Thanks for your info. Mr Claret!
I thought that all R.M.'s originally came with a number,even the ones with national flags on the sidepanels instead of numbers.
I wonder if it would be possible to work out the approx. number of mine from the chassis no.,and would you (or anyone else) know how you could go about getting a replacement certificate?
I've onle had the bike since the beginning of November, so have only done a few miles on it,but that does n't matter much as I spend all my time just looking at it,dreaming of warmer weather.(on sad guy,eh?)
I have been out a few times this winter on my Cali.Vintage, but even with a screen it was still too cold.I'am seriously considering buying a Norge.Anyone know anything good or bad about them?
my chassis no. is zgukr 00001m114625
many thanks,Roo.