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Everything posted by Banco

  1. Banco


  2. Great idea- i'm in for a set for my ,04 Ballabio cheers Terry
  3. will keep you posted
  4. Hi MArkS, thank for the offer. Where are you located? BTW love the tenni

  5. Thanks for the quick replies gentlemen
  6. Thanks for the quick replies gentlemen
  7. Hi all, Can anyone suggest what clip ons would fit a '04 ballabio. I like the riding position of the scura (the old ones not the scura R). Thanks in advance- ride on
  8. Nice bike- congratulations. Those cans look like they are the mistral round aluminium slip ons. There is an insert that can be removed from the tip of the muffler this will make them louder. I have the same ones on my ballabio, I also went with pod filters (because they look cool) but it did mess the fueling up on the bike. After lots of trial and error trying to tune the bike I added a mistral cross over and it now runs well and is also a bit louder - bhut not too loud in my opinion.
  9. Thanks the bike is back together and working well. Except for unstable idle...... 2800 rpm sneeze....
  10. Hi all - I own a '04 Ballabio it has been a pleasure to ride - although not without the standard guzzi hicupps. Recently the pawl spring in the gearbox selector broke. So... I am not very good mechanicaly but I thought that I would give things a go and replace pawl spring. I have done this and now reassembeld the selector, it looks as though it is all aligned and set up correctly and operates correctly. My problem when the spring broke my ballabio was stuck in 2nd or 3rd, I could not shift it at all to find neutral so I took the selector assembly of with the gear box in gear. My plan was to select neutral by sliding the forks in the gearbox into position before reassembly. The major flaw in my plan is that i don't know where the forks should go! (I assumed that the position would be obvious or that there would be some alignment marks) How can I tell if the bike is in neutral or if it is in between gears? Thanks in advance for your advice.
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