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Everything posted by Bogwopit

  1. Thanks for the info.GN. I agree, your cans installation looks fantastic. I'll be going to the Classic Show at Stafford, so I think I,ll take you up on your offer.Give me a call on 07985 015070, if you don't mind, and i'll arrange to ride up and visit you. Thanks again,it's very good of you to offer. many thanks, Andy Roo.
  2. Hi Nikki,welcome aboard.

  3. Thanks Guy, I,ll contact mistral monday a.m. Andy.
  4. Hi,Y'all, would anyone be able to tell me the name of a local Mistral Exhaust dealer in the U.K.? Also, how can I use all these smiley faces etc. in my posts?I'am a computer gumbie. many thanks, Andy Roo.
  5. Thank you, Max. Andy Roo.
  6. Thanks Orson. Andy Roo.
  7. I wonder if anyone out there knows how many of each model [scura,Rosso Corsa,etc] were produced? I'am pretty sure they made 600 Rosso Mandello's and 122 Coppa Italia's but those are the only ones I think I know. Andy Roo.
  8. What sort of pie?
  9. Thanks for the info. I'll do the same as you and get my forks to maxtons sometime in May.I'am going to get mine gold passivated first.I can't get hold of a set of Ohlins but hopefully they will look similiar. Thanks, Andy Roo.
  10. My nearest M.G. dealer,SPEEDAWAY M/CYCLES,Black Heath.Birmingham. Don't know what the general reputation is like but as my closest dealer I spend a lot of time there and get all my parts from them.They are v.friendly and a good laugh as well. Andy Roo.
  11. Any suggestions as to which model flywheel would fit o.k.? Andy Roo.
  12. Many Thanks for all the info. everyone.Most helpful. Would you happen to have a contact no. e.t.c. for Maxtons,Guy? I think I'll go down that road; it's far easier than trying to sort things out myself. Andy Roo.
  13. Liverpool to Belfast. Getting in to Belfast Friday 6.30a.m. Can you suggest anywhere for breakfast? Wife,kids and Mother all coming over by car and staying near Rostrevor for the week.I'll spend time with them after leaving the Guzzi crew still have n't decided which bike to come on yet.I'll see what the Griso is like, but fancy coming in style on the Vintage. Andy Roo.
  14. Being particularly thick I've tried to understand the majority of the above posts re. clutch noise and have to confess that I,am still non the wiser.I,am pretty new to the forum and still don't know if some people are being serious or merely taking the piss out of one another.Probably a little from column A and a little from column B. Just to give my non technical findings, my '03 LeMan is quite noisy,my '01 Rosso Mandello is very noisy,my '07 1500mile California Vintage is slightly noisy and my '88 136000 mile BMW R100RT is silent.I don't get my new Griso 8v until tomorrow so I can't comment on it.As far as I'am concerned the Guzzi's may be noisy but that's what makes them feel alive.The BM's good but it's just a bike. For all you techie types out there-if i was to make a heavier thicker flywheel would this reduce the clutch noise and make the motor smoother? If so give me some dimensions and I'll make a new flywheel and try it out. greetings from planet Earth, Andy Roo.
  15. Hi Belfast, been let off the leash for a while so put me down for 3 nights, in the Hostel or B&B. I,am not fussed.Let me know when you want a deposit. Many thanks, Andy Roo.
  16. Hi everyone, been out on the R-M today.Got wet and cold but now feel alive again! Can't wait for slightly warmer weather then I can forget the four wheels for another glorious(?} summer.Riding again has reminded me to as a question regarding the front end handling of the v11.The front end on my R-M and 03 Le Man feel heavy and lifeless.They both have standard tyre sizes and the correct pressures.I've tried varying the damper settings including no damping at all.As it is it does n't give me much confidence when cornering, especially in the wet. Has anyone got any idea how to lighten it or is it just how it's supposed to be? To me they both seem to be lower at the front end but this could just be a consequence of the clip-on handlebars. many thanks, Andy Roo.
  17. Hi Guy, just tried to make a donation but I don't know if I've been successful. Could you check and let me know? Good Luck with the weight loss, Andy Roo.
  18. Many Thanks for the info. Willy. The dealer did say that there was no controller fitted in the dash even tho, the factory disagreed.It seems they are right. Andy.
  19. Many thanks Belfast, I,ll wait and see what turns up.I've ridden for 32years without heated grips so I suppose I,ll manage for a while longer. Andy Roo.
  20. Hi all, anyone know about fitting heated grips(factory)to a Griso? I asked the dealer to fit some to my new bike expecting no problem as I know they are sold for Norge,1200 Sport,Cali. and Breva. Indeed the dealer at first said the 1200Sport ones would fit.They tried but found no in-built wiring and controls on the bike.They contacted the factory and were told that the 1200Sport ones would fit, but clearly they won,t, or rather they will fit but won,t be heated! Perhaps someone has found a way to fit a set. Any knowledge of this Mr Belfast? Andy Roo.
  21. Oops, Just seen Stockport Claret has bike #20 with Union Flags on the side so that can't be my number. Never mind. The search continues......... Andy.
  22. Hi Crawsure, nice to hear from you.I saw your R.M. on E.BAY.Your a lot braver/hardier than me to take it out in this weather. I'am afraid I know very little about the numbering sequence;I thought the first 300 were numbered on the sidepanel and the following 300 were just marked with the flag of the country of sale,however i have heard from people with 'flagged' bikes but with numbers below 300 so it seems the numbering starts again . If your bike has a number the same as mine just 3 numbers later then mine could possibly be #20.
  23. Bogwopit

    paint codes

    Hi all, no paint codes yet. I asked my local dealer for them so they asked the Guzzi factory.They replied by asking for a chassis no. so does anyone know the range of chassis no's relating to the Coppa Italia? Thanks, Roo.
  24. Bogwopit

    paint codes

    Hi all. Have finally given up trying to find a Coppa Italia in the U.K. so gonna do next best thing and paint a V11 in the same colour scheme. I wonder if anyone out there has the correct paint codes or names. cheers Roo.
  25. Thanks for your info. Mr Claret! I thought that all R.M.'s originally came with a number,even the ones with national flags on the sidepanels instead of numbers. I wonder if it would be possible to work out the approx. number of mine from the chassis no.,and would you (or anyone else) know how you could go about getting a replacement certificate? I've onle had the bike since the beginning of November, so have only done a few miles on it,but that does n't matter much as I spend all my time just looking at it,dreaming of warmer weather.(on sad guy,eh?) I have been out a few times this winter on my Cali.Vintage, but even with a screen it was still too cold.I'am seriously considering buying a Norge.Anyone know anything good or bad about them? my chassis no. is zgukr 00001m114625 many thanks,Roo.
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