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Everything posted by GreasyDave

  1. GreasyDave


  2. Probably?? No, hands down....it's ugliness even surpasses the legendary ugliness of the Kymko cruiser line!!
  3. I originally bought my 04 LeMans as a long distance tourer, and found I could ride it all day quite nicely, till it decided to quit, usually in states far away with no Guzzi dealer around, or way to get parts. U-Hauls get quite expensive...... Although I am keeping the LeMans because I love it, I now have addes a Suzuki SV1000S to the stable, and am VERY happy with it. I modified my Teckno mounts from the LeMans to fit the Suzuki, fabricated a quick release tailbag platform from the stock Suzuki grab rail, and added a Corbin seat, and I now have almost ferocious V-Twin power, a sporty yet extremely comfortable riding position, a bulletproof motor, a dealership/parts supplier in every town, (not that I should need it) good looks in a bike, and still ride something a bit different than you see everyday. Sadly they have decided to quit making this model, but I love it so much I'm tempted to buy another and just pack it away for when this ones worn out!! Oh, and theres usually a ton of em for sale on E-Bay at great prices too ! (avoid the 03 models)
  4. Oh yes, I forgot to mention... My idle is at 1200 RPM, but give the info that they may be misleading, I mentioned i may bump it up. However, as all is well, I recon I will leave it for now.... all is well charging and oiling wise !
  5. Thank you as well RH, for taking the time to look up this info as well, and post it for me, and, as stated in your last FWIW paragraph, that is EXACTLY what I am experiencing, and I can make it (the bad rumblings) go away at will, with 2 more quick pulls on the lever. I now feel I have a better understanding of whats goin on, and again, am sorry for having possibly caused an "E-Fued" at the expense of wanting to learn... but really, from what I've read here, I will assume all is well with my bike, and I'm very happy to have set my mind at ease.....for now.... because it never really ends...does it? Again, much thanks to both of you, I look forward to more advice again someday, when the next issue rears its ugly head.... shouldnt be more than a week or two, I suspect
  6. Thank you Very Much Greg, this is EXACTLY what I am experiencing, every pull of the lever gives one of three different sounds when released 1) smooth and purring along beautifully 2) like the gears are all rattling together 3) like a severe rod knock 4) back to smooth. Operation of clutch is perfect in all regards, so I'll just chalk it up to "nature of the beast" Thank you for taking the time to answer me, I do appreciate it, and am truly sorry this had to be the cause of an argument between you two guys, I know you both wanted to help. I feel a lot better about this (non) issue now!
  7. Ok..well, now I am a bit more confused, ..... but, I still have questions...Because I have never taken apart a MG clutch. HD and Triumph, yes, plenty, but never MG. Greg, you say this is completely normal, nothing to worry about, That would be great!! However, I am concerned as to why the sound is now more pronounced than when new. I do not do any throttle jacking, and most of my downshifting is very smooth and easy. I have riden her a little rougher whon my 5 or so trips across west virginia (RT 250, great road) but generally it has been ridden very gentle. Could you please try to explain to me what is going on thats making the noise, and is it a danger to my motor? I have seen both HD and triumph clutch baskets with the grooves completely hammered, but never have they rattled the gearbox this way. Any suggestions would still be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  8. Cool, Thanks for answering guys, and taking the trouble to look it up as well ! So, I should assume that its getting a bit noisier because there is some wear as the miles build up, but nothing to worry about yet? For what its worth, I live in the city, (LOT'S of traffic lights) and have gotten in the habit of not putting bike in neutral till a car has saftely stopped behind me, because I have been rear ended before, (seen it coming in mirror) , but was unable to get it in gear and get out of the way in time. Probably because I was staring in the mirror in disbelief !!!, but just as much to do with i was on a 46 Knucklehead with a foot clutch and tank shifter.... Anyways, I will perhaps bump up the idle a bit, and start using neutral more often! Thanks again, Dave
  9. Hello all, I am a new member, and have a question for you...regarding my 04 Lemans. First off, I would like to say this is a great forum, I am so glad to have found it. My LeMans has had about 20 assorted problems so far, and I have found documented cases here of almost every one of them, and often a remedy or easy fix. What a relief! Ok, heres the deal...... My Lemans shifts, runs, and engages/disengages the clutch smooth as silk..... no problems there.... but litterally, with every pull of the clutch lever (in neutral, idling) the motor tone changes (not rpm). Initial start will be a smooth running motor, (pull lever and release) sounds like excessive rattling of the gearbox, (pull and release lever again) and it sounds like a lower end rod knock...alarmingly loud !! Pull and release lever again, and its a smooth as silk motor again. This has not affected performance in any way, nor does it make funny noises going down the road, but its a new issue that has never happened before. Could it just be clutch splines getting worn? Something worse? Normal? Bike has 18K on it. The other 19 problems have all been sorted so far, many with help from lurking around this forum, thank you! Any advice would be appreciated ! Dave
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