posted by kenm

  1. Hi, I have the tank off of my 2000 V11S to install an FBF airbox eliminator kit. While I was there, I thought that I'd change the fuel filter. The local dealer sold me a Bosch F 5002. It is noticeably smaller than the current fuel filter. In fact, it appears to be small enough that the bands used to mount the fuel filter may be too large. Has anybody used this filter? AFAYK, is it a valid replacement? Thanks in advance for your . Regards, -ken
  2. Hi, I was considering removing the rear cowl of my 2000 V11S. It looks pretty easy except getting at the 2 rear nuts. How do you get at them? I guess that it wouldn't be too bad if you first removed the rear wheel. So, how do you remove the rear nuts to get the cowling free? Regards, -ken
  3. Hi Pascal, I finally got around to removing the existing PCIII Serial and installing my new PCIII USB. You are right, of course. Once I removed the screws that hold the sack, it was easy to grind a slot in the plastic and a matching slot in the fiberglass of the cowl. The cable fits nicely through there and the seat does not pinch it. I kept the sack and cut a slit for the cable. I may later remove it as you did. I haven't decided yet. I looked at removing the cowl, which lead to a newer question from me on this forum. Thanks again, -ken
  4. Hi Al, Actually, the Ohlins forks that come stock on some Guzzis don't have removable fork ends. That's why Paul sold me his forks. He needed different Ohlins forks to have radial calipers. BTW, upgrading to a radial brake master cylinder makes a big difference in braking feel. I would believe that doing that would be a much better upgrade that to radial calipers and it's a whole lot cheaper. As a bonus, you get an infinitely adjustable handle. Regards, -ken
  5. I'll second this suggestion. Just send an email with your question to todd@guzzitech.com and you'll get an answer. Regards, -ken
  6. Salut Pascal, I lived and worked in France in 1986-87. With the help of an online dictionary, I was able to read your excellent description. My French is foutu now, so I'll respond in English, in which you write impreccably. I have a couple of questions: 1. What did you use to cut the hole in the plastic subframe? A dremel tool? 2. From the picture, it doesn't look like the hole is big enough for the connectors. I'm hoping that it really is and that you didn't remove and then reattach the connectors. It didn't sound like it from your description. 3. It looks like the seat can still pinch the cable. Is that the case? Would it be better to have lower hole and run the cable through the subframe? 4. Why did you find it necessary to remove the cloth sack before mounting the box? For the serial PCIII, I just mounted it in the sack. I agree that you would have to make a hole for the cable, so maybe it's better to just remove the entire thing. The box is still protected from water, mud, etc. with the sack removed? Merci bien pour reponder. Regards, -ken
  7. Hi All, I'm about to replace my existing PCIIIserial with a usb model. I mounted the the serial PCIII in the small pocket in the back of the tail section and just ran the cable to it. The cable is pretty thin and only suffered a little pinch by the seat. The cable on the usb model is much thicker. I doubt that I'd be able to latch the seat. My plans are to dremel a notch for the cable to sit in. However, before I start with a power tool, I thought that I'd ask what others have done. I don't want to lose the space to hold my tool pouch so mounting there is only a last option. Thanks, -ken
  8. kenm

