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Everything posted by billsv11

  1. billsv11


  2. I hate to do it but I am forced to sell my immaculate v11 sport having just bought a new house and a baby on the way. I have a 2002 Honda rc51 that I just cant part with so the Guzzi has got to go It is stock except for the bar end mirrors with almost 17k miles on the clock. I am starting it at $5500 OBO. If anyone is interested please feel free to email me at bernard_bill1001@live.com. I was thinking of listing it on ebay as well, but would prefer to not deal with the hassle. I am located in Seattle, WA. Anyone think ebay is a good route to go? -Bill Bernard
  3. I have a 01 V11 sport, and was reading all this talk about red framed V11's. What exactly is the difference? Sorry to change the subj btw. -Bill
  4. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/FilterXRef.html. Very useful page
  5. Dont shoot me down for this but I just changed my oil in my v11 and used the Wally World (Supertech), and i have to concur it is much easier to just drop the pan. Plus you get to clean out any gunk and the mesh filter element. I am actually a fan of these filters, i have used them for some time (10k mi) on my Honda rc51. My father has used these for years and has over 35k mi on his Honda superhawk (super chicken) with no problems. I do however need to keep a few gaskets on hand, I just so happened to get lucky this last time.
  6. Sounds like a plan to me! I have been having so much fun riding the v11 I havent touched my rc51 in weeks.
  7. Kinda what i was thinking but just wanted to be sure. Im sure it will run hotter soon as summer comes around in eastern washington and temps get over 100 F =)
  8. While checking the valves I notice a deposit on the valve cover the was thick and kind of a light brown color. Any idea what this might indicate? I was thinking condensation and the crankcase not breathing correctly,
  9. Thanks!
  10. Going to replace all fluids and was noticing in the service manual that there seems to be a friction modifier of some sort needed in the rear gearbox. What does everyone use?
  11. Well iv always done all my own work on my vehicles and enjoy it. If you can see from my horrible pic theres a rc51 in the background that takes damn near tearing the bike down to adjust the valves. Im looking forward to working and tinkering on the v11! And i appreciate the warm welcome!
  12. The Bike is pretty much like new! Has a brand new set of pilot road 2's and new rear wheel bearings. I would love to hit that road but unfortunatly im in washington state. Plenty of great roads here as well though.....North Cascades highway being among my favorites. One question: I would like to change the oil and wondering what filter to use?
  13. Not the greatest pic but there she is
  14. Nope found it in Anacortes Washington, a few miles from where i live. Im having some problems uploading pics at the time bc all my photos are too large but will def post some soon! Paid 5500 with 16k miles. Sound like a decent price?
  15. Just added her to my collection yesterday. Just thought id say Hi and introduce myself. Didnt plan on purchasing a bike yesterday but went to get a front tire changed on the rc51 yesterday from my local mech and he was selling this bike for a friend. Rode it...always wanted one and ended up going home with it.
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