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Bjor last won the day on July 27 2014

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  • My bike(s)
    V11 LM Rosso Corsa, Griso 1200 8V Tenni, Cali Vintage, Cali II w/sidecar, Le Mans 992, Breva 750

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  1. No not really, but since I had a pump and some filters among my spare parts, I changed them both plus the mesh filter. I also renewed the hoses and clamps. Since it was impossible to get the unit back in place inside the tank (probably due to slightly diffent shape of the new filter), I decided to put the fuelfilter on the outside below the tank. It seems to work fine. Also getting the unit back into the tank was now much easier.
  2. Yes of course, ordinairy hoses are only petrol proof on the inside... Thanks for reminding me .
  3. Well, I have Le Mans Rosso Corsa, my son has a Scura, and I've sold a Rosso Mandello to a guy up North. So there are at least three that he does not own...
  4. Thanks for good advise everyone! I'll start with a good clean up of the electrics mentioned, and change the filter. I know I have a repair set for the pump somewhere. I'll check what it repairs, and find out if that could make the pump last longer. If the loud buzz is not gone after this, I'll get a new pump. I will also check if the filter could be put somewhere outside the tank, anyone tried that?
  5. The fuel pump of my 2007 Cali Vintage has started to sing a bit too loud. So far it's working as it should, but I am worried that this is a warning signal that it will soon call it a day... Does anyone have any experience on this?
  6. Rosso Corsa in Norwegian sunset.
  7. Bjor


  8. Almost two years with the PR4 on my Rosso Corsa now, and i'm very pleased. Performs well in all situations and wears out in a nice and even manner. My son has PR3 on his Scura. They are also good, but the PR4 are better. Worth the price difference...
  9. Most probably you are right regarding the GTs giving you a harsher ride. There is probably a reason why Michelin came with the PR4 so shortly after having launched the PR3. Some testers were more satisfied with the PR 2 than the PR3... I have used the PR 4 for almost two seasons now and am very pleased with them. Smooth and comfortable and very reliable regardless of weather conditions. In my opinion the PR4 is worth the little extra
  10. I seem to recall a test where the tester preferred the PR2 to the PR3. Maybe Michelin found some important room for improvement...
  11. Jacta alea est... I have ordered the Pilot Road 4, standard version (since I found out that this is recommended for the Griso). The reason is the outstanding test results this tire gets on wet and slippery roads (painted stripes, etc), even better than the Angel GT... I have previously had the PR2s, and I also found them a bit too hard. The PR 4 tires however, are using a dual compund technology with softer compound on the sides, and the rear tire also has a center line of hard compound for long milage. Anyway, I am sure both tires are more than good enough for me and my riding, - time will show...
  12. My Rosso Corsa need new shoes... I have sort of settled for the new Pilot Road 4 from Michelin, but cannot find any guide telling me if the V11 LeMans should have the Standard or the GT version. The GT version is ment for heavier and powerful bikes such as the BMW R 1200RT, which comes with the GT as standard equipment. The dry weight of the BMW is the same as the Rosso Corsa. The wet weight of the BMW is as much as 52 kg more than its dry weight, and since I never ride with a passanger, I feel that my RC might fall into the Standard group and not the GT... Anyone with experience (or qualified opinions) here? An excellent alternative is of course the Pirelli Angel GT...
  13. John and his shop is still around and active. I'm at the moment waiting for a parcel with a new alu-tank for my old tonti LeMans.
  14. Agree! This switch will be worn down by the time anyway. Usually the first sign is that the neutral light comes and goes for a periode, and then remains dead. The switch is inexpensive and easy to change. Just remember to lean the bike to the right while the switch is changed, to prevent gear oil from running out...
  15. My guess is that on hot days when driving slowly, the engine/cross over gets so hot that the grease on the pivot bolt of the shifter lever floats away, leaving the bolt dry or too thin to work properly. Remove the lever, clean the parts and grease the bolt with hight quality grease. Even better is to drill a hole in the lever and mount a grease nipple so that you later can easily lube the bolt without removing the lever.
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