    Oooh, nice

    Hi All, I finally finished the Ohlins fork upgrade on my 2000 V11Sport and took it for its first ride today. What a nice improvement. The front end now trackes sharp and/or ripple bumps instead of hitting the top of them like going through whoops on a dirt bike. The bike feels much more stable when leaned over because the forks absorb bumps instead of twisting the tire. Thanks again to all who helped me in one way or another. Special thanks to Paul Minnaert, Mike Stewart and Todd Eagan. Real special thanks to Thang Pham of McMaster-Carr, who sent me new bearings at no cost. Thanks Thang, they were exactly what was needed. I've taken pictures along the way and will be posting a how-to article on www.guzzi-tech.com. This article relies heavily on the work done by people here, especially that found in the "hollow axle" thread. Regards, -ken
  9. I just completed the fork upgrade to Cafe Sport Ohlins forks and am very happy with the results. So the stock forks are now for sale. They are completely stock with 19,500 miles. They have a few minor nicks, etc. but no structural damage. I recently changed the oil. Included (if desired) would be the front axle, inner spacer, washer and nut. The external spacer is not included. Please email me at kmueller@cisco.com or pm me if you are interested.
  10. I don't know how you all get so many miles from a set of tires. I've never gotten more than 3500 miles on any tire on any bike I've owned. On the V11Sport, my tire history has been: tire | front (miles) | rear (miles) ----------------------------------------------------------- oem Pirelli Dragon | 1800 | 2400 Bridgestone BT010 | 2200 | 2600 Bridgestone BT020 | 2400 | 2700 Dunlop D205 | 3000 | 3000 I really like the feel of the D205s on the V11 as compared to the other tires and get the most (but not great) mileage from them. I do sport riding exclusively and do wear the tires to the edge. The edges normally wear before the center. Regards, -ken
  11. I remembered that I just recently bought a cheapo Sears caliper. I just measured the spindle nut and it is 28 mm. I must need more tequila! -ken
  12. Hi All, I'm almost done with the Ohlins fork upgrade. I have the tire mounted on the axle and find that the Ducati 999 nut is larger than any socket or wrench that I have. I need to visit Sears for a new socket. It looks like it's a 28 mm but I'd like to confirm that before buying a socket. Can anybody tell me what size it is? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, -ken
  13. Hey Carl, I haven't been to Modesto in a very long time. Hmm, I wonder if there is a reason for that! Anyway, I hope to see you at the LA and SD rallies this year. Regards, -ken
  14. Hi Paul, Thanks. I had to wait until the week to get metric bolts. Nothing open on a weekend has them in my provincial city. The fender is now mounted. All I have left to do is install the front and rear wheels and I'm ready to test it out. Unfortunately, all the good roads are still closed from the rains we had 2 weeks ago in southern California. I can still find some bumps somewhere to try it out How are your new triple clamps coming along? I haven't seen a recent update. Regards, -ken
  15. Hi All, I finally got everything together and got some time today to install the Ohlins forks on my 2000 V11Sport. Getting the first leg in was difficult until I decided that some shims were in order to spread the triples and clipons. Then it wasn't bad. I shimmed first for the second leg and it just slid in. I reinstalled and tighted all the triple and clipon bolts. The only minor issue is that there really isn't enough surface below the upper triple for the clipon to grab the fork at the lower end. Mike Stewart warned me about this. I just tightened as best I could. Since the clipon also bolts into the bottom of the triple, I think that this will work. If not, I'll be looking for different clipons. Then it came time to install the fender. I had to get a new V11 Cafe Sport fender to fit the new forks, which actually did come from a Cafe Sport. I position it on the forks and see that it's going to fit. Then I go to bolt it into position. Hmm, I can't get the bolt started. So I just try to thread it without the fender. It's too big! I'll have to get Cafe Sport bolts too I guess. Unfortunately Sport Cycle Pacific is closed until the 25th. So I'll be calling Dave on Tuesday. He's taking my old fender. Maybe he'd like to swap bolts! Anyway, I hope to be doing this soon with the new forks. Regards, ken
  16. kenm

    Dog Love

    Hi Dave, Sorry to hear it. My wife and I have seven "children". We are deeply attached to all of them. My condolences. Regards, -ken
  17. I sent you this email, but decided it would be better if the members saw it too : Hi Carl, I see that you are having the slipping with the Pit Bull stand too.. I wonder if we could get a tackier rubber by talking to Charlie. I'll give him a call on Monday. Does the slipping problem occur if the swingarm is clean and dry, or is it only a problem if the swingarm is wet and/or dirty? Regards, -ken
  18. The Ohlins has 9mm more travel than the stock "Sucks" shock. It soaks up bumps much better. Things that used to launch me out of the seat don't any more. The bad thing that an Ohlins rear does is make it obvious how mediocre the stock Marzocchi fork is. I'll start the fork upgrade project just as soon as my ribs heal (Maybe I really am too old to learn to dirt ride ). Regards, -ken
  19. 2 years old. In good shape. I no longer have the box but have the serial cable, documentation and cd-rom. I'm selling this one to upgrade to a USB PCIII. Asking US $180. Free shipping in US else add shipping.
  20. Nope, I'm not sure about the Pirelli's. That was 4 years ago and my memory isn't what it used to be. I thought that they were Corsas, but you could very well be right about them being GTSs. All I know is that they were 170s. The bike handled very strangely with them and at 1800 miles, the front was gone. From there I went to 160 rears and that is a huge improvement. And I still prefer the Dunlops to any of the other tires that I've tried. -ken
  21. On my 2000 V11Sport, I prefer the Dunlop D205 (120/70 front, 160/70 rear). I've tried: Pirelli Dragon Corsa (oem) BT010 BT020 Though they are the least sticky tire here, there is something about them that feels really good to me. I'm by far faster on the Dunlops that I ever was on the others. I have no chicken strips front or rear and only slide when I go through something slippery on the road.
  22. Hi Carl, Thanks. I was hoping that someone here knew. Will you be at the SD Rally next month? If so, I'll see you there. Regards, -ken
  23. Hi All, Up to this point, I've been using the little spool that comes with the V11S stand to hold up the front of the bike when changing the tires. However, I'm about to do a fork swap and would like something more secure. I have Pitbull front stand left over from when I had a Ducati. It looks like I need a #1 pin for the V11S. Before I order one, can anybody verify this? Thanks, -ken
  24. I don't know the answer to your questions. Maybe Paul, Mike or someone else can answer them. I'll email you my address. -ken
  25. Gee, thanks! Here is the necessary size / type: 52x25x15mm / 6205 - 2rsi I need two sets, one for each side of the wheel. However, this is a well-known upgrade. Mike Stewart has done it to his V11S. I'm getting the forks from Paul Minnaert, who had done the same upgrade with them. Just search for the "hollow axle" thread to read about it. Regards, -ken
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