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ScuRoo last won the day on January 15 2024

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  • Location
    Great Southern Land
  • My bike(s)
    Scura R 2005

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  1. Top 5? Without having previously ridden any I’ve tried to crack that nut! • Any V11 equipped with the 15RC ECU and Ohlins • V50 Monza (add PJI plugs) • Quota 1100es • V65 TT • pending production I know what I want so I’m patiently waiting… If it has to be reduced to just one - it’ll be the Scura R
  2. Scrawling FB this popped up - so had to share this bit of history here.. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1FCuz7JRdQ/?mibextid=wwXIfr I’ve also got a V65TT btw 👍😎
  3. ScreenRecording_01-24-2025 08-50-05_1.mov 👏👏👏 Outstanding 🇺🇸
  4. https://off-guardian.org/2025/01/17/watch-car-freedom-solutionswatch/ Watch this short (half an hour) interview with James Corbett. No idea to what extent the car journalist libertarian is aware of the wider threat but he’s absolutely on point about automotive surveillance and remote control.
  5. If government isn’t telling the truth - anyone who spills the beans on government is in ‘hero’ territory up there with Julian Assange 👍😎
  6. No doubt that’s said tongue in cheek with an “I’ll be right Jack” attitude but it’s not a world I’d wish for my kids and potential grandies to live in All these changes can conceivably be useful tools in the hands of a controlling totalitarian regime (there’s been plenty of those over the last hundred years so it is feasible) I’m sick of all this effectively stripping away of freedoms and enjoyment of life and imposition of constant government intrusion in your face Being a white privileged man I’m consciously misappropriating the cry, “I can’t breathe.. I can’t breathe.. I can’t breathe!” But there you have it. The restrictions even apply to voicing an opinion now As for me - I will not comply
  7. I like this YouTuber, who is an Englishman living in Australia and who is an engineer & a lawyer. I cannot tell if he’s awake, even to the global climate boiling change nonsense. However, he is spot on about the impossibility of moving everybody to EVs. Important to remember that the phrase "By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy"? Did you think that the global publicity for this, essentially code for the United Nations "Agenda 21" & their "Sustainable Development Goals", is a bluff? I don't.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCh1iGmS1-3/ 👆This is very interesting as well as troubling. You’ll hear that the digital aspects of mechanical devices like cars, farm machinery and of course mobiles etc are not owned by you, even when you’ve signed a document entitled “Sales agreement”. Well, the object may well be yours, but the software, without which it won’t operate at all, is only licensed by you. This may not have been a long run conspiracy but a consequence of increasing technological advances that require complex software to diagnose, set up and fix problems. There are a number of problems flowing from this. First, diagnosing and repairing cars and farm machinery, even basic servicing like oil changes, cannot be done without proprietary information & connection to the manufacturers systems. This is anti-competitive because often you can only have certain tasks done by authorised dealerships, who might go out of business and in any case will charge more. Next, theoretically (& surmised practically) the thing you thought you owned can be disabled remotely, or you could be denied it’s used under specified circumstances, like location, time of day, the user and numerous other factors. Also, if you don’t own aspects of the object you thought you’d purchased, it’s speculated that a Great Taking scenario might apply in the event of a large enough default on debt obligations by the licence holder of your equipment. It’s not necessary to seize your property in order to deprive you of it. When we drive or ride modern vehicles, lack of privacy is inherent in the always-online aspects of recent vehicles. If your dashboard continually displays the prevailing speed limit, interpret that as a connected vehicle & potentially subject to remote interference. It’s unclear how far back you need to go in order to be sure your vehicle operates when you alone elect to use it. Meanwhile, if you enjoy privacy, ride your carbureted Guzzi and leave your mobile device behind. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCh1iGmS1-3/
  9. ScuRoo

    Happy xmas all

    Hallelujah! It’s certainly an exciting and fantastic time to be alive! Those of us fortunate enough to be alive and healthy! Apologies to the group for my 2024 lack of presence. I’ve been busy renewing my mind - a riveting and competing passion! 🤣 Looking forward to following on from Downunder Bobby Kennedy and his MAHA efforts after January 2025 Happy revolutions and keep the wheels down… In wrapping up - here in Australia the WA government are soon to be implementing the toughest gun laws in the country - Canada facing a similar push - so those of you who enjoy hunting fill your stockings with guns and ammo! Freedoms being whittled away. G’day and Merry Christmas one and all! 🎄 🇦🇺 🍻👍😎
  10. Gears Are Good: a pictorial case for gears In keeping with the D-Day anniversary, here is an archive photo of the valve-timing gears from the Bristol Hercules radial engine. This was a 14-cylinder two-row radial sleeve aero engine produced by the Bristol Engine Company starting in 1939. It powered the Bristol Beaufighter heavy fighter, and was commonly used on British bombers at the time. This engine was designed on drawing boards, using manual drawing instruments and 2D orthogonal projections. No 3D solids, no CAD simulations to check for geometric interference.
  11. ScuRoo

    ECU talk

    If it’s O2 sensor equipped - when operating in closed loop it will always eventually optimise fuelling to stoichiometric ratio of approx 14.7:1 even if you free up the breathing. As soon as you crack open the throttle it’ll be into open loop by which although a generally richer air fuel mixture from factory you can focus on changing and optimising to suit your mods and performance tastes. After my own experience on my bike - I now would always start by upgrading the O2 sensor for a quality, sensitive (as in quick-changing) sensor first. And proceed from that starting point onwards
  12. Spent 10 ripping days zigzagging from Biarritz on the Atlantic across the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean on my Scura R with a couple of English mates where we discovered Carajillo after Foie Gras to power the nights. Lucky to get a few hours morning sleep in a hammock. Outstanding! Politically correct is caving to the vagaries of over bloated offence. Stuff ‘em Vive la Basque!🪿
  13. This world in my hand dissolves when riding thru the bush in the hills to the syncopated beat - pulling into a no reception pub my pint filled hand soon becomes more than the sum of its parts In reality it’s a lovely break… from the matrix! My Guzzi rides are my grounding Cheers 🍺
  14. Locally? Dystopian Downunder substack and Aussie17 #1 by a country mile? Ex- Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon
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